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Brother Sheikh Shariif captured! (We got him)!

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I knew it was the Good Shariif Sheikh Ahmad!



Nayroobi: Ciidamada Booliska Kenya oo gacanta kusoo dhigay Sheekh Shariif Sh. Axmed.

Arbaco, January 17, 2007




Nayroobi(AllPuntland)- Sida ay qortay Shabakadda SRATFOR oo soo xiganaysa wargayska East Africa Standard ayaa shaacisay in maanta oo ah 17 Jannaayo laga soo qabtay meel ku dhaw Xerada Qaxootiga Dhadhaab ee ku taal xadka Kenya iyo Soomaliya Guddoomiyihii Golahii fulinta ee Maxkamadaha Ismaamiga Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Sheekh Shariif oo qabashadiisa ay ku tilmaameen hoggaamiyhii ugu weynaa ee la soo xiro ayaa horay u sheegay in ay bedeleen qaabkii dagaal oo ay kula jireen Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa dowladda, wuxuuna khudbaddiisii ugu dambeysay uu jeediyay maalintii ciidda kuna beegneyd 30-kii Desember ee sanadkii hore ayaa la garaneyn meel uu ku sugnaa muddadii ka dambeysay xilligaas.


Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa horay u sheegtay in ay xiriiro la sameyn jireen xubnaha ay ku tilmaameen in ay yihiin qunyar socod ee ku jiray Maxkamadaha, iyagoo farta ku fiiqi jiray inuu ka mid ahaa Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Ciidamada Booliska Kenya ayaa horay u qabtay Ganacsade Abuukar Cumar Caddaan oo dhinaca maaliyada ka taageeri jiray Maxkamaddaha Islaamiga, waxaana ay ciidamada Booliska ay ku hayeen isbitaal ku yaala magaalada Nayroobi ee dalka Kenya, halkaasoo maxkamad maalintii doraat lagu soo taagay.


Cali Sandheere

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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He belongs to the moderate ICU officials. He should be treated with dignity and invited to Xamar to join the efforts there to bring peace and stability along with the other ICU members that opted for peace and dialogue with the interim government.

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Brother Sheikh Shariif captured! (We got him)!

On one hand you call him "brother" for the last remaining traces of diin and Somalinimo in you and on the other, you say "we got him" like the US did of Saddam. Ma adaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heeseyaa?


Shariif will be fine. The day he joins this puppet regime is the day I resent him.

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Wallaahi Shariif Sheikh Ahmad ought to be brought to Mogadishu as my brother sky already said!


This government should be a government of national unity and all should be included in this interim phase of the process for finding a lastting government for Somalia!


His position could be that of the Religious Affairs minister or he could head the reconciliation ministry because he would be very appriopriate for it!


He's a man with dignity and Allaah will not abondon him inshallaah, the government is working hard to bring this individual into the country and government inshallaah!


He would have dealt and negotiated but the whole revolution of the ICU was politicised by non other then Mr. Hassan Dahir Aweys, who felt that if the negotiations were to be successful, he would be losing his title of overall leader of the ICU because he knew he was a wanted man but he chose not to save the many children he send into war by negotiating!


He could have left for Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Egypt and Djibouti all were on offerbut he declined and now where is he?


Hiding ofcourse.

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Originally posted by Sky:

He belongs to the moderate ICU officials. He should be treated with dignity and invited to Xamar to join the efforts there to bring peace and stability along with the other ICU members that opted for peace and dialogue with the interim government.



I believe he can unite the somalis of all walks.

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Shiekh Shariif Shiekh Axmed is loveble my all sane somalis indeed, however he is just an indivual.The effort to fight the wrong and evil doers still remains.Sh. Shariif is just and individual who was part of the collective effort to bring Somalia back on its feet without Xabashis offcourse,as long as there are Xabashis who illegally occupy somali towns ,the Somali poeple must stay determined to get their country back however long it takes.


Allamagan, if you believe he can unite Somalis,then why didnt' you support the ICU which was a head of, or he can now,and not before?



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Shiikh Shariif Axmed oo isu dhiibay Dowlada Kenya


Last Updated::2007-01-17 21:42:48




Nairobi:- Joornaalka East African Standard ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Booliiska Kenya ay qabteen Hogaamiyihii Maxaakiimta Islaamiga.


Warkan ayaa lagu sheegay in Shariif Axmed lagu qabtay asagoo kusii socda Xerada Qaramada Midoobay ee ku taal Dhadhaab.


Halka Warar kale ay sheegayaan sida uu Joornaalka soo xigtay in uu Shariif Axmed isaga isa soo dhiibay, asagoo ka codsaday Dowlada Kenya in ay siiso Magangelyo siyaasadeed.


Joornaalka oo la xariiray Ciidamada Booliiska ayaa sheegay in taliyaha ciidamada Booliiska ee Mr Johnstone Limo, si deg deg ah loogu diray dhadhaab si uu ulla soo wareego Hogaamiyihii Maxaakiimta oo si kumeel gaar ah loogu xiray xarunta UNHCR ee dhadhaab.


