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Somalia govt executes convicted soldier

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Somalia govt executes convicted soldier


MOGADISHU, Somalia Jan 13 (Garowe Online) - Somalia's interim government has executed a soldier convicted of killing a civilian, making it the second execution in less than a year.


Somali soldier Shukri Hussein Mohamed was killed by firing squad in the national capital Mogadishu on Sunday, with hundreds of witnesses and senior military commanders present.



Somali troops

Col. Mohamed Osman Dinih, commander of Somalia's navy, told reporters that the soldier was executed after being convicted of intentionally killing an innocent woman last year.


He was charged with murder and sentenced by a military court, according to Col. Dinih.


"This is a clear warning to other soldiers who commit crimes against civilians," he said.


In 2007, two soldiers were convicted of killing fellow soldiers and civilian bystanders. They were both executed on the same day.


Many Mogadishu residents have complained about the behavior of Somali troops, with many reports of robberies, torture and premeditated killings.


On Sunday, a local market in central Mogadishu was forced to shut down after local businesses were robbed overnight by "men in government uniform," according to locals.


Ali Sheikh Mohamed, a shop-owner in Mogadishu's Shibis district, told Garowe Online that property worth more than US$7,000 was stolen from his shop, including cigarette boxes and phone cards.


He said he pays taxes to the government, but does not know why government security forces targeted the market. Other businesses lost valued property as well, Mr. Mohamed said.


Barre Mohamed Mohamud, business association chair for the market in Shibis, spoke to reporters after the association held an emergency meeting today regarding this latest incident.


He said the association asked the Mogadishu municipal government to take tough measures against the culprits.


Baidoa killings


Two people were shot to death overnight Saturday in the south-central town of Baidoa, 250km northwest of Mogadishu.


Sheikh Abdullahi Balbalow, a judge with the Bay Regional Court, and a security guard for the Red Cross died from gunshot wounds.


Unidentified gunmen opened fire on the judge and guard while both victims stood in front of Sheikh Abdullahi's house, witnesses said.


The gunmen escaped before police reinforcements arrived on the scene.


Baidoa residents said the killing took place minutes before a nighttime curfew took affect. The town has been under curfew for the past five months.


Before his violent death, Sheikh Abdullahi was also regional spokesman for Ahlu-Sunnah-Wal-Jame'a, an Islamic group that runs charities, educational and health services in many parts of Somalia.


The Somali parliament is temporarily based in Baidoa, while government troops and allied Ethiopian forces try to secure Mogadishu from Islamist-led insurgents.


Senior Somali government officials, including Prime Minister Nur "Adde" Hassan Hussein, are currently in Baidoa.


Source: Garowe Online

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Is Jacaylbaro busy today?

Read the 'do not disturb' thread in General. He only posts pro SL stuff. I do the anti TFG stuff :D

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A great article. Thanks Northerner.

Col. Mohamed Osman Dinih, commander of Somalia's navy, told reporters that the soldier was executed after being convicted of intentionally killing an innocent woman last year.


He was charged with murder and sentenced by a military court, according to Col. Dinih.


"This is a clear warning to other soldiers who commit crimes against civilians,"
he said.

Law and order is back....

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Askari ka Tirsanaa Ciidamada Dowlada oo Maxkamada Sare ku Riday Xukun Dil ah.


Muqdisho,(WNT):-Askari ka Tirsanaa Ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa shalay lagu fuliyay xukun dil ah kadib markii ay sidaasi amar ku bixisay Maxkamada Sare ee Ciidamada Qalabka sida ee Muqdisho ka howl-gasha.

Askarigaani ayaa Maxkamadu waxa ay ku eedeeysay in uu ka dambeeyay dil dhawaan degmada Xamar-weyne loogu Gaystay haweeneey ka tirsan dadka degmadaasi ku dhaqan.


Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Qalabka sida ayaa arintaasi u xaqiijiyay Maanta warbaahinta Muqdisho ka howl-gasha isaga oo Xukunkaasi ku Macneeyay in ay tahay mid la doonayo in ay ku waano qaataan Ciidamada kale ee dhibaatada ku haya dadka rayidka ah ee Muqdisho ku dhaqan.


Sarkaalkaan waxaa uu intaasi ku daray in Maxkamadu markii ay heshay marqaatiyaal badan isla markaana lagu soo cadeeyay askariga dilka ay ku xukuntay dil sidaa daraadeedna shalay lagu fuliyay dilkaasi qisaasta ah.


Askarigaan la qisaasay ayaa waxaa ay qisaastiisa ka dhacday Barxada Iskuulka Booliska isla markaana waxaa la shaaciyay in ay ka soo qeyb galeen saraakiil ka tirsan Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya si ay goob joog uga noqdaan xukunka dilka ah.


Xukunkaan shalay lagu qaaday Askariga ka mid ahaa Ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa ku soo beegmaya iyada oo Ciidamo aad u Farabadan kana amar qaata Dowlada Federaalka dhibaato xoogani ku hayaan dadka Muqdisho ku dhaqan kaasi oo ugu horeyso in ay dhac u gaystaan xiliyada qaarka toogasho ku dilaan isla markaana ku dooda in ay dileen Kooxaha Hubeysan ee ka soo horjeeda Dowlada Federaalka soomaaliya.


C/kariin Xuseen Guutaale.


Xafiiska Wararka,Muqdisho.

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