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Was it a press-conference of depair or one to assert authority???

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Somali President promises support for peace, national reconciliation


MOGADISHU (Xinhua) -- Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Tuesday said he supports the national reconciliation and for the first time openly spoke about his differences with the Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein.

"I am not opposed to the national reconciliation and no one in my government is opposed to it because I have been part of 12 out of the 14 peace talks held for Somalia," Somali President said at a rare news conference at his office in Mogadishu.

"The reconciliation is national, constitutional and inevitable. There is no future for Somalia without it," the president added.

Yusuf said that the transitional government is "fully honest about reconciliation" and "is for reconciliation and power-sharing" with the opposition.

"Instead of war, the Somali government prefers to get things done through dialogue, political consensus and peaceful means," the president said.

This comes after Yusuf was accused of opposing the national reconciliation spearheaded by PM Hussein. It follows the emergence of the disagreement between the Somali president and his prime minster after the premier sacked the mayor of Mogadishu Mohamed Omar Habeeb, a close ally of the president late last month.

Eleven ministers allied with Yusuf resigned over the dismissal of Habeeb but the premier named six new ministers to replace them.

Days later, the Prosecutor General issued a statement in which he said the Prime Minister's decision to sack the mayor and name ministers without the president's approval was "unconstitutional".

Speaking about the differences with the Prime minster, the President said "the disagreement was not about politics or about reconciliation".

"The row is about the constitution not over politics. No one should violate the constitution we should only do what the constitution allows to do," he said.

"No one can breach the constitution and the other laws of the country," said the president without directly referring to the Prime Minister.

Yusuf said as President he is responsible for the protection of the constitution and the country" if it faces danger".

The Somali president also lashed out at the media accusing it of lying and bias urging it to be impartial and fair, saying the media should work towards peace and "direct people towards peace, security and unity."

Source: AFP, Aug 12, 2008



He seems to be leaning on sympathy and portraying himself as the guardian of the Constitution. Absent is his common authoritarian stature. In this press conference he seems to be looking for support generally from the Somali public and in underlying message to the TFG parliamentarians and the International Community. One could argue the man is confident and will see through his wishes are realized but staunch contrast to that is Yeey never seeked public support 'before' in his ambitious to eliminate those that he deems are opposed to his political interest. During his raw with Geedi, he never at anytime came out public until it was well and over. Having said that one can never bet against this veteran whose sole survival in Somali politics over the years has been confrontation and elimination of the nay sayers.

Scenes from the political auditorium back in Mogadishu and Baydhabo are not serene and it is now destined for any out come other than compromise.

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What happened to wiping out the somali population talk?


Either this guy will be replaced by Nur Adde to give the TFG a final chance or he will destroy the TFG with him.


The Ethiopians are now feeling the heat of the somali Liberation forces, if Nur Adde is made to leave and AY stays it will strengthen the resistance even further.


The ethiopians understand this, getting rid of AY is now in their own interest to exit somalia safely without being drag into the escalating conflict that they cannot win on this while Eritrea is arming itself to the teeth in the North.

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Yeeydu ariga midda gees u baxda ayey cuntaa,


Dooro xaarka way wada cuntaa, af-tirashadeyse isku dhaantaa.


Nin abeeso koriyoow adigaa u aayi .


Amxaaro madax gumac galay leedahaye madax hadal galo ma laha.


Axdi ma leh Itoobiyaan lagu aamino.


God sireed ha qodin, hadaad qodidna ha dheereeyn ku dhici doontidaa lama ogo.



Cudurka kaa gala fardaha hadii laga gubo dameer dawo lama gaarayo!



Quraan alif ka qaldamay albaqara ma ka toosaa?


hal booli ah - nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho!


Waa lagu kufaa kibirka!


soo joog ninkii laga waayo - soo jiif aa laga helaa!



Kani galbay ku kale mooyee - waa guul alle!!!



I love Somali proverbs! damn I am getting the meanings now!

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Cawl ban bay barataye bilaa hawd u dhaami lahaa


Wadaad dad u eki buu kugu dilaa abeesana dhul u eki


Doqon meel lagu coloobay joogtay meeshii lagu heshiyay ma joogin


Sadex lagama kaco gardarop garab og, cudur geri og iyo gaajo guri og


Rag dareen laga waayay iyo waraabo ursad moog geerida horted by dhintaan


Qoley qoorqabad biyo kuma cabto



Afkaan cagaar ku cunay caws uga danbaysin mahsayo ayay tiri maanso lugaley


Balaayo intay kaa maqantahay qayrkaa ba ku maqantahay


Nin xiiri iyo nin ii hool hooli waan kala gran


Tuug waxaa u u runsheegaa marku dhaho ilaah baa i og


Amaano kugu rAAGTAy xoolahadad moodaa



War Somali hadal way dhamaysay, bal maahmaaha ku sifeya wakhtiga

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