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Breaking news: Sheikh Sharif Endorses Puntland Agreement

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Originally posted by Cowke:

So Don't take duke serious, he just wants to get pay-back for hamar elite dissing his uncle, he can't see past the big picture of having a future stable nation.

Listen Mr.hebel I dont think you have lost or grieved as much as Duke has in the unfortunate catastrophe of Xamar - and he loves Xamar and its people more than you do. So shut your gob and leave the man alone or wait until he comes and he will whip you backside like damer jooga suqa xoolaha.

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NGOONGE, is right Garoweonline is very close to President Faroole and Has been one of his tools even before he came to power. I think it has improved greatly over the past year.

I don't see how supporting a news site is relevent. One supports the state of Puntland, Garoweonline is a private news portal.

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Duke, is just a kid and don't see the bigger picture of a stable nation, he is of the mind-frame 1 tribe will always rule somalia and that is just not going to be the case. If it was then the government will collapse and we will return back to the way we were with no national government.


Mature people know that their needs power-sharing and their needs to be presidency switch to each tribe. Sure people can hate sharif but he won't be last of the hamar elite to rule somalia and it's best we just accept if we want a nation we got to share, if you want a tribe then we will live another 20 years the same way we have previously.


So Don't take duke serious, he just wants to get pay-back for hamar elite dissing his uncle, he can't see past the big picture of having a future stable nation.

Are you the one that always talking about the true kings and how jama ali jama, king kong, abdirashid ali shamarke etc are the true kings adn leaders?


If it was then the government will collapse and we will return back to the way we were with no national government.

National government? are you like in la la land? You are so out to space, WE HAVE NO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. They control NOTHING. We have a recognized government, but they are not national!! the don't even control all of mogadishu! None of NW Somalia, the president has never gone to Puntland. Unreal!

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Thankful, well at least their trying, which is alot better then where they were 10 years ago.


Somalia is not perfect, but they do realize that their has to be a government, the only difference is which sort of government and that is what is being battled out.


In year 2000 nobody even talked about any sort of goverment, which alot of the criticizers tend to forget.


Ps: Juje bro listen i am not attacking anyone i am juts saying what duke wants is in the interest of his clan and not in the interest of the nation.


Now me personally i am ready to drop my tribe to have a nation again, however some are not. I am pretty tribalistic myself don't get me wrong however i am only like that when intimadated by others, but when it comes to genuine ppl who really want to seek somalia solution I commend them and they should be commended because they realized one thing that alot somalis forget "no tribe is stronger then another tribe, it all depends on who is lucky on the day"


We can't force people to follow our way they will just end up rebelling sooner or later if they rebelled against siyad who was alot stronger then what anyone is today, then what makes you think they won't rebel against your clan-interest policies? we need cooperation at this very hour with people who are genuine and share power equally so all parties feel they are apart of the system and not NEGLECTED BY IT this leads to stability, cooperation, and peace because people will feel they are all stakeholders in the process.

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