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Federalism In Somalia: Birth of Puntland State and The Lessons Learned

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Freedom fighter...loool ! when a man enters into a state of sleep were he loses touch with reality and his only source of comfort is to express how great a two region strip of land who's own people have left and lost on the internet from his American Ghetto project dreaming of lost glory days you know the man is delusional. :D


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WAKE UP ....


ok now pay attention,


Somalia is the only state in modern history to have failed for such a long period of time, it is over and what we are witnessing is the last fragments disintegrating into various mujahid run areas similar to that of afghanistan.


puntland - a.k.a wannabe Somaliland land, saxib has no real power, no real authority as we have shown,It sits in bosaso and garowe to scared to even cross the border, to the south of it the growing alshabab movement who within a month of capturing mugdisho will most likely restore order and seek to increase there power base using men from the area they will easily take puntland no problem.


so saxib, let these kids talk about federalism, its just another myth sold to them like the one that they will be able to return to mugdisho in peace and create a unified government for all. :D:D

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It is obvious to Somalis and foreign Somalia observers that the creation of the Puntland self-governing state contributed
to the consolidation of peace and stability in the zone; enabled it to re-build the disintegrated public institutions, rehabilitate vital infrastructures and encourage vibrant private sector development.


These are important lessons for anarchic and warring regions of Somalia. I believe it is now recognized that if the South-Central regions had emulated the Puntland pioneering example, the situation there could have been vastly different and that the nation might have been at peace today.


As a choice between unviable Northern secession and 20-year senseless civil war in the South, the Puntland option of federalism is acknowledged to offer the most practical solution to Somalia’s intractable political problem, in which Puntland could play a positive role since it has traditionally acted as the bridge linking Northern and Southern Somalia, not only geographically but also culturally – the “interpreter” of the two!

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Originally posted by Captain_Mike20:

were did you get that from?


wait, let me guess.


Garowe online.


Its where did you get that from?


Its not Garoweonline, but rather, a wonderful media outlet. :D

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This guy reads garowe online as if it was the Quran itself, looooool !


saxib walahi..not kidding, in all truth and seriousness saxib.


i hate destroying peoples dreams, walahi i do, i think every human should have some sence of goal and objective and purpose, that should be a fundamental right.


Im sure you have heard the qoute that "history is written by the victor". Seeing that your uncle threw everything he had at me and i destroyed him and spared and had mercy on your entire population whom i have obsorbed and given to as i would my own people i think i will call the shoots.


Because you can call me what you want, when it comes to face to face, all out war no holds bar, we both know i can take you out.


So as a minor player in Somali politics who has been reduced to the status of 5-6 position under ahlul sunnah wal jamaca, I give you the right to settle in the lands east of my border if you so cross that border your fish smelling villages will taken.


now on your side of the border, continue your cheerleading extravaganza and bru ha ha ha. :D


If you want my advice dont waste your time on Somali politics, I come in here to have a laugh and express my opinion but in all honousty the best feeling is, being able to have a nation of your own in every sence of the word, traveling back home, the interaction, the majesty of the nation, the people the children etc. So saxib this is not reality, the reality is what is on the ground and no number of articles or opionions can change that, call it what you want God gave me that luxury do you know why??


because unlike you i hate the blood of muslims on my hands, unlike you we Somalilanders have something called greater purpose, islamic purpose, thats why saxib in the streets of hargaisa or borama or burco for that matter every tribe within Somaliland from las canod to borama to zeilla live, trade, marry and work together like ants. Thats a real state.


but your one sub sub sub clan state is no where close saxib, nowhere close. :D

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