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Jowhar oo ay maxkamadaha la wareegen

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Johnny B   

I naturally am not for a Taliban Somalia , but i gather the era of warlordism is over in the land of clan H.

In my view this is a worse obstacle for the TFG in general and for Col Yey in particular.


In this very juncture, i support the TFG and anybody who stands for secular Somalia including Col Yey.


I don´t beleive it was smart move from the TFG's warlord parliament to have voted YES for foreign troops at these sensitive times, i would like to see Somalis make up first, but now that they´ve voted , it´ll be intresting to see how it ends.


It seems that Baydhabo is gonna be the battle ground.

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Secular Somalia? I despise that term, Somalia is a Muslim nation, our faith is part of our very identity and what makes us different from our neigbours.


The TFG is not a secular entity, but made up of clans who happen to be all Muslim.


I do not belive these courts are the sole representatives of the Islamic movements of Somalia. There are many question marks on their agenda, are they clan, religious, or a group of individuals with power as their main concern.


The demise of the warlords is most welcome. And I doubt that Baidoa will be atatcked or can be attacked by these courts..

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With the mass supporters everywhere , what is happening is revolution, and Baidoa can never resist what is coming to them,I hope they make a deal with Maxkamadaha before it is too late.


My heart is with Maxakiimta, God bless them.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Secular Somalia? I despise that term, Somalia is a Muslim nation, our faith is part of our very identity and what makes us different from our neigbours.


The TFG is not a secular entity, but made up of clans who happen to be all Muslim.


I do not belive these courts are the sole representatives of the Islamic movements of Somalia. There are many question marks on their agenda, are they clan, religious, or a group of individuals with power as their main concern.


The demise of the warlords is most welcome. And I doubt that Baidoa will be atatcked or can be attacked by these courts..

100% with you this

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Johnny B   

Originally posted by General Duke:

Secular Somalia?

The TFG is not a secular entity, but made up of clans who happen to be all Muslim.


The TFG is made up of clans who happen to be Somalis and agreed to govern themselves on a Secular charter that they´ve negociated, not the "Sharia law" , though they´re all Muslims, DUH. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Secular Somalia? I despise that term, Somalia is a Muslim nation, our faith is part of our very identity and what makes us different from our neigbours.


The TFG is not a secular entity, but made up of clans who happen to be all Muslim.


I do not belive these courts are the sole representatives of the Islamic movements of Somalia. There are many question marks on their agenda, are they clan, religious, or a group of individuals with power as their main concern.


The demise of the warlords is most welcome. And I doubt that Baidoa will be atatcked or can be attacked by these courts..

Don't ever try to misrepresent the fact that your ailing uncle is the worst example of secular government wished for somalia by its bloody enemy. The builders of your uncle's administration were the likes of Qanyare, Suudi Yalaxow, Caato and others who embody the opposite of what Islam stands for. Therefore, the Islamic forces you always suspect of clannish motives should deal with in an effort to save the Somali public from the calamity of secularizing our country.

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Maxkamaduhu waxay gaareen hadeer guul la taaban karo, waana rag runtii, ilaa hadeer lagu amaani karo in ey yihiin tabdiil boqolkiiba-shan-iyo-toban dhaamaan warlord-dii dhulka calaamaday, faquuqay, oo kala goosgoostay. Guushii shalay iyo maantay oo Jowhar ilaa Mahadaay waxay ahayd 'attack' well planned ah oo kolay mudda laga shaqeynayey oo miidiyaha iyo dadka laga qarinayey in muda ah (i wonder what esle is already planned?surprise ha la fisho). ayadoo guusha maxkamadaha ey tahay arin lagu farxo bey hadana taxadar iyo talo u baahantahay. waxaana is leeyahay arintu xaga maamulka bey u badantahay. Maxkamaduhu waxaan is leeyahay haba sida ey uga jawaabaan qodobada hoose iyo kuwa la midka ah in ey ku xirnaan doonto guulaha danbe oo ey soo hoyiyaan. haday ku margatana waa ayaga iyo allahood. smile.gif



1. maamul ma jiraa dhisan oo dhexdooda aha oo shaandheysan, kala dambeyn iyo is daba ool ah

2. ujeeda sare oo ey ka leeyihiin ma jirtaa xarbigaan ama Somalia (shariifku wuxuu yiri dadka baa xukunka iska leh, laakiinse jowharba weerari meyno buu yiri?)

