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Commission: Eritrea started the 1998-2000 war

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Ethiopia wants compensation! Isn't that ironic? At first, Meles wouldn't abide by the 2002 ruling that awarded Eritrea legal rule over disputed territory, including the strategic town of Badme. Now, another commission has ruled that Eritrea initiated the bloody 1998-2000 war between the East African rivals. Ethiopian officials promise a compensation suit in the hundreds of millions, since Eritrea started the war.


What's interesting is the timing of this new ruling. Eritrea has recently expelled all White (North American or European) soldiers from the U.N. monitoring team, because their countries supported U.N. sanctions against Eritrea. But the Eritrean government is mad because the int'l community has failed to pressure Ethiopia to abide by the 2002 ruling and pull back its troops from such places as Badme.


It would be hypocritical, on the part of the int'l community, to expect Eritrea to endorse this recent ruling and pay Ethiopia compensation, while Ethiopia continues to refuse to abide international law.

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I posted an article couple of days ago about Eritrea expelling all the U.N peace-keepers from their country. I found it ironic how the America ambassador in security council [of all people] warned Eritrea for their acts of agression when it is Ethiopia that continues to make a mockery of the U.N and international community. Ethiopia has yet to comply with the international community's decision to award Badme and other border areas to Eritrea, yet no one says anything! Eritrea acts out of frusteration yet everyone's lyrange is cleared up. Amazing iga dheh.

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The US has always been on Ethiopia side,

Eritreans had to live with it.


Lets hope the Eritreans are carefull this time.

The Western powers find a country that has no debts and is both politically and economically independant to be a dangerous idea and a threat.


So Eritrea is basically screwed,

The only thing keeping it alive is their millitary prowes

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