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Sharif Ahmed calls on famous WARLORDS for help,?

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Muqdisho:Ururka Xisbul islaam oo qeyla dhaan xoogan ka soo saaray maleeshiyaadka Mudulood ee la hubeeyey

16. maj 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Afhayeenka Xisbul islaam Muuse Cabdi Caraale ayaa qeyla dhaan xoogan ka soo saaray maleeshiyo beeledka mudulood dhaqdhaqaaq ay wadaan ee ku aadan in ay damacsanyihiin weeraro iyo dagaal kale oo dib loogu qabsanayo meelihi dawlada laga soo saaray.


Muuse Caraale ayaa sheegay in dawlada u yeertay Max'ed Dheere isagoo Nairobii jooga si ay u hawlgaliso ama uu Shariifka u dagaal galiyo qaab beeled.


Muuse Caraale ayaa sheegay in ay heleen xog ku saabsan in maleeshiyaad Mudulood ka soo jeeda la siin rabo hub iyo rasaas si qaab beeled loogu sii huriyo dagaalka , waxaana uu ku eedeyey talaabada in uu wado wasiirka amaanka Cumar Xaashi Aadan.


"Waa ognahay salaad Jele , Max'ed Dhere , Muuse suudi iyo kuwa kale oo caan ku aha dhibaatada shacabka in talada dagaaka loo gacab galiyey laakin ilaahay ayaa waji walbaa oo ay ku soo dagaal galaan ku jabin doono " ayu yiri Careele.


Hadalka Afhayeenkan u hadlay Xisbul islaam ayaa imaanaya xili maalmahan aysan madaxtooyada ka lug bixin rag la waayey oo u badan hogaamiya kooxedyadi Muqdisho sida Max'ed Dhere , Muuse Suudi ,Cumar Finish , Bootaan , Max'ed Qanyare iyo Cabdi Waal.


Dhinaca kale imaanshihi Maxamed Dheere Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir ayaa la sheegay in ay salku ku heyso wicitaan uu wacay madaxweyne Shariif oo ay qabiil ahaan isku heyb yihiin.


Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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Waa ognahay salaad Jele , Max'ed Dhere , Muuse suudi iyo kuwa kale oo caan ku aha dhibaatada shacabka in talada dagaaka loo gacab galiyey laakin ilaahay ayaa waji walbaa oo ay ku soo dagaal galaan ku jabin doono " ayu yiri Careele.


Hadalka Afhayeenkan u hadlay Xisbul islaam ayaa imaanaya xili maalmahan aysan madaxtooyada ka lug bixin rag la waayey oo u badan hogaamiya kooxedyadi Muqdisho sida Max'ed Dhere , Muuse Suudi ,Cumar Finish , Bootaan , Max'ed Qanyare iyo Cabdi Waal.


Dhinaca kale imaanshihi Maxamed Dheere Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir ayaa la sheegay in ay salku ku heyso wicitaan uu wacay madaxweyne Shariif oo ay qabiil ahaan isku heyb yihiin.

Are Mohamed Dheere, Musa Sudi, Bashir Raaage no longer warlords, criminals anti Islam, as they were once called?


Is the tactic of calling on ones clan not being clanist ?


We need some answers from the Caravan of confusion...

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^No matter what he does or inta danbi ama khalad uu wadanka kagalo, it seems Shariif supporters and the likes of my kin Xiin will never change their mind...


Adeer it is utter contempt and failure to see that today Shariif Ahmed have invited and is fighting alongside shoulder-to-shoulder the 7 Anti-terror alliance warlords of Mogadishu that made him enter Somali politics five years ago by fighting against them...


Xiinow if your caravan leader had a popular support among the Islamic movement in Somalia, why has he lost the mojority of this support today and instead start using the clan card and ally himself with the cruel warlords... Failure upon failure. Qofku markuu dagaayo khaatumo xumuu dib ugu noqdaa!

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Waa ognahay salaad Jele , Max'ed Dhere , Muuse suudi iyo kuwa kale
oo caan ku aha dhibaatada shacabka

The sheer hypocricy of the religious warlords!


The old warlords kept the city under conflict and always prevented the civilians to live under peace and stability.


Isn´t that what the religious pretenders are doing now??


150 killed, 300 wounded, 30.000 displaced within 8 days???? The conflict of the previous warlords never had that magnitude and brought that much disaster to the civilians of the city!!!


They have made things worse and brought Afgani-Paki-Arab foreign Jihadi fighters!


At leaste M.Dheere, Muse Suudi, Bashiir Raage are SOMALIS, AND NATIVES OF MOGADISHU. No matter how much we despise them, they have every right to come to the city and arm themselves against those crazy foreign jihadi fighters.


This war has turned ugly because the religious pretenders brought in foreing fighters, so the religious pretenders can say whatever they want about the old warlords.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^No matter what he does or inta danbi ama khalad uu wadanka kagalo, it seems Shariif supporters and the likes of my kin Xiin will never change their mind...


Adeer it is utter contempt and failure to see that today Shariif Ahmed have invited and is fighting alongside shoulder-to-shoulder the 7 Anti-terror alliance warlords of Mogadishu that made him enter Somali politics five years ago by fighting against them...