3. ma ka fakareen cawaaqibta iyo masaa'ibaadka uga imaan kara gudaha iyo dabada, iyo wiliba dhexdooda (basically ma taariikheysanyihiin, do they know the past, Puntland iyo Boosaaso, Afqaanistaan iyo ciraaq, etc.)

4. maxay Yuusuf Indha-madoobe ka sameyn; ma mujaahid baa mise mahlako, ma maamul jiraa mise maquuniye-masaakiin. waxaan u maleynayaa Indha-madoobe hadii garwadeen laga dhigto in uu mudanayaasha barlamaanka Baydhabo jooga uu u maleeyo maleeshiyaad beeleed oo gaashaaman. smile.gif


kolay 'challenges' intaa ka badan baa heysta, ayageena u taalaa in ey ka fakaraan sidii xal siman oo saawi ah looga gaari lahaa arimahaan iyo kuwa ka daran oo ku soo wajahan. maxkamaduhu kor iyo hoose Jowhar in ey ku duulaan way ahayd oo M. Dheere kor dagaan, maadaama u ahaa cadow cadaystay in u argagixo bas dagaal kula jira ma ahane in uu islam-ka xataa duulaan ku ahaa. anigu en ey maxkamaduhu Jowhar dhaafaan ma aaminsani 'unless' loo yeerto. Aniga oo ka shakisan quwadooda ma ahane lakiinse bal inta la hayo ha la meel mariyo, naftiis daryeelaa tu kalana ku dara. consolidation than expansion! should be the next phase.


soomaali siyaasadeed, saacadan waa ka dhaqsa badantahay~

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War fiican weeye kaasi.


Inta ay jiraan hay'ado ku andacoonayya inay argagaxisa islaami ah la diri-rayaan taageerana ka haysta dawlada shisheeye, Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah xil weyn oon ahayn inay is difaacaan ma saarna. Kuma eedaysna inay ciddii ay hiil iyo hoo ka heli karaan ay ka qaataan si ay uga hortagaan ragga iimaanka beelay ee hadda damcay inay Soomaalida dhoofiyaan. Inta qatar noocaas ahi jirto shacbiyaddoodu daakhil iyo dibad ba waa kordhaysa. Kuwa ku wardinayya Indha-cadde ma lala diriro waxay u baahanyihiin inay xaqiiqadaa siyaasadeed fahmaan. Mudnaanta waxaa leh in marka hore lays raaciyo nimankan warlordska ah ee hadda usoo jeestay inay dadka islaamka ah dhoofiyaan sidii xoolihii.


Markase qatartaasi meesha ka baxdo, sida haddab saansaankeedu muuqdo, waxaa la gaarayaa xiliggii la ogaanlahaa in maxkamaduhu siyaasiyan qaangaar yihiin iyo inkale. Waxaa caddaanaysa inay u bisilyihiin inay arrimaha kala hormariyaan. Waxaa looga fadhiyaa inay sameeyaan maamul midaysan oo magaaladu yeelato. Waxaa laga rabaa inay ciidamadooda ka miiraan jabhadaha sumcad xumadu koonfurta u taal oo lagu bartay inay muslimka guryahooda, beerahooda, iyo magaalooyinkoodaba xalaalaystaan. Waxaa kale oo laga rabaa inay TFG da la falgalaan kana qaybqaataan dib usoo noolaynta dawladnimadda Soomaaliya.


