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Lower Shabbele admin announced: victory for locals

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Dowladda KMG ah oo maamul u sameysay gobolka Sh/hoose


Mogadishu 25, May.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa maanta maamul cusub u magacowday gobolka Sh/hoose, iyadoo xafladda magacaabista ay ka dhacday magaalada Muqdisho.


Munaasabaddaan oo ka dhacday Hotel Lafweyn ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay Mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan labada gole ee dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia iyo madax ka socota maamulka gobolka.


Qoraal uu ku saxiixan yahay Ra'isulwasaaraha xukuumadda Somalia oo ay ku qornaayeen magacyada gudoomiyaha gobolkaasi iyo K/xigeenadooda ayaa waxaa saxaafadda u aqriyay wasiiru dowlaha arimaha gudaha dowladda KMG ah Max'uud Sayid Aadan.


1. Gudoomiyaha gobolka Sh/hoose: Dr. C/qaadir Sheekh Max'ed Nuur

2. K/xigeen dhinaca siyaadada: C/laahi Muuse Abuukar.

3. K/xigeenka labaad: Max'ed Ibraahim Xuseen.

4.Arimaha bulshada: C/laahi Cabdi Cumar.

5. Xoghayaha gobolka: Sheikh Sayid Sheikh Abbe.

6.Taliyaha booliska gobolka: G/sare Aadan Xasan Cali.

6.Taliyaha nabadsugidda gobolka: G/le Xasan Ibraahim Aden.

7.Taliyaha ciidanka asluubta: G/le Max'ed Cali Maalin.

8.Taliye K/xigeenka Asluubta: Dhamme Cabdi Nuur Sheikh Max'ed.


Gudoomiyaha gobolka Sh/hoose oo hadal kooban siiyay suxufiyiinta magacaabistiisa ka dib uu sheegay in uu wax weyn ka qaban doono dhinacyada bulshada iyo amaanka gobolkaasi, waxaana uu sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay in loo magacaabo gobolkaasi.


Magacaabista gudoomiyaha gobolka Sh/hoose ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmeysaa xilli amaanka gobolkaasi uu sii xumaanayay maalmihii la soo dhaafay



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Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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Maamulka Gobolka Shabeellada Hoose oo Shaley La Magacaabey:


Wareegto ka soo baxdey xafiiska Ra’iisulwasaaraha ayaa shaley si rasmi ah loogu dhawaaqey maamulka gobolka SH/Hoose,waxaana xubnaha lagu Dhawaaqey ee Gobolka ay ka kooban yihiin 11 Xubnood, iyo 6 maamul degmo.


Xubnaha la magacaabey ee Gobolka ayaa intooda badani waxay ka kooban yihiin dadka ka soo jeeda Gobolka shabeellada Hoose,inkasta oo ay ku jiraan 3 xubnood oo kala ah Taliyaha asluubta Gobolka iyo ku xigeenka Maxkamadda Gobolka oo ka soo wada jeeda ...........,sidoo kale waxaa xubnaha Maamulka degmada Kunturwaareey ku jira qof ka soo jeeda Beelaha.........


Guddoomiye ku xigeenka arrimaha Bulshada ayaa ka soo jeeda Beesha ,halka ku xigeenka arrimaha siyaasadda uu yahay Biimaal ,ku xigeenka dhinaca Maamliyadduna uu yahay Beesha Digil .


Si kastaba ha ahaatee Maamulka Gobolka Shabeellada Hoose ayaa markii ugu horreysa waxaa hurmuud ka noqdey dad ka soo jeeda Beelaha Gobolka,waxaa maamulka Gobolkan lagu soo darin Beelihii mudada dheer halkaas xoogga ku maamuli Jirey .

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Maamulka Cusub ee Gobolka Sh/Hoose oo Maanta Kulan ku yeeshey Hotel Lafweyn ee Magaalada Muqdisho:


Muqdisho DMC 26 May 2007.


Waxaa maanta kulan isbarasho yeeshey Maamulka Cusub ee Gobolka Shabeellada Hoose,kaas oo ay ka soo qeybgaleen odeyaasha iyo waxgaradka Beelaha ,waxaana Kulanlaas ka soo qeybgaley Guddoomiyaha iyo 3da Guddoomiye ku xigeen ,Guddoomiyeyaasha Degmooyinka Baraawe,Awdheegle,iyo Marka .


