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Training for Somali Team Fails to Start After Row ..

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Training for Somali Team Fails to Start After Row


The Nation (Nairobi)


February 28, 2006

Posted to the web February 28, 2006


By Nation Correspondent



Training for members of the Somali Public Service Commission was called off yesterday after the 10 commissioners boycotted sessions.


They wanted the training to be officially opened by the Somali minister in charge of the civil service.


Officials at the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA), where the training was to take place, said the commissioners reported on time but refused to start the lessons.


"They are insisting that the training has to be opened by their minister in charge of civil service. I understand the minister is still in Somalia but we are doing all we can to have them start learning as we await the minister," said KIA director Margaret Kobia.


But some of the commissioners who talked to the Nation said they would not start the training funded by the UN Development Programme-Somali before the official opening by the minister.


Workers at KIA said the commissioners had on Sunday night declined to accept accommodation at the institution claiming that the rooms were sub-standard and did not have television sets.


"They gave us a hectic time. We had to call senior officials to sort out the matter," said a worker.


It took the officials at KIA several hours to convince the commissioners to accept the rooms.


Dr Kobia said the commissioners were free to organise for alternative accommodation outside the institution if they were not comfortable.


The 10 commissioners are in the country for a one-month training after which they will return to Somalia to recruit public servants.

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Maxay ahayd heestii...


Hadii gacal ku sooryeeyo,

Gar-gariirka ceebtiyo,

Maad ka baqan gadaafada?

Mise gogosha taaliyo,

Waad ka guran alaabada?


Hadda bal nin marti ah oo la hagaajiyay oo gacan qabasho iyo gargaar xaafada ku yimid oo ninkii sooryeeyay dood qaniinsiiyay maxaad ku tilmaami lahayd?


Amarka Somali ku dhacay walee meel shishe iyo mina-Allahi baa laga maamulayaa. Waxaani wax ka badan.

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