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TFG security forces in Mogadishu .PICS..

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Max'ed Dheera did great job securing shabeel and Jowhar .


He was also first warlord to welcom the TFG and gave them safe enviroment to work .



This is second time he was named for this position therefore many people see him fit for the position .


Ma'ed dheera has long history in Muqadishu in past 16 years and is not known for checkpoint and etc . Ma'ed dheera has great influence in city both military and civil support .


His kins are largest inhabits in city and surrounding area ,


TFG is moving in the right direction ,

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Boqolaal ka tirsan Ciidamadda boliiska iyo Melleterigga ayaa guud ahaan la dhigay wadooyinka Magaaladda Muqdisho iyadoo tiradii ugu badneedna ay ka hoowlgalayaan Isgooysyadda iyo Suuqa Bakaaro.



Ciidamadda Boliiska ee hoowlgalada sameeynayaa waxaa horkacaya Saraakiil boliis oo u badan beesha Sacad ********** kuwaas oo la moodo in qaab qabiil lagu soo xulay si loo dejiyo xiisado iyo shaki badan oo xalay ilaa shalay hareeeyay Muqdisho.

Ciidamadda Boliiska ee hoowlgalada fulinayo waxaa wada jir u hogaaminaya Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qaybdiid oo ah taliyaha Boliiska Soomaaliyeed iyo Cali Siciid Xasan Wadaad oo ah Taliyaha boliiska gobolka Banaadir waxayna labadoodaba u dhasheen beesha Sacad **********.

Ciidamada dhinaca Melleteriga ee gaaf wareegaya hareeraha Magaaladana waxaa hogaaminaya Abaanduul ku xigeenka Ciidanka xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed Korneyl Axmed Cabdille Seed { Axmed Jooyo} oo u dhashay Beesha Sacad.

Arrimahaan ayaa la rumaysan yahay inay soo baxeen kadib markii Beesha ********** ku andacootay inaan la aqbali karin hoowlgal uu hogaaminayo Salaad Cali Jeelle oo bililiqeeystay Xarunta Shirkadda Hormuud Telecom Huriwaa iyo Warshadda Coca Cola,inuu baaro Suuqa Bakaaro.

Cabdi Qaybdiid iyo Ganacsatadda Suuqa Bakaaro ayaa kulan gaara oo ay yeesheen waxay isku raaceen in Ciidamadda Boliiska lagu daro laba boqol Maleeshiyo oo ay soo xusheen ganacsatada si baaris hubeed loogu sameeyo goobaha ganacsiga Muqdisho gaar ahaan Suuqa Bakaaro,waxaa kale oo ganacsatada iyo dowlada Cabdilahi Yusuf ay isku afgarteen in hubka ganacsatada oo dhan la sharciyeeyo.

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This what it was all about !!!!


Profiteers could have done this long time ago and safe city .


NO that that city is in ruin and many lifes have been lost they want to contribute soldiers and join TFG arm force???????

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Quote:The Government’s own army consists of barely 5,000 “soldiers” — former members of the warlords’ militias who inspire fear, not confidence. They man checkpoints and stand on corners in central Mogadishu, flaunting their semi-automatics. Many chew qat. Some steal and extort (we twice had to pay bribes at checkpoints).


Terrified of insurgent attacks, they remove women’s niqabs — Islamic head coverings — so they can see who is underneath.”

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^^Yesterdays stories do not fit in well with the reality above. The TFG troops in Mogadishu alone number more than 12,000 -15,000 and thats not including the local police.


Ciidamada dawladda oo hub qabtay burburiyeyna goobo sharci darro ah


Xoogagga dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta gacanta ku dhigay hub yaalley xaafado ay ka samaynayeen hawlgallo baaritaan ah iyadoo hawlgalladaasna lagu burburiyey goobo sharci darro ah oo ku yiil suuqa Bakaaraha.


Ciidamadaan oo saakay soo degay Isgooysyada Howl-wadaag, Bakaaraha iyo Dayniile ayaa irdaha u laabay gabi ahaanba goobaha yar yare e ganacsiga oo ku yaalay hareeraha isgoosyadaasi iyo qeybo kamid ah Suuqa Bakaaraha ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Ciidamada dowladda oo isugu jira Boolis iyo Militari ayaa si koox koox ah u marayay wadooyinka, waxaana ay dadka ku war galinayeen in gacmahooda ay ku burburiyaan dhismayaasha sharci darada ah, iyadoo qabtay amaba gacanta ku dhigay rasaasta hubka nooca hoobiyaha loo yaqaanno oo ahaa hubkii inta badan lagu weerari jirey fariisimada dawladda.


Gaadiidka yaryar ayaa ciidamadu ay baaritaan ku samaynayeen si loola socdo dadka saaran iyo waxyaabaha ay sidaan taas oo qayb ka ah nabad sugidda ay dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay ka bilowday magaalada.


Axmed Aar


SBC Muqdisho

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hold on to your horses dukie, the big storm is brewing...these lil pr pics dont fool nobody.


i wish u will give up on this bad dream and fight 4 your country. u know damn well no xaabashi govt controlled is gonna be accepted by somali ppl.

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