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A Christian and Muslim leaders' peace conference is set to begin in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on February 2nd. It will bring together religious leaders from eastern Africa in the bid to solve the conflict in Somalia.


The conference, which is organised and supported by Norwegian Church Aid together with the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in the Great Lakes and Horn of Horn of Africa (FECCLAHA) among other partners, recognises the role of religious leaders in peace building and justice.


Role of religious leaders


"The planned Joint Christian and Muslim Leaders' conference from the Horn of Africa in is recognition that religious leaders have a role to play in peace building and also the conference is to further discuss the issue of lasting peace with justice in Somalia and the Horn of Africa," said the Rt. Rev. Dr. Mvume Dandala, the AACC General Secretary.


"There is therefore need to develop a consensus on what and how the role could be played," added Dandala.


Complex situation


The situation in Somalia took a vicious turn towards the end of last year when conflict erupted between the Union of Islamic Courts and the Transitional Federal Government. This was further compounded when the Ethiopian army attacked the Union of Islamic Courts and literary pushed them out of the areas they were controlling.


Another serious incident took place when America attacked southern Somalia, near the Kenyan border, claiming that known terrorist suspects were situated there.


A crucial conference


The main objectives of the Dar es Salaam conference are to update interfaith leaders on the current political and economic situation in Somalia and its implications for the Horn of Africa; to discuss ways of stopping the vicious cycle of conflict in Somalia and the region; to agree on strategies to involve governments and communities in the Horn of Africa; and to develop consensus on a religious leaders' peace initiative in Somalia.


The conference will be hosted by Tanzanian religious leaders and coordinated by Norwegian Church Aid's country office in Tanzania. Former Tanzanian president Al Hajj Ali Hassan Mwinyi will be the guest of honour.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

and coordinated by Norwegian Church Aid's country office in Tanzania.

Does the Norwegian Church Aid has an office in Waqooyi?

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

which waqooyi ??? ,,,, Tanzanian Waqooyi you mean ??

You have also been to their church in Tanzanian Waqooyi?

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