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Unfound accusations against Col. Barre Hiiraale

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Salam Caleykuum


Many members on this board who claim to have pledged unconditional allegiance to the ICU have directed biased criticism against this man without taking in to account the actual position of the ICU towards Col. Barre Hiiraale. I do not know whether these criticisms emanate from ignorance or plain dishonesty and I am not going to indulge in that, however, it is awfully annoying to see certain individuals throw half baked and false smears against this individual. Does one not know that these type of criticism amount to the reprehensible act of slander? Allah (ta3ala) says in Surah Al-Ahzab:


والذين يؤذون المؤمنين والمؤمنات بغير ما اكتسبوا Ùقد احتملوا بهتانا وإثما مبينا


“And among them who malign the believers unfairly, they are guilty of slander and a glaring sin.â€


“Kuwa ku dhiba mu'miniita waxayan kasbanin waxay xambaarteen been abuurasho iyo dambi cad.â€


The ICU has on several occasions displayed their attitude towards Col. Barre Hiiraale and on these occasions, they have praised him for his immense integrity, his patriotic spirit and his honourable history with the wadaado. The exact words were (in a BBC interview):


"Barre Hiiraale waxa waayee nin ee Maxkamadaha ka aaminsanyihiin wadaniyaad, iyo sharaf, iyo xurmad badan"


"Barre Hiiraale is a man that the ICU believes to be nationalistic, honorable, and full of integrity"


And in another interview, available at (start at 6th minute), Shaykh Mukhtaar Roobow Abu Mansuur (xafidhullah) said that Col. Barre Hiiraale is a man of great respect and character and that the courts had great gratitude for him.


Clearly this utmost respect that the ICU possessed for Barre Hiiraale stems from a number of past events:


  • Col. Barre Hiiraale has never annoyed nor attacked the wadaado since the emergence of al-Itixaad al-Islaamiya and never condemned them (al-Itixaad established its base in Gedo)
  • Col. Barre Hiiraale was offered a considerable amount of money to join the "Anti-Terrorism Alliance" but instead choose to send fighters to Xamar in order to aid the ICU.
  • Col. Barre Hiiraale was offered a considerable amount of money by the US Government to capture Sheikh Xassan Turki (xafidhullah) but rejected it.
  • Col. Barre Hiiraale opposes foreign intervention and has on several occasions demonstrated his opposition. He stated that if any foreign presence wages war or simply deploys it troops on Somali soil with the pretext of "bringing peace", I will personally go to Xamar and partake in the fight against the foreigners. He ordered last September the former national forces to turn out and show their spirit of anti occupation movements. General Maxamed Nor Galal who is pro-ICU said regarding this:


    “We are in favour of Barre Hiiraale, the minister of defence whom we are in a same position of defending the country from he enemy, I don’t know how Hiiraale and the so called pro-Ethiopia government can be in common ground and understand each other,â€

  • He always maintained a neutral role when it comes to politics and neither condemned either side but instead attempted to reconcile the political gap between both sides for the sake of the future of Somalia.
  • He brought peace and security to Kismayoo based on non-tribalic reasons but rather based on justice which forced some of his close relatives to resent him. writes:


    “Kismayo;s current peace and governance initiative are the brainchild of Mr. Barre Adan Shire aka Barre Hiiraale. Mr. Shire received unprecedented popularity among city residents after he effectively built bridges among various feuding tribes and banned looting and intimidation by his armed militias. His new security drive is welcomed by almost everyone in the city.


    He lost close friends and former allies when he told them he is not a typical warlord and he's determined to build civil regional administration. Even many armed men from his ******* tribe left him for his stand on responsible governance. A former ally and a close tribesman, Adan jama Dhere is now collecting weapons and gathering tribal young men in an attempt to force Barre out of Kismayo. Mr. Dhere left Kismayo recently after clashes between his supporters and Barre’s.†

Unfortunately, due some bad elements in the ICU who abused the wadaado to participate in political issues that were no concern to them (i.e. the Kismayoo takeover), it forced Col. Barre Hiiraale to choose a side.


So in conclusion, ya overzealous ICU supporters abstain from accussing your fellow Muslim brothers from acts that they are free from lest they eat your good deeds. And remember the Islamic principle:


من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر Ùليقل خيراً أو ليصمت


"Whoever believers in Allah (ta3ala) and the Last Day, let him say something good or else remain silent"




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He always maintained a neutral role when it comes to politics and neither condemned either side but instead attempted to reconcile the political gap between both sides for the sake of the future of Somalia.

That's where he made the mistake. You can't remain neutral in conflicts. He along with every Somali has invested interest in the outcome of the current TFG/Courts struggles. Choose side. One can't be TFG Defence minister and praise the courts at the same time.


As for the slander against him, bro the man is warlord. That should say enough.

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Thanks Suleyman, well put! khalad baay galeen wayna ku sii socdaan weli, sidaa darteed they are now unwelcome in both Gedo & Bari. Kheyrkooda ha isku haystaan.

