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Radio Jijiga: Alqaeda and Mugadishu associates war on somali people and their gov.

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Al Qaeda and their Associate in Mogadishu Declared War on Somali Government, and its people

Radio Jigjiga Editorial


The failed attempt on the life of Somali transitional President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed had proven what many of world opinion pointing toward global terrorist organization known as Al Qaeda, and their affiliate in Mogadishu.

For the last several months, Al Qaeda, and Its side kickers in Mogadishu have been willfully planning to disrupt the ingoing work of Somali transitional Government based in Baidao town.


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This is exactly what Radio Jijiga editorial pointed out sometime ago. Alqaeda is in Somalia, with SSICU. No ifs or buts about it.


There is an ethiopian saying which roughly translates to:

You cannot steal a camel and bend your knees not to be seen (to hide).


One cannot conduct an operation, text book Alqaeda operation like the attempted assassination of president Abdullahi Yusuf and claim not having Alqaeda.

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^^^You obviously dont understand sout Somalia at all. There is no Jihad, the people are not rising up and the clan courts are on the run in every direction. Just as predicted. Putting ones hope on truck driver IndaCade and warden Xasan Dahir leads to despair.

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Dukow, when you say there is no Jihad i expect some evidence not your word.


Why do you think its not jihad when gaalo are bombing your brothers?


ps are TFG supporters anti-Islamic for supporting a gaal to retake land through killing Muslims?


lets have a debate here please

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^^^lol. Thats quite weak, the TFG is taking conrol of the security of the country, much like how the late Egal fought and destroyed Burco to control his clan fiefdom. He even wrote a love letter to the Yahudi PM. Thus brother spare us the lecturing, the Soamli government is winning and I know that troubles you allot.


As for the Jihad, I dont know how a criminal can lead a Jihad, specially one that opresses other fellow Somali muslims.

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^^weak saxib weak.


I'm siding with the ICU because i hate your clan is your argument. If only you knew my extended family ;)


ps the 'why are Somalilanders talking of ethios etc when they got help from them' argument will prove to be a redundent one and you know that ;)

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Originally posted by Northerner:

ps the 'why are Somalilanders talking of ethios etc when they got help from them' argument will prove to be a redundent one and you know that

Shouldn't you have fairness towards the somali in Mugadishu who has not seen the peace, order and government you northerners of the east and west have had?


Shouldn't you have fairness to the somali in Kismayo to have the same friendship, good neighborly relations you northerners enjoy with ethiopians?


I cannot understand why some of us want to have peace and prosperity at the expense of our brethern somewhere else. Is everyone of us becoming like egypt that gets 2.2 billion every year from israel/america, but wants the poor palestinian in gaza to keep fighting isreal with bare hands.


Puntland as an example should wish Bay and Bakool state to have peace in itself, peace with neighboring states of somalia or ethiopia as puntland has achieved for itself. Thats only fair and humaine. Have trade and friendship with all neighboring states just like Puntland has.

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Shouldn't you have fairness towards the somali in Mugadishu who has not seen the peace, order and government you northerners of the east and west have had?

Xamar went from anarchy to peace where people walked around without carrying a gun or fearing for their lives for the past 5 months. Yes i want that to continue. I dont think this will happen with a warlord govnt!


Shouldn't you have fairness to the somali in Kismayo to have the same friendship, good neighborly relations you northerners enjoy with ethiopians?

If it was upto me Ethiopia would have no say in any Somali area. Kismayo is peaceful the last time checked but do you want me to think life would be better with an Ethio backed govnt full of warlords?


I cannot understand why some of us want to have peace and prosperity at the expense of our brethern somewhere else.

How is it exactly 'at the expense' of others? I would love nothing better than a peaceful and proporous Somalia without Ethiopian interference and a puppet warlord govnt. That goes for Somaliland and Puntland also.


Is everyone of us becoming like egypt that gets 2.2 billion every year from israel/america, but wants the poor palestinian in gaza to keep fighting isreal with bare hands.


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Originally posted by Northerner:



Shouldn't you have fairness to the somali in Kismayo to have the same friendship, good neighborly relations you northerners enjoy with ethiopians?

If it was upto me Ethiopia would have no say in any Somali area. Kismayo is peaceful the last time checked but do you want me to think life would be better with an Ethio backed govnt full of warlords?


But Kismayo is rented by ICU to Alqaeda and Eritrea to be used as a base for their operations.


ICU doesn't have any use for Kismayo, military or economic or social at this point. I also do not know which Federal State Kismayo would be in, but I know one fact: Kismayo is being used to house base of operations for Alqaeda and Eritrea.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^You obviously dont understand sout Somalia at all. There is no Jihad, the people are not rising up and the clan courts are on the run in every direction. Just as predicted. Putting ones hope on truck driver IndaCade and warden Xasan Dahir leads to despair.

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Soomaalidiina ninkaan maka daashiin miyaa.


Ninkaan maalin walba inta been been socoto ayuu ku qoraa, oo jawaab raadis waaye, wax u jawaabo haduu weyn lahaa asagaa iska bixi lahaa.


Idinka aaminkiina wuxuu qoro ayaa igu kaliftay inaa idiin sheego.


Idaacadda Jigjigo uu maalin walba inta uu soo giliyaa? Yaa leh idaacadaas, oo magaceeda ku qaraabanaayo?


Idaacadda Jigjigo waxaa leh shirkad lagu macaabo Horn Communications, Inc [ku qor meesha], shirkadaan oo lehna Sanaawi maadaama media free ka jirin dhulkaas Amxaarka.

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