Booliiska Kenya ayaa la sheegay in ay u soo gudbiyeen Shiikh Shariif Axmed dhinaca magaalada Gaarisa.


Guddoomiyaha degmada Gaarisa Mr Joseph Imbwaga ayaa saxaafada u sheegay inuu warsaxaafadeed soo saari doono isla markaana uu soo bandhigi doono xogta uu hada hayo asagoo ku sugan magaalada Nairobi.


Waa markii ugu horeysay oo hogaamiye sare oo kamid ah Maxaakiimta lagu qabtay dalka Kenya.


Ciidamada Kenya ayaa horey u qabtay Abuukar Cumar Cadaane oo ahaa Ganacsadihii ugu weynaa ee maalgelin jiray Maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta.


Abuukar Cadaane oo ah hada nin waayeel ah isla markaana curyaan ah ayey dowlada Kenya soo taagtay Maxkamad labo maalmood kahor magaalada Nairobi.


Dowlada Kenya ayaa su'aalo ka weydiineysa qaraxii bambaano ee dalka Kenya loo geystay sanadkii 1998dii xiligii la qarxiyey safaarada Maraykanka, ayadoo dadkii weerarkaasi ka danbeeyey la sheegay in ay xiriir la lahaayeen Maxaakiimta Islaamiga.


Shariif Axmed oo ahaa hogaamiyihii fulinta ayaa horey u sheegay inuu la dagaalami doono ciidamada Itoobiya islamarkaana uu dagaal dhuumaaleysi ah ka geli doonaan dhulka Soomaliya.


Qabashada Shariif Axmed ayaa kusoo aadeysa wakhti ay si xun u duqeeyeen diyaaradaha Maraykanka dhulka koonfureed ee Somaliya ee xadka Kenya.



Qoraalkii Jooraalka East Afrika

Top militia commander arrested

By Standard team


An official of the Union of Islamic Court has been arrested in Garissa as hundreds of fleeing immigrants from Somalia camped at the closed border.


Reports indicated that Sheikh Ahmed Sharif Sheikh, believed to be second in command to Sheikh Hassan Aweys, was captured near Dadaab Refugee Camp.


It was claimed the Islamist commander was seized at a roadblock in Damajale location heading to the United Nations High Commissioner for refugee camps in Dadaab division.


Other sources claimed that the Islamist leader was picked by Kenyan authorities and briefly put in custody at the UNHCR sub-office.


Other reports, however, alleged that the Islamist leader voluntarily surrendered to Kenyan officials at the border and requested for asylum status through the refugee agency.


Although Sharif reportedly resigned from the command of the defeated UIC, he was perceived to be the most influential and powerful member of the militia force.


He was also the head of the eight-man decision making committee at the helm of the religious uprising that dethroned the interim Somalia Transitional Federal Government from southern and central parts of the country.


Garissa DC, Mr Joseph Imbwaga, said rumours over the arrest were rife in town, but promised to brief reporters after getting in touch with officials on the ground.


Although the courts gained overwhelming public support at the initial stages, some moderate Muslims felt oppressed when the justice mechanism outlawed consumption of miraa, a favourite pass time stimulant.


Mid-last year Sharif stepped down for Sheikh Aweys following the union’s victory before it was overrun by Ethiopian forces last month.


Imbwaga told journalists at his office that Garissa OCPD, Mr Johnstone Limo, had travelled to the refugee camp to ascertain the arrest since most of the officers on the ground were out of reach.


Meanwhile, eight suspected Somali refugees have been remanded by an Isiolo court while another one was fined for being in the country illegally.


Esewhere, police at the Kenyan-Somali border are holding nine Somali nationals who were found ferrying miraa (khat) to Somalia.


The suspects were intercepted at the Liboi border on Monday evening while aboard two vehicles bearing Somali registration numbers.


East Afrikan Standard |

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Alright I messed up, the kenyans got him but he will inshallaah join the government, if he does this would give the government just what it needed!


Support from the UIC remnants in the country! Right now what we need is to bring all the opposition on board. Thats why the President was meeting with politicians who were opposed to him!


He met Cali Mahdi, Cabdiqaasim and Morgan and others and I certainly would hope he makes further strikes in meeting all in order to move this battered nation forward and into a new era of peace and prospertiy inshallaah!

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It was intended for 'humour' but some didn't understand! I however quite agree that it was utterlly 'distasteful' of me to do that but I'm glad someone laughed at it because I thought I was the only one who found it 'funny'!


However I've to ilretrate that the Shariif Sheikh Ahmad was never in danger even the US wants him in the government, so it says something about him and the affection he spread throughout lines both the Somalis of every political persuasion love him on one equation and on the other the EU, US and Ethiopia!


The man is loved by everyone! They will release him immidiately I would guess! I hope he gets realised ofcourse inshallaah!

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