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Sanaag: Faah faahin ku saabsan Gaari Saaka laga afduubey Duleedka Magaalada Laasqoray

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This is a detailed analysis on the Kidnapping of the two foreigners in LasQorey by bandits from Somaliland. Reuters as usual falsified on the identity of the two foreiners they reported or whatever the Secessionist administration conveys to them in regards to the region of Sanaag. The two foreigners' are not Westerners but are reportedly identified as from China and Yemen. They have no connection with either Range Resources, or the Canadian based Mining Company that Reuters said in its careless and partisan news coverage.


The secessionists is still pursuing its mission of destabilizing the Sanaag region and Puntland.


Faah faahin ku saab san Gaari Saaka laga afduubey Duleedka Magaalada Laasqoray iyo Warar Dheraada oo ka soo baxaya


Laasqoray-Warar Dheeraada oo ka soo baxay magaalada Laasqoray ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa Waxa ay soo Xaqiijinyaan in Gaari saaka lugu qabtay duleedka magaalada laasqoray ay saarnayeen 3nin oo ajnebiya iyo tiro kale oo aan badnayn waxaana la sheegay in dadka cadaanka ah ay u kala dhasheen Wadamada China,iyo Carab waxaana la geeyey Dadkaasi Meel 20Km u jirta Magaalada Ceerigaabo ee Xarunta Gobolkaasi Sanaag.


Wararku Waxay sheegayaan In Kooxda Wadatey gaariga la Qafaashay ay ahayeen kooxo ka soo jeeda Degaanka Magaalada Bosaso ee Xarunta Gobolka Bari Waxaana la Sheegay Inay ahyeen Dad Si Qarsoodi ah ku baaranaya Macdanta iyo khayraadka Dhulka Sanaag ku aasan iyagoo aan aan Cidina ka Warqabin arinta Qarsoodida ah ee ay Ku guda Jireen.


Waxaan ka Cudur Daaranaynaa Inaan Saaka Warkayaga ku sheegnay Shirkada Macdanbaaritsta ee Reanch Source iyadoo ay yihiin Qolyaha Saaka laga afduubay Duleedka Magaalada Laasqoray Qolyo ka Madaxbanaan Shirkadasi Shidaal qodista balse iyaga laf ahaantoodu ay ahaayeen Kooxo Si sharci daro ah uga quudanayey Agagarka Degmada Laasqoray.


Waxaa Ka Baxay magaalada Bosaso ku dhowaad 4tigniko ah oo ay Saaranyihiin Ciidamada Bileyka Maamulka Puntland oo Haatan ku sugan Meel wax yar dhinaca Galbeed kaga beegan Degmada Laasqoray ee Gobolkaasi Sanaag Waxaana lugu soo Waramayaa Inaanay ilaa iminka la Hayn Wax talaabo ah oo ay ku raadinayaan arintaasi.


Gudoomiyaha Degmadaasi ee Dhinaca Golaha Shacabka Mudane Yuusuf aya ka Gaabsaday Inuu Saxaafada uga Waramo Xaalada ka Dhacday Duleedka Degmada Laasqoray isgoo Sheegay Inaanay arintaasi ahayn Mid uu Saxaafada u gubinkaro.



Waxaa Ciidamada Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ee ku sugan Degmada Laasqoray ay soo shegayaan Inaaney arintaas wax Xog ka Hayn oo aysan Kooxsaasi Werar ku qaadi karin balse ay Si Walaaltinimo ah Wax kaga Doobnayaan ,Ma kala Cada ilaa iminka Jawaabta ay ka Bixin Donaan Kooxda Haysata 3 Ruuc ee ajnebiga ah Waxaa Degmada Laasqoray ee Gobolka Sanaag Suuqyadeeda loogu arkayaa Dadbadan oo iswaydiinaya arintaasi Saaka ka soo Cusboonaatay.



Odayaal Dhaqameed Magaalada Laasqoray ayaa Wada Qorshayaan iyo Dedaalo ay ku baadi gobayaan sidii loo Heli lahaa Xal macquul ku ah Xaaladaasi iyo Deganaansha Degaanka Welina ma jiraan wax hadalo ah oo ay wada yesheen xubanah Maamulka puntland iyo Waxgaradka Odayaal dhaqameedka ka soo jeeda degaanka Gobolka Sanaag.

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Red Sea,

SL baad ku waalateen. Ma indhala'dahay miyaadan fahmin maqaalka. Teeda kale ma laasqoray bay SL joogtaa? All the news is pointing to is a case of kidnapping of chinse and yemeni for ransom nothing more nothing less.

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I don't believe you nor do I believe what reuters reported completely. But we shall wait and see.

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Yesterday News.


Somalia: Two hired foreigners kidnapped in undercover operation

Laasqoray, June 07, (DhaharOnline)- Reports coming from the historic coastal town of Sanaag region , Laasqoray, confirm the two men kidnapped at the outskirts of this city were taken to eastern side of Erigavo, where the secessionists control.


It is not entirely clear why the two foreigners identified to be Yemeni and Chinese nationals, surreptitiously came to the Sanag region, but reliable sources confirm that they were agents of 4 Somali men who are reported to have entered agreement with the separatist region of Somalia for this purpose.


The 4 Somali men are from Qandala and Qardho towns in Bari region, Puntland according to local sources. Other local reports confirm that two foreigners are not affiliated with Australian owned Range Resources Inc, and the Canadian-based Africa Oil.


The mayor of Laasqoray, Jama Hersi Farah, told DhaharOnline that he received a phone call from Erigavo that the foreigners were neither experts of mineral exploration nor engineers working for a major company.


"I was told that they are ordinary men hired from Dubai to perform this operation which is intended to destabilize the region and undermine the Las Qorey port project, "the major said. "We are shocked to find out this rare incident in a recovery region like Sanaag," he continued.


Clan elders are now involved in the release and extradition of these men to Maakhir administration for further inquiry, but the Somaliland administration are reluctant to hand over these two foreigners.



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Originally posted by Peace Action:

If you do not believe the news from the locals i.e Laasqoray and even reuters then you are welcome to make your own news.

Reuters said "Westerners" but it is the locals' news that confirmed their identity and other international news have subsequently picked up from there, for instance, the French News Agency, AFP.


It is sad though that people loyal to Somaliland have infiltrated our territory to successfuly perform this undercover operation.

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