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How the agreement should have read

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In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful










1. The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and the Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) attending a meeting from 31 May to 9 June 2008 in Djibouti, facilitated by the UN. They are hereafter referred to as "the Parties".


2. The Parties gave their respective analyses of the 18 year old crisis and made proposals aimed at restoring trust, confidence and at ending the conflict. Their discussion led to the present Agreement.


3.The primary requirement of this Agreement is to: ensure the cessation of all armed confrontation and a political settlement for a durable peace; promote a peaceful environment; avoid a security vacuum; facilitate the protection of the population and the unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance and call for the convening of a reconstruction and development conference.


4. The Parties noted that:


a. Over the past eighteen years, Somalia has suffered massive human losses, insecurity and vast destruction of its physical infrastructure and other vital public investments. A whole generation of young people and adults has been sacrificed or denied education and development;


b. The human and humanitarian situation is continuously deteriorating. At the same time, the country’s international image and standing have been seriously undermined;


c. This tragic situation, and the fact that eighteen years of war and conflict have brought neither durable peace nor stability and inspired by patriotic and religious examples of compromise.


5. Decided to:


a. Reaffirm the dignity, sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Somalia;


b. Take courageous measures to finally bring this situation to an end and resolve the crisis through peaceful means.


6. Agreed on:


a. The termination of all acts of armed confrontation by the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) and its allies and by the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and its allies;


b. The cessation of armed confrontation shall come into force thirty (30) days from the signing of this agreement throughout the national territory;


c. The cessation of armed confrontation is approved for an initial period of ninety (90) days, renewable.


7. The Parties agreed from the date of coming into effect of this Agreement:


a. To request the United Nations, consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 1814 and within a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days, to authorize and deploy an international stabilization force from countries that are friends of Somalia excluding neighboring states;


b. Within a period of 120 days of the signing of this agreement the TFG will act in accordance with the decision that has already been taken by the Ethiopian Government to withdraw its troops from Somalia after the deployment of a sufficient number of UN Forces;


c. The ARS shall, through a solemn public statement, cease and condemn all acts of armed violence in Somalia and dissociate itself from any armed groups or individuals that do not adhere to the terms of this Agreement.


8. To ensure the effective implementation of this Agreement, the Parties agree to:


a. Undertake all necessary measures to ensure unhindered humanitarian access and assistance to affected populations;


b. Refrain from declarations and actions inconsistent with the peaceful spirit of this Agreement;


c. Establish a Joint Security Committee to follow up the implementation of security arrangements within fifteen (15) days of the signing of this Agreement. The composition and mandate of this Committee, chaired by the UN, shall be adopted within the same period.


9. A High Level Committee, chaired by the UN, should be established within fifteen (15) days of the signing of this Agreement to follow up on issues relating to the political cooperation between the Parties and concerns over justice and reconciliation. These issues will be discussed at a conference to be organized by 30 July 2008.


10. The Parties will work with all other relevant Somali stakeholders to ensure the full and effective implementation of this agreement.


11. The Parties call on the international community to help provide the adequate resources for the implementation and follow-up of this Agreement. The Parties also consider it a priority to convene within the next six (6) months an international conference aimed at addressing Somalia’s Reconstruction and Development.




9 June 2008



Transitional Federal Government Alliance for Re-Liberation of Somalia


United Nations


Observer States: Observer Groups:



France African Union


United Kingdom League of Arab States


United States Organization of Islamic Conference


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia European Union



New/revised text is in bold


In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful










1. The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and the Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) attending a meeting from 31 May to 9 June 2008 in Djibouti, facilitated by the UN. They are hereafter referred to as "the Parties".


2. The Parties gave their respective analyses of the 18 year old crisis and made proposals aimed at restoring trust, confidence and at ending the conflict. Their discussion led to the present Agreement.


3.The primary requirement of this Agreement is to: ensure the cessation of all armed confrontation and a political settlement for a durable peace; promote a peaceful environment; avoid a security vacuum; facilitate the protection of the population and the unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance and call for the convening of a reconstruction and development conference.