Kulanka ayay si fiican isku barteen masuuliyiinta,siyaasiyiinta,nabaddoonnada Beelaha Gobolka dega,waxaana halkaas laga soo jeediyey hadallo aad u qiiro badan oo lagu guubaabinaayo maamulka Cusub iyo Bulshaweynta shabeellada Hoose.


Hadalada halkaas laga soo jeediyey ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa inay Beelaha Biimaal iyo Digil joojiyaan Khilaafaadka iyo tanaasulaad la,aanta dhax yaalla,waxayna isku booriyeen in la beddelo dhaqankii horey loogu yiqiin Beelahaas kaas oo ah inay isxasdaan.


Sidoo kale maamulka iyo waxgaradka ayaa isku raacey inay isu tanaasulaan Beelaha isku hasytey maamullada Degmooyinka,Taas oo muuqatey inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin maamulka mar haddii maamulka laga reebey Kuwii muddada dheer u maamulaayey gobolka oo halkaas ka geystey dhibaato aad u culus.


Qaar ka tirsan odeyaasha Beelaha ..... ee Demooyinka Qoryooleey,Baraawe iyo Awdheegle ayaa waxay na soo gaariisyeen dhambaallo Taageero ah oo ay u hayaan maamullada Gobolka iyo kan degmooyinka oo shaley lagu dhawaaqey,waxaana Beelahaas ka mid ah Beelihii dhowaan Cabashooyin u gudbiyey wasiirka Koowaad.


Waxayna sheegeen inay Tanaasuleen mar haddii dadkii la magacaabey ay yihiin shucuubta ka soo jeedda Mandiqadda shabeellada Hoose,waxaana Odeyaashaas ka mid aha Sheekh Cabdisalaan Sheekh Axmed Fiqi,Xuseen Maxamed Xasan,oo ka tirsan odeyaasha Degmada Qoryooleey ee


Sidoo kale odeyaasha Beesha dhowaan cabashooyinka u gudbiyey wasiirka Koowaad ayaa caddeeyey inay ka tanaasuleen Cabashooyinkooda mar haddii waxa maamulada Loo dhiibey ay yihiin dad walaalahooda.


Ugu Dambeyntii Guddoomiyaha Cusub ayaa sheegey inay u diyaargaroobaan sidii ay maamulladooda u hanan lahaayeen,wuxuuna sheegey inaan laga aargoosan doonin dadkii deegaankaas xukumi jirey sidoo kale waxaa loo oggolyahay inay si nabad ah ku noolaadaan haddii aysan la imaanin dhibaato,waxaana la gudboon buu yiri inay aqoonsadaan martinimadooda.


Sidoo kale Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegey in si adag loogu diyaargoroobo sidii loo hanan lahaa guusha usoo hoyatey Beelaha Gobolka shabeellada Hoose,wuxuuna sheegey in xornimo buuxda la gaari doono marka uu maamulka shaqeeyo,wuxuuna ku adkeystey in loo diyaargaroobo dhimasho dhaawac,Hanti oo la bixiyo,maxaa yeeley buu yiri Gobolka waxaa yaalla Qodaxyo badan oo ay maleegeen dadka dhulkaas si xaqdarro ah ku maamuli jirey.


Mar aan Guddoomiyaha weydiiney sida uu u arko magacaabistiisa, ayaa waxa uu sheegey inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay magacaabistiisa wuxuuna sheegey inuu u gudan doono si caddaalad ah,mar aan weydiiyey waxa uu qaban doona marka ugu horreysa ee uu Gobolka Tago wuxuu sheegey inuu xoogga saari doono dhinaca nabadgelyada.


Sidoo kale waxaan weydiiney sida uu ka yeelaayo dadkii Gobolka maamuli jirey,wuxuu sheegey haddii aysan dhibaato la imaanin ma ka aarsaneyno waxayna ka mid noqonayaan Rayidka loo Talinaayo,haddiise ay dhibaatooyin la yimaadaan waxaan ka qaadi doonaa tallaabada ku habboon,sidoo kale ma jiri doonto in si sharciga ka baxsan qof loogu xadgudbo


Asagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa sheegey inay qaarkood u soo hambalyeeyeen islamarkaasna ay si buuxda noola shaqeyn doonaan,waan soo dhoweyneynaa haddii ay sidaas ku socdaan.

