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Ethiopia troops seizes Buuhoodle Town in Northern Somalia

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Ciidamada Ethopianka oo soo Degay Buuhoodle.




Jul 23, 2006 By:Xuseen Aadan Yuusuf


Buuhoodle(Radiossc,net):-Iyadoo xaaladda Guud ee Deegaanka Buuhoodle ay kacsanayd maalmahii ugu dambeeyey ka dib markii dhacdooyin kala duwan oo xagga Ammaanka wax u dhimayaa ay dhaceen ayaa Saaka goor hore waxaa Magaalada Buuhoodle soo degay Ciidanka Federaalka Ethopia.



Raxan ka tirsan Ciidanka Federaalka Ethopia ayaa Ku waabariistay Meelaha ay Xeryaha ka dhigtaan Ciidanka Ethopianku marka ay Buuhoodle soo degaan, Ciidamadan ayaa waxa ay ku sugan yihiin Xaafadda Suweeto oo magaalada Buuhoodle kaga taalla dhinaca Xuduuda Ethopia mana jiraan wax Ciidamo ah oo u soo talaabay dhinaca Xuduuda Soomaaliya.


Ma jiro illaa hadda wax kulan ah oo dhexmaray Ciidamada Ethopianka iyo dadweynaha deegaanka marka laga reebo hawlwadeeno derejo hoose ah oo Ethopianka uga wakiil ah dhinaca Xuduuda ka talowsan, waxana lagu rajo weyn yahay inuu kulan noocaas ahi uu qabsoomo Duhurnimada Maanta.


Sida la ogyahay dhacdooyin kala duwan oo dhinaca Ammaanka ah ayaa hadheeyey Deegaanka Buuhoodle maalmahii ina dhaafay, ka dib markii ugu yaraan maalintii shalay ay gabadh dhalinyaro ahi ku dhaawacantay rasaas ay is weydaarsadeen kooxo hubaysan oo aan abaabulayn badhtamaha magaalada Buuhoodle khilaaf ku saabsabn Baabuur la kala iibsaday oo dhinac ka mid ah dadkii kala iibsaday ay dalbadeen in iibka lagu kala noqdo halka dhinaca kalena uu diiday dalabkaasi.


Sidoo kalena waxaa Buuhoodle la keenay Duhurnimadii shalay labo nin oo dhaawac ah oo ay waxyeelaysay rasaas ay maleeshiyo ka tirsan Beesha bariga Burco ay la beegsatay gaadhi siday Qaadka shirkadda 571 oo ka yimid dhinaca magaalada Gaashaamo una soo socday dhinaca Buuhoodle.


Xaaladda guud ee magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa hadda degan waxaana sii yaraanaya dadka rayidka ah ee qoryaha garabka ku qaata kuwaasi oo maalmahii u dambeeyey khatar geliyey amnigii & degenaanshihii ay caanka ku ahayd magaaldan 60 Jirsatay ee shaxdu.


Xuseen Aadan Yuusuf Buuhoodle

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Buuhoodle is in the border. the largest part of the city is the somali side of the border, the second part call Sweto is "ethiopian" side. Time to time the ethiopian show up their side of border. This has nothing to do with southern somalia.

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^Well, this is not the first time the Ethiopian Army has entered Buuhoodle, they have done it before several times, so am not surprised at all to hear this news.


Inshallah, their action will unite us all and will defeat them just like before!

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Mr.Red Sea, how far is Buuhoodle from Burco? smile.gif


wheren't you and your mate Gediid teaching Amharic? lets hope it helps you now.

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Its fact that Buuhoodle is occupied presently by Ethiopian troops


Red sea paragon and duufaan I don’t understand why you guys are ignorant and support Ethiopia's invasion over Buuhoodle,What a two-faced and clannish people you are?


This has nothing to do with southern somalia.

What you mean it has nothing to do with southern Somalia? Don’t you care a invaded Somali town whether its north or south by Ethiopia


I believe Ethiopia’s occupation over Buuhoodle has something to do with the presence of Ethiopian troops in Baydhabo.


Duufaan Ethiopia has grand plan to colonize all Somalia, so don’t be blinded by tribalism



Buuhoodle is in the border. the largest part of the city is the somali side of the border, the second part call Sweto is "ethiopian" side.

Now you insulting Buuhoodle, where this Soweto came from sxb? I from Buuhoodle and I know only one buuhoodle, True Buuhoodle is near to the fake Somali-Ethiopian border


I have relatives in Buuhoodle, and they confirmed the presence of strong Ethiopian troops in Buuhoodle, again this is not the first time that Ethiopian troops took over Buuhoodle, for the last 16 years Ethiopian troops were stationed in Buuhoodle although they leave sometimes, but return to the soon after. What’s different now is the timing and the large number of Ethiopian troops reached Buuhoodle


Illow naga badbaadi xabashida

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I am not surprised because this is not the first Ethiopia troops came to Buuhoodle


Waxaa moodaa in Ethiopia wax ku ogtahay Buuhoodle waayo dee maba deyso


Every Somali should condemn Ethiopian troops within Somalia, whether they are in Buuhoodle or Baydhabo its same thing

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the Somali poet Timacade once said:


Iyadoo iswada haysata ayaa surta loo tumi, iyado means somalis, now do we realise the staunch nationalism of xabashada,and their grand interest of taking over weak and self-destroyed somalia, cos while we playing deadly and dangerous clanish games in the moonlight, the Barrel of gun was coming nearer and nearer, GIVE UP AND SURRENDER is the last ting we are waiting. Shaxada Buuhoodle is popular place for me cos my Ayeeyo came from smile.gif I should enlist to volunteer fighting off the xabashida.

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Originally posted by Garaad Caanood:

[QB] Its fact that Buuhoodle is occupied presently by Ethiopian troops


Red sea paragon and duufaan I don’t understand why you guys are ignorant and support Ethiopia's invasion over Buuhoodle,What a two-faced and clannish people you are?

You have totaly misunderstood my point there Garaad. Neither Paragon, Duufaan, and myself meant it in the way you intrepret it. I am not going to believe this news until further confirmed, that doesn't mean I don't care what happens in Buuhoodle. I have trying to find out if this news is true, but I haven't really found anything confirming this news report. You don't have to get hot and offend people, so make sure you get what I am saying before you make such judgments fadlan walaal.

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