Ilaa hadda waxay soo hooyeen guulo la taabankaro. Waxay muujiyeen inay danaynaayaan inay wadahal lagalaan Dawladda ku meel gaarka ah. Haddaad udhabba gashana Maxakamaduhu waxay u muuqdaan niman yaqaan waxay rabaan. Runtiina oday Cabdulle iyo raggiisu weeye kuwa iminka u eg rag dayeysan oo waa cusub u beryey. Waxaa jawwiga sii xumeeyey ciidamaan shishiiyee ee uu intaa daba socdo. Sadexsano ku dhawaadbaa buu ku qarwayey waxaan kala qaybsanaan ahayn oo uu ka helayna ma jiraan. Bal muu ka haro!


Maxkamaduhu waa inay Dawladda u galaan laba maadaba: waa tan hore waxay dawladda ka galayaan oo gabbaad uga dhiganayaan dawladaha kale ee bahalloobay ee hadda usoo tafa-xaytay inay muslimiinta ugaarsadaan. Yaa wadaad xildhibaan ah ama wasiir ah Qanyare usoo diri kara :D !


Waa tan labaade, inay Dawladdaan galaan waxay u noqonaysaa jaranjaro siyaasadeed oo ay ku tafaan qaranimadda Sooamaaliya saasna kusii siqaan. Waxay noqonkartaa muftaax ay si waasac ah ugu furtaan hoggaanka Soomaaliya (Muqdisho kaliya maaha!) guud ahaan.


Su'aasha is weydiinta mudani waa: TFG du ma doolarkii Qanyare ka cararay :D bay America ka qaadan doontaa mise fursaddan bay ka faaidaysan doontaa oo maxkamadaha bay wax la qabsanaysaa?


Waa idinkaas!

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Let's not carried away, folks. What we are witnessing is just an old updated film, with new players and a fake religious polished shirt with old mentality -- clan expansion and other such land grabs.


Maxakamadaha ku sheegaan, where they so far invaded, with all that much fanfare, is strictly within limits of same large clan. Baydhabo -- on other hand, and this is what you've passed in your jubilant roaring -- sadly happens to be another large clan's turf.


Thus, their invasion of that city -- if it ever happens, I personally doubt they can even dream about it now and if they do, won't be that successful -- will justifiedly considered a land grab and aggression against another clan.


And remember, this isn't the early '90s. Reer Arlaadi are armed to teeth now, oo dagaal bartay, oo iyagii is dhameeye.


In that early days, they, the reer Arlaadi, were fooled by Caydiid Sr. oo kalahaa on BBC hay'ado ciyaalkii gaalo ka dhigeyso ayaan usoo galay meesha inaan ka saaro, and eventually using divide and conquer tactics on their numerous competing sub-clan levels. That tactic, sadly for fake wadaado, won't work today, because for once they are united for a cause -- the development of their Arlaadi land.


And this fake pretext of religious cloak won't help, either. This isn't the first time reer Arlaadi will face militias that claim to belong "Islaamic" causes. RRA fought with them in late '99 and early '00 in Shabeellada Hoose, particularly Qoryooleey and Daafeed -- and remember this is long before Indhamadoowe came on the scene. In those days, they were the remnants of Caydiid Yariisoow's militia, only changing to religious garb. Only shirkii Carte ee Jabuuti ayaa joojiye that dagaal.


Besides, as long as these so-called maxkamado Indhamadoowe dabada ka taagan yahay, their considered religious cause will be viewed ridiculous at best, and bogus and clown at worst.


Indhamadoowe occupies Shabeellada Hoose, which a large junk includes Arlaadi land; he is also a prime, an epitome dagaal-ooge. [The guy seems to be at every imaginable place xabbad ka dhacdo in the south, giving his unsolicited and unrequested support. From Dhoobleey to Baydhabo to Balcad to Dayniile to Galgalato to Jowhar to Qoryooleey. And yeah, they call him Sheekh.]


They must and should address about this guy iyo wuxuu yahay hadeeba rabaan those they already fooled keep fooling, in this folly and amateur game of their land grabbng wars.


Without Indhamadoowe and clan siblings, they wouldn't have achieved what they so far did. With him, it is what will ultimately unravel them. In this situation, Catch-22 ayee dhahaan reer North America.

