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Sheekh C/xaafid Cali Yuusuf : Boosaaso's new governor

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Bosaso: " Wax badan ayaan ka qaban doonaa amaanka Boosaaso" Sheekh C/xaafid Cali Yuusuf gudoomiyaha cusub ee gobalka Bari.


Bosaso(AllPuntland)- Maamulka Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland umagacaabay gobalka ee uu hogaaminayo Sheekh C/xaafid Cali Yuusuf ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay wax badan ka qaban doonaan amaanka gobalka Bari, gaar ahaana magaalada Boosaaso ee Puntland, iyagoo sheegay in ay talaabooyinkooda ugu horeeya ka muujin doonaan magaalada Bosaso.


Gudoomiyaha cusub wuxuu lama huraan ka dhigay in ay muhiimad weyn leedahay sugida amaanka ee gobalka Bari, isla markaasna ay muhiimada labaad leedahay horumarinta magaalada, isagoo tibaaxay in qodobada ugu horeeya ee waxqabad ay yihiin sugida amaanka.


Saraakiisha uu magacaabay Madaxweynaha Puntland oo qaarkood ay ku jiraan culumada aadka looga dambeeyo magaalada Bosaso ee gobalka Bari, ayaa la rajeyn karaa in ay kasbadaan taageerada Shacabka oo aysan horey uheysan Ragii joogay shaqada ama maamulayay deegaanka.


Sheekh C/xaafid Cali Yuusuf gudoomiyaha gobalka Bari wuxuu sheegay in uu la kulmayo cid kasta oo talo ku biirinaysa, wuxuuna ugu yeeray guud ahaan dadka in ay ka shaqeeyaan waxyaabaha xasanaadka ugu jiro, oo ay ka fogaadaan wax kasta oo dhibaato kukeeni kara Shacabka gobalka ee Soomaaliyeed.


Warka ka soo baxay Maamulka cusub ee gobalka Bari ayaa ku soo beegmaya, xili Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland uu gobalkaasi Maamulkiisa ugu sareeya udhiibay mid kamid ah culumada magaalada Boosaaso, markii ay waxba qaban waayeen shaqsiyaadkii uga horeeyey shaqada.


F. C. Maxamed


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Warka ka soo baxay Maamulka cusub ee gobalka Bari ayaa ku soo beegmaya, xili Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland uu gobalkaasi Maamulkiisa ugu sareeya udhiibay mid kamid ah culumada magaalada Boosaaso, markii ay waxba qaban waayeen shaqsiyaadkii uga horeeyey shaqada


This is what I like about Faroole; he committed the anti wadaad nonsense to the flames, and reached deep in the religous circles, making it clear that without them security and political stability will be hard to achieve

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Warka ka soo baxay Maamulka cusub ee gobalka Bari ayaa ku soo beegmaya, xili
Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland uu gobalkaasi Maamulkiisa ugu sareeya udhiibay mid kamid ah culumada magaalada Boosaaso
, markii ay waxba qaban waayeen shaqsiyaadkii uga horeeyey shaqada


This is what I like about Faroole; he committed the anti wadaad nonsense to the flames, and reached deep in the religous circles, making it clear that without them security and political stability will be hard to achieve

To Xiin:


Are you indirectly implying that the wadaado were behind much of the insecurity in Puntland? but now that they have been allotted several political positions by Faroole... this will prevent these supposed 'clerical malcontents' from carrying out further trouble?


Why, indeed, this is a rather dubious allegation on your part, Mr.Xiin!


Let us inquire what ground there is to presuppose such unscrupulous disinclination in our good wadaado? :confused:

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^^Shabaab wadaado maaha, waa koox lunsan oo hubaysan awoowe


ha is yeelyeelin wadaada dadka ah waad taqaannaaye


Midda kale, Faroole isagaa wadaad ah ee sow ma ogid :D

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Morgan doesnt play that game of sheikh. Farole doesnt. Yusuf doesnt. We are not like other somalis we keep a wacad. For example we signed contract with aideed at galkayo. that contract still stands today 20 years on.


Jacaylbaro manahin sida adeeryasha 1960 wax saxiixay and then says "i made mistake" lol. *****.

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Mar mar cowke waan la yaaba Warqad la sexeexay bu ka hadlaya war jamhuuriyadi somalia wixi la odhan jiray Aya ba la wayey gabigeedi ba , Markad wax haysatid aya wax la sexeexa iyo qalinka wax lugu duuga Bal adigu warqad hayn maxaad wax ku qori?

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Xaaji. You have bucur bacayr position in the tfg and you don't get more then minister role. If you don't like that mugdiga ku jir it's up to you with riyale, but when u do see the light you will follow buuba path!!!


Ps: Tell me how is it possible to recognize somaliland, when somalia has recognized tfg that the world communicates to? Maybe in your dreams, I suggest you taking your uncle buuba route and see the light!!!!

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Xaaji. You have bucur bacayr position in the tfg and you don't get more then minister role. If you don't like that mugdiga ku jir it's up to you with riyale, but when u do see the light you will follow buuba path!!!


Ps: Tell me how is it possible to recognize somaliland, when somalia has recognized tfg that the world communicates to? Maybe in your dreams, I suggest you taking your uncle buuba route and see the light!!!!

TFG was and is a failure and will be a failure in the near future. I don’t see why u get so excited About the TFG its just Government on paper, it never passed a few blocks in Mogadisho And buuba being part of it and not able to go to his home town tells a lot about The TFG , and not the other way around. Keep investing in something that will never function :D

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