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Mogadishu Security and Stabilization Initiative

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Joint Statement

Mogadishu Security and Stabilization Initiative

Mogadishu, Somalia

June 6, 2005

1. Members from both the Transitional Federal parliament and the Federal Government of Somalia in Mogadishu and former presidents; members from the Somali Civil society organizations have held a critical Mogadishu Security and Stabilization meeting on June 6, 2005 at Shaamo hotel.


The meeting was chaired by H.E. Mr. Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, Speaker of the Somali Federal Parliament.

2. The Undersigned members have participated in this critical meeting (See Annex).


3. This meeting is a follow-up of the on-going mogadishu Security and Stabilization activities under-taken by members from both federal Legislative and executive institutions in partnership with the civil society organizations. The intended goals of this meeting include:


• The discussion and consensus endorsement of the ongoing Mogadishu Security and Stabilization activities, while –at the same time –engaging in the removal of all forms of road-blocks inside and outside Mogadishu.

• The meeting aims to become the launching pad for a much wider national reconciliation effort in Mogadishu and throughout Somalia.

• That this meeting leads to the creation of a neutral political space that bridges the existing gab between members of the transitional federal institutions of Somalia.


4. The Participants


• Noted with satisfaction the progress achieved thus far with regard to the on-going Mogadishu Security and Stabilization activities;

• Further identified concrete suggestions on the ongoing Mogadishu security and Stabilization activities and agreed to collectively support the successes achieved thus far;

• Urged the leaders of this on-going process to accelerate the cantonment of heavy weapons, the demobilization, disarmament and re-integration of the armed militia; It was also noted about the imperative role of the restoration of the national security forces;

• Highlighted the imperative role of the civil society institutions’ participation in the active engagement of the implementation of the Mogadishu Security and Stabilization efforts, these include: The Somali Business Groups, Islamic Sharia Courts, Civil Society Organizations, Traditional Elders and Religious leaders.

• Reiterated their deep concern over the need to help an environment of mutual understanding and resolution of the political dispute between members of the transitional federal institutions;

• Expressed commitment to the realization of the Mogadishu Security and Stabilization Plan;

• Acknowledged the immediate removal of the existing road-blocks across the city as a base for a successful pacification of Mogadishu;

• Expressed their deepest concern over failure to the current on-going Mogadishu Security and Stabilization Plan, not only as a set-back to Mogadishu initiative, but also to all Somalia;

• Requested Targeted assistance in the interim from the international community to support the on-going Mogadishu Security and Stabilization efforts;

• Urged the sustainability needed to have the on going efforts taken over by the relevant Gov’t institutions with in the framework of the TFG while the good will and inputs of other stakeholders are fully utilized.

• Expressed their appreciation to the selfless efforts of the Somali Center for Research & Dialogue (CRD) in the preparation and arrangement of this important and critical meeting.

5. A more detailed report on the proceedings of this critical meeting will be made available to all participants in thus critical meeting and other interested parties. The full report will be made available on the CRD website:

Done in Mogadishu on June 6, 2005

This was witnessed by:




6th June 2005


1. HE Ali Mahdi Mohamed President

2. HE Abdulkasim Salad Hassan President

3. HE Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan TFG Speaker of Parliament

4. Mohamud Jama - Sifir TFG Deputy PM

5. Muse Sudi Yalahow TFG Minister

6. Mohamed Qanyare Afrah TFG Minister

7. Abdi Hashi TFG Minister

8. Botan Isse Alin TFG Minister

9. Mohamed Jama –Furuh TFG Minister

10. Mohamud Salat TFG Minister

11. Abdulkadir Sh. Mohamed TFG MP

12. Mohamed Abdi Yusuf TFG MP

13. Hussien Arale Addan TFG MP

14. Abdullahi Adan Ahmed TFG MP

15. Tamal Hassan Ismail TFG MP

16. Sulaiman Olad TFG MP

17. Ahmed Omar Jees TFG MP

18. Abdiwali Ibrahim TFG MP

19. Hirsi Adan Rooble TFG MP

20. Abbas Mohamed Duale TFG MP

21. Yusuf Mire Seeraar TFG MP

22. Mohamed Hussien Adow TFG MP

23. Hasan Dhimbil Warsame TFG MP

24. Hassan Burale Mohamed TFG MP

25. Ahmed Mohamed S. TFG MP

26. Mohamed Mo’alim Abdirahman TFG MP

27. Mohamed Hassan D. TFG MP

28. Jama Ali Jama TFG MP

29. Ahmed Dirie Mohamed TFG MP

30. Mohamed Sh. Gabiow TFG MP

31. Yusuf Mohamed Siyad (Indha-Cade) Governor Lower Shabelle

32. Hussien Bod Politician Fm. Deputy PM

33. Sheikh Ahmed Ali Osman Member Religious groups

34. Sheikh Nuur Barud Member Religious groups

35. Ibrahim Omar Shawey Politician Politician

36. Gen. Mohamed Said Hersi Morgan Politician Politician

37. Mohamed Farah Jimale Politician Politician

38. Abdi Farah Jama Politician Politician

39. Mohamed Omar Wayel Politician Politician

40. Abdi Hassan Awale Member Business groups

41. Said Ahmed Member Business groups

42. Abdullaahi Isse Abtidon Member Business groups

43. Ali Abdi Shire Member Business groups

44. Sheikh soomow Member Business groups

45. Omar Mohamed Hober Member Business groups

46. Salad Osman Roble Member Business groups

47. Nasro Weheliye Member Business groups

48. Mohamud Abdikarin Ali gabayre Member Business groups

49. Husein Abdi Mohamed Member Civil Society

50. Abdulkadir M. Nur -ENO Member Civil Society

51. Abdulkadir Adan Member Civil Society

52. Gen. Jama M. Qalib Member Civil Society

53. Abukar Sh. Yusuf Member Civil Society

54. Bashir Mohamed A. Member Civil Society

55. Abdulkadir Ibrahim Abkow Member Civil Society

56. Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir Member Civil Society

57. Mohamed Nur Ga’al Member Civil Society

58. Abdulkadir Sheikh Ibrahim Member Civil Society

59. Mohamed Osman Toto Member Civil Society

60. Ali Iman Sharkame Member Civil Society

61. Abdirahman Badiyow Member Civil Society

62. Col. Abdullaahi Goffow Member Civil Society

63. Sharifo Addow Member Civil Society

64. Asha Sha’ur Member Civil Society

65. Halima Mohamed Member Civil Society

66. Hakima Mohamud Abdi Member Civil Society

67. Zahro Ibrahim Guled Member Civil Society

68. Halima Mohamud Afrah Member Civil Society

69. Bint Ali Olow Member Civil Society

70. Halimo Geedi Member Civil Society

71. Barlin Sheikh Member Civil Society

72. Kadijo Osoble Member Civil Society

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