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Saadaasha iyo Simbiriiraxa Siyaasada Soomaaliyeed ee bisha soo socota



- Sheikh Aweys will land in Mogadishu from Asmara ending his long exile, he would be crowned spritual leader of Somalia(what he always wanted)


- Xasan Turki retiring as well and would be oppointed the leader of Sharia Shuura Consul.


- President Sheikh Sharif will operate from Nayroobi in early February for mini-exile there to wrap up few things


- Faroole & Riyaale helding meeting(if Riyaale wins the elections) in Addis Ababa(not known yet what the meeting would be about)


- Omar Gheele of Djibouti would be nominated the bronze peace of Africa in Burundi for not failing the Somalis


- Abdullaahi Yusuf would be back to Somalia landing in Garoowe in possible new position in Puntland Adminstration


- ONLF and it's sister military WING uniting and would engage in fierce fighting againstt the Tigrey.


- Mwai Kibaki visiting Mogadishu for the first time by head of state from Kenya since 1974


- Also president of Burundi visiting Mogadishu to honour the Burundeese army to say farewell to Somalia.


- Somalia would be FREE ZONE of foreign armies and NO FLY ZONE for few weeks.



PS: Obtained from reliable sources

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LOool @ reliable sources. This sources can never know what tommorow may deliver let alone next months...


Besides its Xaraam to talk about the future if you aren't making it clear that it is a prediction

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Originally posted by Aw-Dhubad:

Nuune, adi warka jeebak maa kala soo baxdaa nin yahoow!

Dhubad ma maqashay "Arliyooy Arliyo, kaalay kaalay, waanala duljoogaa!!" hadda ninkaan nuune Arliyo ninkii la shaqeyn jiray waaye oo weli wararka usoo tuurtuurta :D:D

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^^^ :D loool@arliyo



Xaaji Emperor, saadaashan waxey ku salaysantahay siyaasada socota hada, saadaasha waxa dhici doona ku dhaqaaqi maayo in maryaha laga cararaan ka yaabi hadii kale, waana xaaraam sida aad sheegtayba.



Mr Dhubad ehehe, jeeb kalama soo baxo, waa warkiiyoo abur kicinaya un :D

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