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Somali leaders' trip to home country successfully/Baidoa getting ready?

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Somali leaders' trip to home country successfully 2005-03-05 21:36:50


NAIROBI, March 5 (Xinhuanet) -- The just concluded trip by Somalia's exiled leaders to the Horn of Africa country was very successful, a government official said here Saturday.


Presidential spokesman Yusuf Mohammed Ismail said during the 10-day visit which ended on Friday, President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Gedi assessed plans to relocate the administration to the chaotic country.


"The ten-day trip by President Yusuf and the prime minister wasvery successful and the Somalis were very cooperative and even told the president to quicken the relocation process so that they can stamp their authority on the Somali soil," Yusuf told Xinhua by telephone.


"The trip was aimed at opening dialogue with the people, to listen very carefully to their concerns and to explain the government's policies and programs," he said.


"It was a bottom-up approach," Yusuf added.


During the tour that took them to the towns of Galkayo, Beletweyn and Baidao, all in southern and central Somalia, the two leaders, together with several ministers and lawmakers, met representatives of various sections of the population including elders, women, the youth, politicians, business and religious leaders.


However, they did not visit the ruined and divided capital Mogadishu because of rampant insecurity.


Meanwhile, armed militiamen reportedly surrounded the planes ofthe president and the prime minister at the end of their first tour of the lawless country.


Reports say there were chaotic scenes at Baidao airport as the militia demanded wages for guarding the planes for two days. It took intervention of the local warlord to allow the delegation to take off for neighboring Kenya, where the government is based.


Somalia has been without an effective government since 1991 andhas an estimated 60,000 armed militiamen. Rival warlords have battled for control of the country, and Somalia has been divided into a patchwork of fiefdoms.


The regional Inter-governmental Authority on Development, whosemembers are Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan andUganda, sponsored two years of peace talks between various Somali clans and factions, which culminated in the formation of the national transitional government.


The new government has not been able to relocate from Nairobi to Somalia, citing security considerations. However, it has come under increasing pressure from the Kenyan government and Western diplomats to do so. Enditem




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Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Baydhaba ee gobolka Bay ayaa sheegaya in mas’uuliyiinta RRA ee ka tirsan labada Gole ee Xukuumada Federaalka ololihii ugu ballaarnaa ugu jiraan sidii magaaladaasi xarun KMG ah ugu noqon lahayd Dowladda FKMG ah, iyadoo Guddi ka kooban 7-xubnood oo madaxda RRA u xilsaareen sidii ay magaalada ugu sameyn lahaayeen maamul ay guda galeen howlahoodii.


Guddoomiyaha gobolka Bay Maxamed Cali Aadan (Qalinle) ayaa isagoo u waramayay Warbaahinta waxa uu sheegay in maamulka u sameynta magaalada Baydhaba ay ka dambeysay kaddib markii uu hindise ahaan ku soo jeediyay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf, oo uu sheegay in magaalada Baydhaba xarun KMG ah u noqon karto, waase haddii buu yiri loo dhiso maamul ay talada ka go’do.


Waxaa kale oo uu sheegay Md. Qalinle in Dowladda Federaalka ay xarun KMG ah u noqon karto ilaa iyo inta xaalada nabadgelyo ee magaalada Muqdisho laga xaqiijinayo, isagoo si weyn u beeniyay warar hore u soo baxay oo sheegaya in Garoonka magaalada Baydhaba lagu carqaladeeyay wafdigii Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf kuna tilmaamay mid aan sal iyo raad toona lahayn.


Dhinaca kale magaalada Baydhaba ee xarunta gobolka Bay ayaa u muuqata inay xarun KMG ah ka dhigato Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo ay soo baxayaan ifafaale muujinaya arrintaasi, waxaana mar uu ka hadlayay Md. Qalinle carrabka ku adkeeyay in Baydhaba ay is tiraatiiji ahaan iyo degaan ahaanba si aad ah Muqdisho ugu dhow dahay.


Haddaba inkastoo Dowladda Federaalka ay ku habooneyd inay Muqdisho degto isla markaana halkaasi ka fuliso howlaheeda, ayay arrintani caqabad weyn ku tahay kooxaha ka hor yimid hadafka hoggaanka sare ee Xukuumada Federaalka oo ah in dalka la keeno Ciidamo ka socda dalalka IGAD, kaddib markii ay kala faquuqeen kuna dooday in laga reebo dalalka safka hore oo ay muuqato in beel ka mid ah dhinacyadaasi diidan ay Dowladda Itoobiya si gooni ah farta ugu fiiqayaan, iyagoo cabsi weyn ka qaba in haddiiba ay dhacdo in Ciidamada Itoobiya lagu soo daro howlgalka nabad ku soo celinta Soomaaliya farahooda laga bixiyo hantida, guryaha iyo beeraha ay heystaan iyo waliba in dharbaaxo sida tii Baydhaba loogu geystay oo kale ku dhacdo.


Xafiiska somaliweyn ee Mugadishu

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