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Mujahid Hiiraale and the Ugas of Cabudwaaq in Ethiopia??lol

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Hiraale oo ku sugan Addis Ababa

13 Aug 13, 2007 - 5:56:49 PM


Warar laga helayo magaalada Addis Ababa ee wadanka Ethiopia ayaa sheegaya in halkaas ku sugan yihiin Xildhibaan Barre Hiraale iyo xubno kale uu horkacayo.


Barre Hirale ayaa halkaas waxa uga sii horeeyay Ugaaska beesha **** iyo siyaasiyiin kale kuwaas oo ka tagey wadanka Kenya magaaladiisa Nairobi.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in wufudaan ay kula kulmeen magaalada Addis Ababa Ra'isal wasaaraha Ethiopia Meles Zenawi iyo wasiirkiisa arrimaha dibada Mesfin.


Booqashada Hiraale ayaa waxaa ka soo baxaya warar is khilaafsan iyada oo ay jiraan warar sheegaya in dowlada Ethiopia ay qorsheyneyso in wadahadalsiiso Xildhibaanka iyo madaxda sare ee DFKMG ah oo khilaaf xoogan ka dhexeeyo.


Dhinaca kale safarka ay ku joogaan wadanka Ethiopia siyaasiyiinta, ganacsatada iyo Odey dhaqameedayada beesha **** ayaa la xiriirinayaa sidii dowlada Ethiopia uga raaridi lahaayeen in aysan talabo ciidan oo ka dhan ah magalada Kismayo ku tageerin DFKMG ah.


Safarka xubnhaan ayaa sida Garowe Online ku helyso warar hoose waxaa ka mid ah qodobadiisa in dowlada Ethiopia ka raarido dowlada uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay Cabdulahi Yusuf in maamul goboleed laga sameeyo gobolada Jubooyinka kaas oo madax looga dhigo Barre Hirale.


Barre Hiraale iyo xubnaha la socda ayaa ku doodaya in dhamaan dagaal ogayashii la mid-ka ahaa Barre Hiraale sida Maxamad Dheere, Dabageed, Qaybdiid iyo kuwo kale madax looga dhigey gobolo iyo hay'ado dowladeed halka Barre oo madax u ahaa mamaulkii la magac baxey Dooxada Jubba aan wax xill ah loo dhiibin isaga oo tageeray howlgalada dowlada Ethiopia ku faragalisay Somalia.


Barre Hiraale ayaa waxaa dhawac ka soo gaarey weerar bambano ah oo lala begsadey gaarigisai isaga oo ku eedeeyay in ay khaarijin lahaayeen Madaxweyne Cabdulahi iyo Ra'isal wasaare Geedi.


Gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa waxa gacanta ku haya Maleshiyaad tageersan Barre Hirale iyada oo DFKMG ah aysan wax talabo ah ka qaadin iyada oo warar an la xaqiijin ay sheegayaan in dowlada Ethiopia hor-taagan tahay in la qaado talaabo Militeri.


Garowe Online,Addis Ababa

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^He must have gone to claim back the $2M he turned down on Turki's head.


I wouldn't blame him. He needs to get on the payroll.

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How is this news positive for the TFG and AY?

This confirms that the TFG takes direct orders from the Ethiopians and that they can't make any moves on their own. So why should Hiiraale talk to the TFG if he can talk to their master? and the article only shows the position that the TFG and Hiraale are in...they are just Xabash pawns at the moment,they are the ones being played. Duke read before you post . :D

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Duke, Ethiopia invited Barre Hiiraale to give them his views concerning Somalia and their stay (read; occupation) in it. At some point everyone gets tired of kow-towers who are too frightened to say anything but "yes!, everything is going greaaaat!" and wish to get honest, objective analysis from people who are not to frightened to speak their mind.


He told them exactly what everyone knows, that the reconciliation conference has become a sham, Abdullahi Yusuf will never get the support of any Somali, and that their being in Mogadishu will never be accepted.

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^ Sxb, you speak of Barre Hiraale as if he's some sorta national leader, when he's nothing more than a broken warlord spurned even by his dhabo-dhilif allies. Lol@"give them his views". He's a burnt card. Used, abused, and outplayed by Yey & the TFG.


What's even more hilarious is this part:

He told them exactly what everyone knows, that the reconciliation conference has become a sham, Abdullahi Yusuf will never get the support of any Somali, and that their being in Mogadishu will never be accepted

Yacni the goddamn Ethiopians need to hear these beyond obvious points from Hiraale ? Athiga ciyaal maala hadlaysaa ?



I know you got intense feelings for the guy and I don't mean to provoke you, but that's the simple fact of the matter: Hiraale is done for.

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Whatever he is Kashafa, the Ethiopians obviously see something that led them to invite him over for a cup of tea. smile.gif


Btw, our discussion is in the other thread. smile.gif

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^^^Ethiopia ivited him to tell the old foggy the truth. He can not oppsoe the TFG if he wats to do that then by all means he must go to Asmara.


Hiiraale will be briefed well, thats all.

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That is serious isceebays for the so called TFG(if it had any face to save prior to this).


Day by day it's coming to its own and what it was meant to be.


I get the feeling that Hiiraale is being told to not say a thing about the TFG and let the rollercoaster role. They (xabashis) don't want their project disrupted.

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^^Adeer Hiiraale id no longer a figure within the executive branch his moves are to protect the clan militia who hold Kismayu. Just like Riyaale, Selanyo and other secessionists clowns only ever make trips to Adis Ababa. To protect the notion of clan that is Somaliland.


Anyhow it wont make a ny difference. The only thing that stops an attack to the JVA is the daily pleading of Bixi and Sayid. Thus its politics. Hiiraale is a washed up man, good luck to him.

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Duke, ma fayooba. Berrigii hore waa ninkii lahaa baryo iyo wada hadal laga tagay, afarta Kismaayo isku tagtay haatan baa laga xoreyn haatane waxaa weeye maya adeer baryada Biixi baa lagu daayay. Dhagahiisa iyo afkiisa ismaba maqlaan. :D


Duke, Ugaasne meeshaa ma jiro, cid kalena ma jirto, Barre oo cafimaad daradeed Germany usii socday baa Addis Ababa tiri hada maxaa iska badalay aragtidaada ku aadan TFGda. That is all Duke, trust me no one is interested in Abdullahi Yusuf's seat behind Zenewi. icon_razz.gif

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Whatever he is Kashafa, the Ethiopians obviously see something that led them to invite him

That line from Horn is nearly as ammusinga s wehn he claimed Taano was governer of Lower Juba. :D


Hiiraale is washed up and when it comes you will complain. Remember after Mogadishu its Kismayu turn to be cleansed of JVA. Oh also remmeber Galaal, Culusow and Ugas Dahir of the senior clan used to go to trips to Adis to no avail. Why? Remmeber Ahmed Diriye's claims "we made a deal with Ethiopia".


Because its the TFG that decides who gets dealt with in good time.


Wait for it son, untill then keep looting, charcoal exporting and claiming every other ***** is Governor mayor of the south. :D

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I didn't understand a word that is coming out of your mouth. Whatever the heck hiiraale is doesn't really matter to me. All I know that he is part of TFG. he sucks and so does the TFG.

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Adeer Yeey just been outplayed by Hiiraale. Nothing more nothing less. AY needs to knee down and to ask for mercy and forgiveness.

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Wallee waa yaab, now everyone who is going to Ethiopia is a criminal miyaa sheekadu, I am going there this month, I think I am criminal or daba-dhilif!

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