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A Commander's abuse only results from the performance of his troops and civilian accusations don't matter at all.Sulayman,no accusation matters in this case,the whole issue of the situation is a boil of a stinking kind.One thing that exposes the commander is only the fact that he was involved in the clan stuff like the many Officers who did the same after the fall of the former government and that is a wicked involvement for any patriotnationalist.

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^Barre was never involved in the "clan stuff". The only two events Barre can be accused of in the civil war are the battles for Beled-Xaawo and Kismaayo, both of which he was defending his clan who were under defense. As a trained military man and in the absence of a central government, it was necessary for him to take up the responsibility of defending his people.


What you should ask is; in what ways did Barre profit off of the civil war? Sure he recieved spoils from the battles he won [in which he was on the defense mind you], to the victor goes the spoils, but has he profitted off the suffering of Somali people, did he have check-points, did he forcefully conscript locals to his militia, did he put in place unnecessary taxes, etc etc etc.


No, and even the good Sheikhs of the ICU realize that fact!

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Hiiraale aside from the TFG link is the head of his clan an important figure. He made mistakes in the past but I would not picture him as the devil. He has proven to be tougher than many of us thought.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

What you should ask is; in what ways did Barre profit off of the civil war?

This is an account that should be taken into consideration.Then do u agree were i to say that he was involved in to the clan stuff in a good way?If u agree,whether positive or not,he was involved in to the clan stuff and any one examining the encounter will discard the ''good way''part for that is a natural nature of concluding the such.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Somehow I think there is something about this forum that encourages not understanding the main point..

Bro,The point is,General caydiid's folks say that he was defending for a good cause when he wasn't,col.shabeels folks would also be saying the same thing.No one cares to note the good reasons why some individuals are involved and the same thing with barre is also with col.ayussuf.Thats my point,that pple discard the good reasons involved so thats how the average man looks things at today.No good reason matters,so long as one is associated with the clan stuff.

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^I would allow General Caydiid's folks to say he was defending a good cause when he captured Mogadishu but defending a good cause in Gedo and hell-bent on committing ethnic (read; clan) genocide :confused:


One must be a special kind of a conman to debate that. :D

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salamu calaykum


Dear Sulayman,


Well big ups to Col.Barre if he did indeed brought justice to Kismayo however,you must always keep in mind that one man's hero/savior, is another's warlord.If that is your point of view and the point of view of your likes,then you must remember,that certain sub clans in the Kismayo area were not too happy with Col.Barre being in control of the city,while others were.


He and Morgan were the ones creating unpleasant atmosphere to begin with,after he won that battle,well offcourse he had to settle in,which may seemed that he was a man of peace,but in reality,he was there for his own and sub clan's interest.There is nothing wrong with treating yourself clan with atmost treatment,however, you must always be just to others who are in the residence of the city of Kismayo,and based on what I saw after the courts take over,was that his supporters were very upset that the man who had given them alone so much was gone,but on the other hand,the other sub clans welcomed the courts with open hands,knowing "warlord" Hiiraale was long gone.


So depending on where you look at it,he is just that.He might be your hero if you let say belong to his tribe,and he might be a foe if you are not.


But justice wasn't in that,justice is in the ICU control of the Kismayo,they will serve all inhabitants in accordance to the Islamic sharica not whether or not one belongs to their closest kin or not.Regardless of what he was,it wasn't his ambition to build the roads of Kismayo,it wasn't his vision to build the airport of Kismayo,nor clean the bad acts and the crimes off the streets of Kismayo,however, he had one thing in mind,to have the biggest gun in the block as well as be the man of the beesha.That is no way to move forward,to some it may seem just like that,but in reality, it isn't. The solution, bring the ICU in,let them do the job for the people, without catograsing the people into different sub clans,they will do build the airstrip,pave the roads,schools,rid drugs off the streets,decrease crimes signifantly which in otherwise was always ticking bomb waiting to explode.


In addition, I can understand you might think he is been treated unfairly,but being neutral doesn't make any sense,and certainly it doesn't make any sense to say that Barre Hiirale shouldn't have left Kismayo in a way of force,I think it was the right move,timely too,because the Ethiopians were planing on using the Kismayo port to harm other Somalis,thus Hiirale showed no sign of apposing such move if it ever happened,hence he is a minister of the corrupt TFG after all.


All in all, the man wasn't as credible as you may make him seem,nor is it against the faith, our faith to critise a man like he.It doesn't matter how many Surats you may quote to make it seem as though its' immoral to say anything about him,but it doesn't apply to this situation whatsoever,he deserved of whatever happened to him,thus it wouldn't have happened to him in the first place,Allah isn't injust for your reminder,so Allah did justice,by causing Barre Hiirale to be gotten rid off by the ICU.




Assalamau calaykum.

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e and Morgan were the ones creating unpleasant atmosphere to

Give me on reason why I should read the rest of your post after that statement (since I really did not read beyond that)? :D

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