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^^^I felt the plight of the people of this region brother. It [change] also highlights that only the TFG have been able to address this issue. Giving the region back to its local majority. While the clan courts and those before them were part of the problem.

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Duke, yesterday I read in one of the debates a very good question put to you. Clearly your concern is not about warlords or the likes, or whom subjugates whom but as long as the people in question can help further advance Abdullahi's transitional presidency.


It is a good thing the Shabelle natives are tasting freedom but it is the saddest thing that their plight has become a political tool for you and the likes.

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^^^Horn, pardon but I was not around yesterday thus I have not come across the question.

The Lower Shabbele is not a political tool, just an example of why this governemnt works, it empowers locals every where. In Bay Bakool, Lower Shabbele, Banadir, Juba's and so on. Its the way it works.


Unlike the JVA which occupied through the gun, and which you supported.

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It is rather exasperating debating with you, it is so base sxb. Every time I write a sentence why must "JVA" filter into the conversation? Clearly it is a way for you to avoid the discussion at hand but it is rather childish of you nonetheless. Wassalam sxb.

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Horn, you make comments about warlords and Yusuf governemnt when supporting the alliance of warlords which occupied the lower shabbele and Kismayu. Adeer no debate just putting the truth out there. Your hero Hiiraale was part of the problem, in the fertile south. Dhuxulow, Goobanle and Cirfo were his close friends and allies. Thus claiming to be glad about the lower Shabbele's new found freedom while being an ardent apologist for those who occupied them for so long makes no real sense at all.

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Lower Shabelle has always been, since 1991, the playground of whomever was the strongest in south Mogadishu. If it was not Caydiid it was Caato, if not Caato it was Hussein Aydiid and afterwards the Guri-Ceel men.


Kismaayo, however, was a wrong that was righted with the ousting of a blood-sucking warlord who was supported by any dollar that could have been collected from Gaalkacyo to Boosaaso.

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^^^Horn, your group was dependend on the Guriceel junta that occupied the lower Shabbele and it was them that ran Kismayu and your hero was a junior front man who only killed his kinsmen.


These groups turned Kismayu into a Beled Xawo/Guriceel type village.


Anyhow we seen how powerful your group was when they were chased out by Goobanle and Seeraar who stayed in the city while Hiiraale ran.


Shame you are trying to rewrite history but this was not that long ago.


Now you are occupiying Kismayu, who's your new mayor? lol.

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Duke, you might want to revisit your history. When the SNF captured Kismaayo, it was Hussein Aydiid and his sub-clan that controlled the Lower Shabelle. As for the usual rehashed Goobaale/Seeraar thing, well what can I say Duke? Nin daad qaaday xumbo cuskey bay Soomaali tiraah. :D


The man commanding the men in control of Kismaayo today is the same wealthy businessman who paid many a money to Hiiraale's men to put their weapons down and join the ICU. The ICU was in effect a very confusing time and even I, Horn, was greatly confused and troubled by whom to support. Understand, however, that the majority of Hiiraale's men were spiritually with the ICU's spoken objectives, however unsatisfied they might have been with the political cards that were being played.


Tell me Duke, why have you become more genuine about your feelings concerning Kismaayo ever since Afagduud and his cohorts were given the boot? :D

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^^^Adeer I never claimed Kismayu, nor like you do I think my clan needs Kismayu to survive , we have enough real estate saxib. But the fact remains that Kismayu was a small incident in this war, however the TFG will not negotiate and if you belive in force it has been used in Mogadishu and KISMAYU is no Mogadishu..


I belive the locals will prevail as those in other regions have and they are not Hiiraale & Co, but those who are in the admin.


As for the JVA are you now saying that Goobanle, Seeraar and InDacde were the true masters of Hiiraale and your wing? :D


Come on saxib lets drop the pretences, your groups is a small group within the Somali political power structure. The proof was when adeers Barre and Hiiraale faced a fight, they both fled. and the clan was unable to defend them.


Mark my words your clan will not run Kismayu as in the days of theJVA, stick to Bardheere and other villiges and build some sort of economy, let those who can build cities work on Kismayu. :D

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