Xiinow if your caravan leader had a popular support among the Islamic movement in Somalia, why has he lost the mojority of this support today and instead start using the clan card and ally himself with the cruel warlords... Failure upon failure. Qofku markuu dagaayo khaatumo xumuu dib ugu noqdaa!

Good one. Everything is halal for them these days if the Sheikh blesses it with bismillah and wasalatu wasalamu waba'ad. ;)


Meiji, FYI, Arabs and others have always settled and lived in Muqdisho and Somalia. Islam says they( your native warlord) can get banished, exiled and removed from their land if they crimes. Of course, I wouldn't expect people who see Puntlander and Somaliland Islamist leaders as hailing from "foreign regions" and " wanting to continue bloodshed" to understand such a concept . Anyway, your repetitive point is irrelevant in this thread since Xizbul Islam doesn't have non-Somali fighters. And Alshabab only has a few non-Somali fighters at best. So you might as well be truthful and say I am rooting for my clan "natives", aka Muqdisho society, aka warlords. ;) Don't use shan yar o Pakistan as an excuse to support the most brutal warlords in Somali history. Wax kale bad ku tagarsantahey. ;)

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Those are SOMALI from Arab origin. They have lived peacefully in the city for centuries!


However, the foreign fighters that came to Somalia to back up one of their factions, be it sharif or alshabab, are only bringing more trouble.


Today, the religious pretenders are more despised than the previous warlords. Look how deep the religious pretenders have fallen...


The religious pretenders are now known for:


- massacre of civlians

- Warmongering while people are tired of fighting.

- assaninations of people who do not conform with their rules

- brainwashing of children

-been stubborn .



All the above characteristics were what made people despise the old warlords of Mogadishu..and these characteristics are now clearly exhibited by the religious pretenders.

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So Fuad Shangol is a foreigners who shouldn't be allowed to fight in Muqdisho, but the lovely local natives, I mean warlords are more welcome? ;) SXB, you always claimt hat you are against all warlords( relgious or secular), yet you sometimes drop your nationalistic scarf and you start rooting for your local Muqdisho warlords? WHy is that?



ps. only a confused and unjust person would compare the rule of the Islamists in Kismayo, Marka and various others places to the previous rule of warlords. Even Duke and Emperor will tell ya the difference.

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Though I usually take anything AllPuntland writes with a pinch of salt, I would say there seems to be a very bad policy forming that could potentially come back to haunt the Sharif. If the individual is seen to be gravitating towards clannizing this issue and colluding with the infamous warlords of his clan, he will have set the whole "reconciliation" two steps back. He could win the battle, against Al Shabaab that is, but what will it do for him in the war, in the attempt to legitimize his leadership to the average man and reconcile this nation? Absolutely nothing positive. I can already bet south Mogadishu and other clans around the battle zone are watching this phenomenon more closely than Al Shabaab is.


The man is in bad need of competent advisers with foresight if the report has an ounce of truth to it.

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We are talking about the Pakistani/Afgani/Ara b fighters.


I did not know that Shongoli was a Paki/Arab/Afgani etc.


You should also start reading before commnenting.


I did not root for the warlords, only made CRYSTAL CLEAR that warlords such as M.dheere/Muse/Raage etc have EVERY RIGHT to come to MOGADISHU and ARM THEMSELVES since religious pretenders have brought in foreign fighters to attain political power.


Now, explain me what exactly is wrong with that statement?

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Meiji, I have seen you defending the warlord with the white eyes on one occasion. I have seen you claiming that Fuad Shangol has no rights to fight in Muqdisho- as he is from another region clanwise. I have seen you this week claiming that one section of Muqdisho was liberated.Liberated exactly by whom? I suspect you are rooting for the local warlords, AMnisom and Shariff to defeat the "foreigners". And your post in this topic affirms that. So why don't just say I am rooting for Muqdisho society, aka my local warlords to liberate Muqdisho for me from the "foreigners" and their alliance, instead of this constant bombardment of relgious warlords iyo wax an la gareynin.

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Al Zeylaci,


We know were you stand, and my stance can be deducted from my views (posts).


Let the guessing over to the public.


Religious warlords will go nowhere. They have been defeated in Maxaas today.

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Are Mohamed Dheere, Musa Sudi, Bashir Raaage no longer warlords, criminals anti Islam, as they were once called?


Is the tactic of calling on ones clan not being clanist ?


We need some answers from the Caravan of confusion

Dare any peacenik answer these questions ? Dare any peacenik show his face in this thread ? Yeah, I thought so. Sweet golden silence.


How about this, can you answer this:

Xiinow if your caravan leader had a popular support among the Islamic movement in Somalia, why has he lost the mojority of this support today and
instead start using the clan card and ally himself with the cruel warlords...
Failure upon failure
Qofku markuu dagaayo khaatumo xumuu dib ugu noqdaa

Paragon, Xiin is busy attending his Islaaxi/Ikhwaani Saturday meetings, adigaa xaadir eh, take a shot at answering Duke and Emperor's questions.

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^^ :D , Not agreeing with them, simply observing: the enemy of my enemy is my (temporary) friend.


Meeji, Zaylaci has you cornered, he's got all exits covered. I suggest you confess and move on. I think we all now know the blatant clannist nature of not only the TFG warlords, but so-called 'moderates' like Janaqow and Sharif Ahmed.

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