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While I agree with MMA on this one, I would also like to pointout to two points Xiin made. One if the courts joined the TFG they would be the future, they I mean the religious devout groups who want to rule and unite the country with Islam. The second is that once in government they would gain the legitimacy of say Hizbullah or Hamas and without being a threat to Israel, which is one of the arguments gainst those two entities.


However if they maintain bringing selective justice to some areas and freeing some people and creating courts in some districts while avoiding key places with much need of justice and security notably Marka, Barva and all the areas around it. Then these courts will be seen as a joke, so Inda Cade and his gang must be brought to justice, establish courts for Barava, for Marka and run by the local people.


MMA, also hit the nail on the head when he stated that theatre of conflict has been in a select area and with select players. Sheih Sharif and Abukar Caden clan is the same as Mohamed Dheere and with the help of Inda Cade and Co easily brushed aside what was left of the bully.


Taking a closer look at Mogadihsu..Dayniile was never conquered by these courts, Qaynyare was forced out under pressure by his clan. Abdiqaybdeed was begged for days and never met a sinlge bullet by the courts. Musa Sudi, Bashir Raage, Omar Finis are all still in North Mogadishu, and the courts for seven days could not take over SISI district.


One could say that the warlords lost and that the courts did not actually win.

Also these courts are still divided under clans and have yet to merge into a single entity, thus their strategy is not coherent.

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Dadweynaha ku nool gobolka Banaadir ayaa ka daalay dagaal-oogeyaasha (Qanyare, Muuse Suudi, Cumar Finish, Qaybdiid, Ilqayte) taas ayaana runtii sahashey guusha degdegga ah ee ay maxkadamaduhu gaareen.

Waxaan shaki ku jirin in dadweynaha ku nool Baay iyo Bakoolna ay ka daaleen Shaati-guduud, Deeroow, Aadan Madoobe iyo weliba Cabdullaahi Yuusuf oo isagu hadda gobolka xoog ku haysta isagoo ku gabbanaya magac dowladeed. Taas ayaa sidoo kale sii sahli doonta in laga taqaluso kuwaan dambena oo maxkamadaha iyo shacabku ay saaraan dabadhilifyada amxaarada. Waxaan rajeynayaa in wiilasha masaakiinta ah ee lagu xareeyey xeryaha oo haddii dagaal dhaco badankood aan xitaa meel ay u cararaan haysan aqoon-la'aanta degaanka awgeed aan la isticmaalin oo ay noqdaan kuwo ka badbaada dagaalka hadhowna dalkooda waxtara oo si sahlan odayaashaan magaalada looga saaro.

Dabcan markii howshaan laga soo jeesto waxaan jeclaan lahaa in kuwa hadda maxkadamaha la jira sida Indhacadde laga taqaluso oo halkaas rejadii runta ahayd ee Soomaaliyeed iyo qarannimadii soo noqoto maadaama rajo-beenaad na dishey sannadahan oo marba wax la soo maleegay oo dowlad lagu sheego Soomaali wakhtiga looga lumiyo.


Waxaan kula talinayaa kuwa naga mid ah oo weli Qabyaaladdu ka dhex-guuxeyso fadlan ka waantooba. Sidaad ogtihiin Soomaalida ayaa hadda ka hor isticmaar ka xorowdey waxaan qabaa haddana waa markii aan ka xoroobi lahayn QABYAALADDA. Haddii qaarkiin isbeddellada dhalanteed u haysto ood isleedihiin waa sheeko qabiil anigu waxaan dhihi karaa illaa hadda waxaa daliil ah (In aysan dhicin bililiqo, inaan la aargoosan iyo in maxkamaduhu ay maamul degaan oo maxkamadeed u sameeyeen meel kasta oo ay qabsadeen).

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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

Warlords Warlords Warloords watcha gonna Do when the Wadaads come for ya.

Adiguba caqlaad leedehe carar maxaa dhaama :D


#Chase those crazy bunkheads

Chase those crazy warlords out of town#

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