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General Duke

Mogadishu: heavy troop movement...

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^lol. More work for Duke. A pr campaign for one more Somali clan. Will Duke accept a pr campaign for my own clan?? ;)

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Originally posted by erselam:

Duke why do you think and act more Ethiopian than a Somali?

Are you a Somali speaking Tigreey?

You are a curse to Somalia!



Originally posted by General Duke:

Interesting spelling there of the word "Tigreey"..

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I wrote it the way it is pronounced.

The conclusion is that Duke is a curse to Somalia and he is more Ethiopian than a Somali.


Originally posted by HornAfrique:

quote:Originally posted by erselam:

Duke why do you think and act more Ethiopian than a Somali?

Are you a Somali speaking Tigreey?

You are a curse to Somalia!



Originally posted by General Duke:

Interesting spelling there of the word "Tigreey"..

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^^^Saxib, I am flattered by all the attention you are giving me.


They know General Duke even in Asmara now. :D

The reach of Somalionline..


Red Sea, a secesionist who never spoke out against the torture of children like Samsam Ducale and Shiekh Mohamed Ismael is calling me a curse to Somalia? What gives. :D

Son you know nothing about Somalia and your hatred for Puntland is evident. Dont bother hiding behind the smokescreen everyone can see through you.

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