4. The Parties noted that:


a. Over the past eighteen years, Somalia has suffered massive human losses, insecurity and vast destruction of its physical infrastructure and other vital public investments. A whole generation of young people and adults has been sacrificed or denied education and development;


b. The human and humanitarian situation is continuously deteriorating. At the same time, the country’s international image and standing have been seriously undermined;


c. This tragic situation, and the fact that eighteen years of war and conflict have brought neither durable peace nor stability and inspired by patriotic and religious examples of compromise.


5. Decided to:


a. Reaffirm the dignity, sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Somalia;


b. Take courageous measures to finally bring this situation to an end and resolve the crisis through peaceful means.


6. Agreed on:


a. The termination of all acts of armed confrontation by the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) and its allies and by the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and its allies;


b. The cessation of armed confrontation shall come into force thirty (30) days from the signing of this agreement throughout the national territory;


c. The cessation of armed confrontation is approved for an initial period of ninety (90) days, renewable.


7. The Parties agreed from the date of coming into effect of this Agreement:


United Nations, consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 1814 and within a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days,
authorize and deploy an international stabilization force from countries that are friends of Somalia excluding neighboring states;


Within a period of 120 days of the signing of this agreement, the Ethiopian Government will withdraw its troops from Somalia;


Once the period of 120 has elapsed and the Ethiopian troops have withdrawn with an international stabilization force in place
, the ARS shall, through a solemn public statement, cease and condemn all acts of armed violence in Somalia and dissociate itself from any armed groups or individuals that do not adhere to the terms of this Agreement.


8. To ensure the effective implementation of this Agreement, the Parties agree to:


a. Undertake all necessary measures to ensure unhindered humanitarian access and assistance to affected populations;


b. Refrain from declarations and actions inconsistent with the peaceful spirit of this Agreement;


c. Establish a Joint Security Committee to follow up the implementation of security arrangements within fifteen (15) days of the signing of this Agreement. The composition and mandate of this Committee, chaired by the UN, shall be adopted within the same period.


9. A High Level Committee, chaired by the UN, should be established within fifteen (15) days of the signing of this Agreement to follow up on issues relating to the political cooperation between the Parties and concerns over justice and reconciliation. These issues will be discussed at a conference to be organized by 30 July 2008.


10. The Parties will work with all other relevant Somali stakeholders to ensure the full and effective implementation of this agreement.


11. The Parties call on the international community to help provide the adequate resources for the implementation and follow-up of this Agreement. The Parties also consider it a priority to convene within the next six (6) months an international conference aimed at addressing Somalia’s Reconstruction and Development.




9 June 2008



Transitional Federal Government Alliance for Re-Liberation of Somalia


United Nations


Observer States: Observer Groups:



France African Union


United Kingdom League of Arab States


United States Organization of Islamic Conference


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia European Union



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Who's they?


There are no losers in this agreement. We Somalis are all winners if this agreement prevails and (it will insha-allah).


I think this agreement is the begining of the end of our troubles insha-allah


Lets be optimistic and hope for the best.



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^^They as in the Sheikh (who I’m sure has the best intentions) and the ARS. Now I’m not sure if this agreement was prepared beforehand (I would guess it was) but in the rush by all parties to get something signed, someone on the side of ARS did not scrutinise the agreement.

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That’s because they didn’t take the right people to the negotiation table the Good Sheikh and former parliamentary speaker cannot speak English. Now had they taken someone like Prof Ibrahim Caddow he would have checked the finer details. But there are further talks taking place to fine tune the agreement.

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^^^^ It's not the lack of English that they signed this agreement. Surely they would have found someone to translate it for them.


The reasons why the good Sheikh may have signed this agreement are:


1) he see something in it that we don't, or

2) he was forced to sign it for whatever reason, or

3) he was paid off, or

4) he has been duped.


I don't think there's a fifth option.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

The more I look at those two clauses the more I think they have been had!

What is the problem you see with this agreement?

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^^The crux of the agreement is about those two clauses. They are very vague and promise nothing. What do you think about Items 7 a & b?

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Somalis will know the outcome of this in 120 days, that is not long compare to years of the fighting.

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