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General Ilkajiir is about to announce his candidacy for Puntland presidency

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Ogaysiis Ogaysii Ogaysii: Waxaa dhamaan dadweynaha ku nool gobolka Minnesota iyo nawaaxigeeda la ogaysiinayaa xaflada musharaxa madaxweyne Puntland Generaal Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac (Ilka jiir)…


Minneapolis: Generaal Cabdulaahi Jaamac Ilka Jiir oo ah Jeneraaladii qaranka Soomaaliya waqtigii bari-samaadkii ayaa shaaca ka qaadey in uu isu sharixi doono jagada Madaxweyne ee dowlad goboleedka Puntland, taasoo ah codsi ka yimi dadweynaha reer Puntland ee ku dhaqan gobolada woqooyiga Mareykanka.


Hadaba jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee gobolka Minnesota gaar ahaan jaaliyada reer Puntland ayaa waxay Generaalku u fidisay xaflad uu shaaca kaga qaadi doono musharaxnimadiisa.




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^ Whether General Ilka-jiir or Ilka-dacawo, what counts is his policies and vision. Anyway, why is it most puntlanders are Generals anyway? What happened to the Captians, Colonels (except yey) and Lieutnants. And why is it that after General Cadde, another General is needed?


Once a solider, always a soldier. And solidiers are not reputed for promotion of democracy. But maxaa iga galay bal. The man certainly has some charisma.


I only want to know his positions on extradorinary renditions and human trafficking. That aspect concerns me more.

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The reputed General is on the move and he is willing to restore the unity of Puntland.



Sideebay u dhacdey xafladii ugu horeysay ee Musharax Gen. Cabdulaahi Jama Ilka jiir?


Minneapolis: Mudo badan ayaa waxaad dhur-sugayseen munaasabadaha musharax Gen. Cabdulaahi Ilka jiir oo uu isu sharaxayo madaxweynenimada Puntland. Aqristayaal xafladii ugu horeysay oo dhexmarta Genenka iyo jaaliyada Somaliyeed ee woqooyi Mareykanka ayaa waxay ka dhacdey magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota. Hadaba sida ay u dhacdey ayaa waxaad ka dheehandoontaan sawirada aan idiin soo diyaariney, oo waliba shabakada loogu tala galay musharaxa ee PuntlandFuture / aad ka dheehandoontaan taariikhda aqoon iyo xirfadeed ee musharaxa.



Warbixinta shirkan dhex marey jaaliyada iyo musharaxa ayaan dib idinkaga soo gudbin doonaa iyadoo maqal iyo muuqaalba. Musharaxa maanta oo isniin ah ayaa wuxuu sidoo kale la kulmayaa Jaaliyada Puntland ee Minneapolis, taasina ha moogaan warbixinteed.




















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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

^ Whether General Ilka-jiir or Ilka-dacawo, what counts is his policies and vision. Anyway, why is it most puntlanders are Generals anyway? What happened to the Captians, Colonels (except yey) and Lieutnants. And why is it that after General Cadde, another General is needed?


Once a solider, always a soldier. And solidiers are not reputed for promotion of democracy. But maxaa iga galay bal. The man certainly has some charisma.


I only want to know his positions on extradorinary renditions and human trafficking. That aspect concerns me more.

Abtigiis, General Ilkajiir is not only a general he is also a man holding at least master's degree as I was told from one of the prestigious universities of the state of New York.


Inshallah, the specificity of his political career, educational background and achievement will be published soon.


Stay tuned.

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Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama


A War Hero; A man of Peace


Abdullahi Ahmed Jama was born in Erigavo, Northeastern Somalia, in March 13, 1951. He completed his primary education at Dayaha, the storied boarding school near Erigavo town.


Upon graduation he was accepted into the newly established NTEC (National Teachers’ Education Center) at the outskirts of Mogadishu, known as Lafole, where he upon in 1969, briefly worked as a teacher.


Though he saw teaching a noble calling, Jama found the sense of sacrifice in military service more to his liking.


This was no accident. The trajectory of Abdullahi’s career was already set at an early age by three closely linked facets of his heritage: 1) The fact that he hails from a prominent Makhir family noted for bravery, 2) the sense of adventure that his naakhoude father (one of the renowned captain-owners of the East) had instilled in him early in childhood, and) 3) the bride that the people of Makhir coast/Puntland traditionally take in doing the best possible job.


