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Should the U.S. Help Break Up Somalia?

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

quote:Originally posted by Thankful:

The whole article is contrary to what the United States has repeatedly stated both in official government press releases and through every other government official who has been asked the question. That the U.S will not discuss the issue of breaking up Somalia and that is an issue that must be taken up with the AU. I have no clue why people are so focused on the U.S who have continuously shut out this discussion.


Why haven't the secessionists focused on convincing the AU to grant them independence?


Asking the U.S is a waste of time!

Because the US government can influence the AU puppets. SL will continue knocking that door every chance. Do you now get the clue?
I hope you keep knocking on their door for the next 100 years, you have been for close to 2 decades and what has it gotten you from them? The AU puppets will never be influenced on this issue because it would have far reaching implications for their respected nations - nations which co-exist among people of different religions, languages, ethnicities and cultures.


The U.S tells you to take up the issue with the A.U because they know the AU will never allow such secession to occur.

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Thankful the united states is a super power they can make things happen. they basically dictate african policy the african union know somaliland has a case it was a seperate Country before it merged with Somalia in 1960 just like that of Eritrea.The african union sooner or later needs to take responsibility for their own shortcomings

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SL has been dancing in the wrong places for 20 years, it is time for a change.



How about if breaking Somalia, can fix it, and end the agony? Mise sheekadu waa aynu isla dhimano. If some can benefit from it, why not, instead of all perish together.

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