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Somalia cabinet to be named

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Somalia cabinet to be named



DATE: Wednesday, November 24, 2004


President Mwai Kibaki today held consultative talks with President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed of the Federal government of Somalia and his Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi.



During the talks at State House Nairobi the two, informed President Kibaki that ministers who will serve in the government will be appointed by the end of this month.



They also briefed President Kibaki on the progress so far made in the efforts to re-locate the Somalia government and parliament from Kenya.



Speaking during the meeting, President Kibaki encouraged them to do so, noting that the African Union is already preparing to send a military observation team to assess and advise on security arrangements in Somalia.



He re-affirmed Kenya's support for the creation of a stable state of Somalia, noting that stability in that country would greatly contribute to enhanced security in Kenya.



"Kenya will continue to be at the forefront in making Somalia a stable nation. We want to see you take up your place in the family of modern nations," President Kibaki said.



He added: "As your neighbours we will not relent in this cause because stability in the region is the only guarantee to economic development and peace in the region.



On his part, the Somali President thanked President Kibaki for his patience during talks and negotiations that culminated in a colourful swearing-in ceremony at Kasarani Sports complex.



President Yusuf, however, appealed to the international community for support, saying Somalia was in need of much international assistance to facilitate the re-location of his government.



The Somalia leader also said that his government was in constant touch with his people, who have shown much enthusiasm at the prospects of peace in their country which has been in a state of conflict for the last fourteen years.

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32 hahheheheehehehehhelooooooooooooooooool kixkixkxixkixkix, what are all gonna do. Isn't that excessive. Who has budget to support 32 ministries. Talk S-t-u-p-i-d-i-t-y in its highest form. We need small, and effective goverment, not employement office for warlords.

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Talk S-t-u-p-i-d-i-t-y in its highest form. We need small, and effective goverment, not employement office for warlords.

What other way can any president of Somalia do, but to to appease the million clans and trillion sub-clans :D


I remember Abdiqasim's cabinet was composed of almost the same number. :cool:

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