Abdullahi joined the Somali National Army and was sent to the then Soviet Union for training as a Cadet Officer in 1970.


He attended the prestigious Military Academy in Odessa (Ukraine), earning his first degree in Military Science in 1973.


In 1980-83 Jama attended the Staff College in Egypt earning Masters Degree in military science.


In 1988-89 Jama attended the US Army War College and earned a diploma in strategy and decision-making.


In 2000-04 Jama attended Bryan & Stratton College at Rochester, NY and earned a degree in Accounting.


As a career Military Officer and Leader, Jama held many positions in the Somali National Army: from Battalion Commander to Army Commander. He was by far the youngest Officer in head the Directorate of Operations of the Somali National Army, where he distinguished himself as an Officers’ Officer.


Jama is a veteran of the 1977 ****** war, where he received two (2) bronze medals and one (1) silver medal for bravery as well as numerous certificates of merit for outstanding conduct.


Jama served as a distinguished lecturer at the Somali Staff College. He authored four (4) publications and numerous articles in Somali for the Somali National Army in the fields of tactics, operations and military strategy.


General Jama is one the Somali military officers that refused to participate in the so-called Somali civil war that pitted brotherly communities against one another to advance the selfish interests of craven faction leaders and atrocious warlords.


Though he followed closely the situation of his beloved Somalia, General Jama chose to stay out of the fray of the internecine wars that have been tearing the country apart for the past 17 years.


The one exception is when he was called back by the community in the early 1990’s to assume the position of Governor of the Makhir/Sanaag region. The vexing challenge facing the community at time centered on the need to liberate the region from a well-armed and financed, menacing clano/religious gang called then Al Itihad that had forcibly occupied the region’s principal seaport, Lasqoray and its environs, after inflicting much damage to the area. Shortly upon arrival the General mobilized the community’s defenses and was able to put in place a strategy that resulted in the gang’s eviction without further bloodshed.



For the past few years, the General has been living with his family in Upstate New York. He is now ready to once again answer the call of duty to return to the motherland to offer the type of transformational leadership that he uniquely qualified to provide.



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^^Haye, how's the reerka backing this man? Or are they willing to accept his stated unionism of Puntland at the expense of Maakhir?

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Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama
is the antithesis of the typical Somali politician. He is a leader who earned his stripes through performance, dedication to achieving noble goals and the rare ability to inspire others to do their best. In seeking the presidency of the Puntland State of Somalia (PSS), Gen. Jama has set out to achieve a transformational mission of leadership, including the institution of the following key policies to:


1. Secure the peace internally and to protect the autonomy and territorial integrity of the Puntland state.


2. Uphold the rule of law across the board without fear or favor.


3. Protect Human Rights, including those of minorities and non-Puntlanders be they residents or visitors.


4. Institute democratic governance, where people are free to exercise all their citizenship rights and the state fulfills its historic role: to protect the citizenry, uphold the rule of law, institute social and economic justice, including an equitable revenue-sharing system.


5. Institute genuine free enterprise system, while safeguarding consumer protections.


6. Wage a relentless campaign against corruption, in both the public and the private sectors, until it is eliminated altogether.


7. Develop and maintain strong labor laws.


8. Develop and maintain effective environmental protection policies.


9. Take bold steps to improve the socio-economic conditions of the citizens and the residents of the Puntland State.


10. Consult widely with Puntland citizens from all walks of life, as they are the real stakeholders in all policies and activities to be undertaken by the state government.


The program, including goals and objectives, for the implementation of the foregoing mission will be published soon.



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Originally posted by Isseh:

^^Haye, how's the reerka backing this man? Or are they willing to accept his stated unionism of Puntland at the expense of Maakhir?

They are backing him extremely huge. Surprisingly, he is not opposed to the Maakhir initiative, indicating it as a grassroot movement in response to the prevailing situation affecting them and he promised that he will deliver to the expectation of the community and he declared this before the crowd. He left a big impression into the crowd that he will bring peace and harmony into the Puntland and unite Puntlanders.

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Based on the true reality on the ground both in Puntland and Somalia in general and that he is from a lil bit outer side of the box, a makhiri, at this stage and time, realistically speaking I dont believe he can make it.

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Allamagan, the guy is on a mission and his main mission is to bring Somalia out of the dark age.



Naxar, there is another event that is going on as of now for the Somaliwayn. The above one was of special event of the people of Sanaag and western Bari.


I will post the pics very soon InshALLAH

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