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Brother Sheikh Shariif captured! (We got him)!

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Sheik shariif needs to be integrated as a minister. He is a moderate man. Islam doesn't tell us to take extreme standards either way. He is an examplary muslim and leader for future generations. I would hope President Yusuf and Prime Minister Geedi include him in a shortened and revised Cabinet.

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^ For clan reasons that is highly unlikely. The speaker has to represent a diversity of Somalia. most likely the new speaker will either be a person from Bay/Bakool or the present deputy.

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Alright I messed up, the kenyans got him but he will inshallaah join the government, if he does this would give the government just what it needed!

I'm glad you finally come to terms inay wax kaa khaldan yihiin but you're still enjoying unconfirmed reports of Sheikh’s arrest.



I don't get it. Help me out nomads. TFG and its supporters were cheering for Meles to 'crush' the Islamists & terrorists in Somalia. Both Ethiopia and TFG labeled the organization Sheikh represented terrorist & Jihadist group. Now you declare one of their leaders innocent without court proceedings? Pick and choose? Have your cake and eat it too?


Ethiopia and US want him part of the government so he’s innocent NOW to serve in TFG when some of us declared them as terrorists just weeks ago? What’s with the worry of his safety? Isn’t he a member of the ‘terrorist’ group that Meles wanted to crush?

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So Somalis are still making their politic promotions based on tribe, which will hurt us one day.


When a little error is made, and a tribe is unsatisfied because his/her tribe didn’t get the high positions it sought after, it will all once again be made out to be a tribal conflict.


The sooner we start judging our future politicians based on education, experience, and good morals, the better chances we have of avoiding tribal conflicts in the future.

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Many non ICU supporters who if you asked them, WHO WOULD YOU SUPPORT OUT OF THE ICU? 95% would say sheik shariif sheik ahmed. The druglord turned sheik and the prison warden turned fighting in 'Enemy territory' but not anywhere near 'his turf' are unlikely candidates.





If I am not mistaken Sheik Shariif and PM Geedi are from the same sub sub clan rite? That is not feasible. Wouldn't it look like a hostility to the people of Bay and Bakool who helped host the gov't for such a long period of time.


Wouldn't the people of Xamar find it unfair that the president and the Prime minister weren't not only from the same clan but the same sub sub clan?

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Taako, we are not here to talk about what appears to be fair and what is not. These people aren’t kids, who want to get everything equally. We are talking about the future and the interests of our nation. If the people of Bay and Bakool want a person who could represent them in the government, let them bring forth a brother who is educated, experienced and has good morals. Everyone will respect him and accept him for his merits and not his tribe/clan.


The President and Prime Minister could both be from the same tribe, clan, sub-clan, sub-sub-clan, even family if they reach the expectations set for them. Enough with the tribal affiliations. :(

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OK people, let me be the devil's advocate and tell you why he can not be part of the government.

clan balance: If they take him in they have to take someone from his clan out of Parliament and maybe the cabinet.

Difficult times: This government mandate runs out intwo years, the tasks ahead of them are huge and they don't need anymore opposition or dowladdiid.


Honestly, even though I don't care for the guy, he was trying to over throw the government only few weeks ago but then there are people like suudi and qanyare who in the parliament who have also done their best to undermine the government. The smart and just thing to do would be to have him house arristed in mogadishu so the government can keep an eye and make sure he stays out of cousing the government more problems. In ideal world, all high ranking members of the UIC should be pardoned by the president in exchange for staying out politics.

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Originally posted by mystic


The sooner we start judging our future politicians based on education, experience, and good morals, the better chances we have of avoiding tribal conflicts in the future. [/QB]

That is likely to happen in the future inshallah! Warlord era, jalhilnimo, qablnimo (jahilninmo) will cease ppl the educated aboard will work for the better of the country like the asians inshallah!...........but it depends on us who are aboard to change the course of somalia inshallah! civilization have been to the moon and look at us......dumb africankos! :(


About the Sheikh, may Allah Most High aid him and the others. Amiin.

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NN, the problem with the Government is, that it is a tribal based government. I was reading the Somalia Charter, and Article 21 # 4 it said, and I will quote “ Any political party of a military character or tribal nature will be prohibited”


Now anyone could correct me if I am wrong or correct my misunderstanding, but isn’t the TFG based on tribe, divided among tribe, govern regions by tribe and when appointing an individual to office tribe is soley put under concentration. It is a party which is of tribal nature if you ask me. LOL… someone hurry up and prove me wrong or find the error I am in. :D


NN i think that i am more likely to be suited to be the devils ultimate advocate. ;)

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as long as someone doing the job walaal, its all good with me. but going back to the piont you have raised, the section of the charter that you pionted out does not counterdict that make up of the government becouse there are no parties as of now. The section is outlawing tribally based parties but not government. Iska ma indo tiri karno the realty on the ground, which that our problems (and it just accord to me that we don't have tribes but clans in somali) clan based. Its a transitional government and its purpose was to address the problems facing the country I.e. clan dicvision, how can we fault them for that?

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That is highly unlikely. Even if Abdullahi yusuf's first cousin was the best man for Prime minister he wouldn't be allowed because it would show a clan nepotism of top positions.


People used to scream "Marna wa Rasheed, Marna wa Razaq inte kale ma roatiye" LOOOOL. Imagine if they were any closer and both president and prime minister. Many people have profound respect for both individuals but it wasn't excepted then when they were PM and outgoing PM. It want be accepted now.


Thats just the Somalia we live in.

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What criteria you use to lynch some ICU leaders and declare others of innocent? Is that also qabiil-based?



Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

OK people, let me be the devil's advocate and tell you why he can not be part of the government.

clan balance: If they take him in they have to take someone from his clan out of Parliament and maybe the cabinet.

Is this supposed to some secrecy? The irony is that you were accusing the ICU of qabiil.

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will, no i did not but people seem to pretend that it is. and yes, I not only did, it was a fact. here is another secret, UIC was not even a qabiil or a clan but a sub clan but and the TFG is made up of all somali qabiils. Stay tuned for more secrets.

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