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Madaxweyne Rayaale Oo Guddi Qabanqaabo U Magacaabay Xuska 18-guurada Ka Soo Wareegtay Gooni-isu-taaga Somaliland Ee 18-ka May



Hargeysa(HWN):-Madax weynaha Somaliland Daahir Rayaale Kaahin,ayaa maanta Guddi u magacaaabay qabanqaabada iyo u diyaargarawga Xuska maalinta 18-ka Bishan May oo ah,oo ah maalintii Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland dib ula soo noqotay gooni-isu-taageeda.


Madaxweyne Rayaale ayaa Guddi uu Guddoomiye u yahay Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Cabdillaahi Ismaaciil Cali (Cabdillaahi-Cirro) u magacaabay diyaarinta Xafladda xuska 18-ka May, iyada oo sannadkan 2009-ka loo dabaal-degayo 18-guuradii ka soo wareegtay maalintii Somaliland dib-ula soo noqotay Madaxbaanideeda, taasoo lagu dhawaaqay 18-kii May 1991-kii, taasoo sanad walba 18-ka May dadweynaha reer Somaliland guda iyo dibad-ba ay si weyn ugu dabaal-dagaan maalintaas.


Sidaa waxa lagu sheegay Warsaxaafadeed galabta ka soo baxay Qasriga Madaxtooyada Somaliland, oo uu ku saxeexan yahay Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada Siciid Caddaani Mooge, kaasoo uu ku sheegay in Madaxwaynuhu Shirkii Golaha Wasiirada oo todobaadkiiba hal mar maanta oo kale Madaxtooyada ku qabsoomay oo uu Guddoominayay Madaxweyne Rayaale. Hase ahaatee, Warsaxaafadeedkaas laguma sheegin magacyada Guddigaas marka laga reebo Guddoomiyaha oo kaliya.



Warsaxaafadeedkaasin a waxa uu u dhignaa sidan:-


“Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, waxa uu iyana magacaabay Guddida Qaban qaabada xuska 18 May oo ah Maalintii Somaliland ay kala soo noqotay qaranimadeeda dalkii la isku odhan jiray Soomaaliya.


Maalintaasi oo si weyn looga dabaal dago Somaliland dibad iyo gudaba, waxa Guddidaasi ay isku soo duba ridi doonaan Xafladaha iyo Munaasibadaha lagu xusayo maalintaasi qiimaha iyo qadarinta ka mudan Bulshada reer Somaliland Guddo iyo Dibadba.


Guddidaasi oo uu Gudoomiye u yahay Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Mudane Cabdillaahi Ismaaciil Cali Cirro, waxa ay ka kooban yihiin Toban xubnood.”

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Adigu every May, inta (politics sectionka) kusoo dhaji abkey Rubaayad, MMAna xaga (general sectionka) uun ha'ula sii cararo!


I am starting to think inaa isaga ula danleedahay... icon_razz.gif

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18th May A Day That Moves The World



Each and every year on the 18th May, we the people of Somaliland remember, we will always remember the mothers and fathers who laid down their lives for peace and progress of this honorable nation. We always remember these fallen heroes and heroines because of their loyal contribution.


Today the history of our beloved country is written as a result of their hands, we remember them because our history is written by their toil and misery. We remember them because their hunger to give us equal opportunities is unmatched, we remember because they taught us to change the world with words and not with guns, we remember because we cannot afford to forget.


It is my greatest hope that this year’s anniversary (18th May 2009) could be different in that we can remember our duties to continue writing and teaching our history to the young and the frail, so they can take pride in their historical identity as the people of courage and wisdom, because those who fell taught them better.


Anniversaries are not supposed to be fashion shows or just happy moments, but a chance to reflect about whom we are and who we want to be.


When the 18th May 09 arrives (insha allah), I hope we could all of us remember where we come and where we want to go as the people of Somaliland. When we celebrate we must ask ourselves: “how will history remember us?” will it remember us as fashionable people who gathers to entertain large audience by dancing or just singing with no modest, or as people of duty to a country? Will people in centuries to come speak about our names or they will never know we existed?


As the founder of Somaliland Anniversary in Southern Africa, I will commemorate and remember the befallen this year because it is the right thing to do. I believe that when this year’s anniversary comes we all must ask ourselves what we can do for Somaliland. Personally I think we can do more as the people of the Diaspora. I think we can make significant changes to the lives of the many and millions by constantly talking and urging other nations to take cognizance of our strides as the Somaliland people in as far as peace stability is concerned and economic attempts in reconstruction.


The theme on the forth coming 18th May, should be CHANGE, I am ardent believer in socio-political and economical change in Somaliland and civic duty and I believe we have the resources to foster change from where we are. We can do more together. I believe Somaliland is fortunate to have us in the Diaspora in order to strengthen foreign relations and support, but to do that we must have common vision.



Long Live Somaliland…..Long Live Somaliland




A note from zealout Somaliland citizen





Saeed Furaa

Freelance Journalist

South Africa

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The somalilanders are really Trent setters the konfuurians didn’t used to celebrate independence, the passed 2 years they started to hold gatherings first of july. Laakin ma ciid ba maalinta barakaysan eeh 18 may ghaadhaya never habaka yaabin.

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Originally posted by -MARX-:


The wadaads in bristol are already gearing up to disrupt this event, if it goes on it will be the first proper 18 may celebration to be held in the city. Last year's was a minor one in comparison fact the "religious vigilanties" were tricked into thinking it was a welcoming event for the vice president ......looking forward to the drama smile.gif

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Those wadaado are the problem ... they will be dealt with.

the problem is you, the one who is promoting fasad in Somaliland and the diaspora. Happy Anniversary kulaha. Inshallah you will dealt with by the wadaado. ;)

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