Jacaylbaro Posted December 25, 2007 Utrecht (Jam)- Shirweynihii ururka xidhiidhka Jaalliyadaha Somaliland ee Yurub ayaa si rasmi ah uga furmaya duleedka magaalada Hotelka Contact of Continent ee duleedka magaalada Utrecht. Haddaba waxa ka mid ah dadkii ka qayb galay weriyaha jamhuuriya ee London Khadar Xasan Cali oo warbixintan nooga soo diray madasha shirku ka socdo. Shirkan oo ku bilaabmay jawi aad u xiiso badan ayaa aayado quraana ka dib waxa ereyo kooban oo soo dhawayn ah ka soo jeedisay Gudoomiyaha ururka Nomad ee Holland Maryan Gabay. Intaasi ka dibna waxa hadalkii la wareegay Gudoomiyaha dalada SSE Cabdiraxmaan cabdi Jibril (Awliyo) oo uga mahad celiyay ergooyinkii ka soo qayb galay iyo ururka Nomad Holland oo martigaliyay. Guddoomiyuhu waxa sheegay in ay shirweynaha hor yaallaan in lagaga doodo qoddobo badan oo mihiima, waxaanu ku soo dhaweeyay cod baahiyaha xildhibaan Maxamed Cali oo ka mid ah guddida qaranka ee taakuleynta iyo dib u dhiska gobolada Bari. Xildhibaan Maxamed Cali waxa ugu horeynba halkaasi ka soo jeediyay warbixin dheer oo uu kaga waramayay waxyaabaha badan ee u qabsoomay Somaliland inkastoo sida uu xusay wax badanina ka dhiman yihiin. Waxaanu intaasi ku daray guulaha waaweyn ee ciidanka qaranku ka soo hooyeen Gobolka Sool, oo uu ku tilmaamay mid ah u sahashay iyagoo ku guuleystay dadka in ay ku qanciyaan dadka degaankaasi in ay taageeraan Somaliland. Xildhibaanku waxa uu xusey in hab dhaqankii Ciidanka qaranku uu yahay ka keenay guushaasi dhibta yar ee ay ka soo hooyeen Gobolada bari. Waxaanu ciidanka qaranka ku amaanay nidaamkooda iyo dhisibiliinkooda oo ka dhigay ciidan qaran oo leh cudud ay ku difaacaan xuduudaha Somaliland kuna hantaa shacbiga degaankaasi. Xildhimaan Maxamed waxa uu intaasi ka dib waxa uu ka waramay sababihii keenay in la dhiso guddidan qaran ee taakuleynta gobolada oo sheegay in ay yihiin baahiyaha badan ee ka jira degaankaasi oo in muddo ah dayacnaa. Md Maxamed waxa uu halkaasi ka akhriyay warbixin dheer oo ay ka waramaysay waxyaabaha ilaa iminka u qabsoomay guddi ahaan dibada iyo guddahaba. Waxaanu xildhibaanku ugu baaqay ururada Jaalliyadaha Somaliland ee Yurub in ka qayb qaataan Taakuleynta iyo dib u dhiska gobolada Bari, isla markaana garab istaagaan kana soo mid noqdaan guddida heerka qaran ee hawshan wada. Warbixintaasi ka dibna waxay ergooyinkii shirku u soo jeediyeen guddida qaranka in ay garab wadaan taakuleynta sidii loogu guuleysan lahaa quluubta dadka degaanka iyo hoggaamiyaasha dhaqanka ee degaankaasi. Waxa kale oo dadka qaar ku dhaliileen siyaasiyiinta Somaliland in ay siyaasad hufan oo ka duwan tii hore in la yimaadaan. Dr Xuseen Cabdilaahi (Tansaani) oo ka mid ah aasaasayaashii SSE ayaa isna waxa uu ka waramay ujeedooyinkii iyo himilooyinka loo abuuray dallada xidhiidhka Jaalliyadaha Yurub iyo sida loogu baahan yahay in laga midho dhaliyo. Intaa ka dibna waxa halkaasi warbixin dheer oo ku saabsan qiimaha xorriyatul qawlka iyo xuquuqda aadamaha ka soo jeediyay Dr. Jamac Muuse Jamac oo ka mid ah aqoonyahanada reer Somaliland ee ku dhaqan dalka Talyaaniga. Dr. Jamac waxa si cilmiyaysan uga waramay aqoondarada dadkeena ka haysata fahanka distoorka dalka, taasi oo horseeday in gefaf badan dhacaan haddii la fahmana waxa sheegay in aanay waxba xumaadeen. Waxaanu halkaasi ku soo bandhigay Buugga uu ka qorey macnaha Gobanimada iyo xorriyatul qawlka oo uu u hibeeyay Hiilka Qoddobka 32 ee Distoorka oo sida uu sheegay ah ka kafaallo qaadaya xorriyatul qawlka. Waxaanu faahfaahin ka bixiyay nuxurka buuggani xanbaarsan yahay oo ah sidii dadkeena loo fahansiin lahaa macanaha gobanimada, xorriyada iyo fahanka distoorka qaranka. Waxa kale oo ka xog waramay sida loogu baahan yahay hiilka qodobka 32 isla markaana ay ku rajo weyn yihiin in buuggan la gaadhsiin doono dugsiyada dalkoo dhan. Waxa iyana warbixino ku saabsan waxqabadka ururada Jaalliyadah reer Somaliland ee Yurub halkaasi ka soo jeediyay ergooyinkii ka kale yimid waddamada Belguim Cabdirahmaan Cigeh, Maxamed Amiin Denmark, Xasan Cali Saddexle & xasan M Nuur Finland, Cabdirahmaan Yaasiin France, Aadan Gaab Germany,Maryan Gabay Holland, Dr. Jama Muuse Jama Italy, Fatxiya A Muse Norway, Sakariye xasan waceys Sweden iyo Iid Muse iyo faysal Aw-cabdi Canbalaash UK. Gudoomiye-xigeenka SSE Fadxiye Muse ayaa iyana waxay ka warantay waxqabadkii guddida fullinta ee SSE-da iyo qorshaha sannadka soo socda, waxayna ku dheeraatay doorka ururada jaalliyadaha reer Somaliland ee qurbajooga ahi ka qaadan karaan horumarinta dalkooda. Intaasi ka dibna waxay ka qayb galayaashii shirku ka doodeen qoddobo muhiima oo ay ka mid yihiin doorka Qurba jooga reer Somaliland ka qaadan karaan dib u dhiska dalkooda, oo dadka intiisa badani isla qireen in ay jaalliyadaha dibadu laf dhabar u yihiin horumarka dalka isla markaana ay lagama maarmaan tahay in ay intaa ka sii kordhiyaan. Waxayana iyana si aada looga dooday sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa xuquuqda aadamaha ee somaliland oo beryahan danbe hoos u dhac ku yimid. Haddaba faahfaahinta doodan iyo goáamada ka soo baxa halkan ayaanu idiinku soo gudbin doonaa. Jamhuuriya Online Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacaylbaro Posted December 25, 2007 Utrecht (Jam)- Shirweynihii ururka xidhiidhka Jaalliyadaha Somaliland ee Qaarada Yurub oo maalintii Sabtidii ee 22-ka December,2007, uga furmay ururada Jaalliyada duleedka magaalada Utrecht ee Holland, ayaa waxa maalintii Axadii ka qaybagalyaashii shirku si aada uga dooodeen qoddobo dhawr ah oo muhiim ah. Haddaba waxa warbixintan nooga soo diyaariyay weriyaha Jamhuuuriya ee London Khadar Xasan cali. Shirkan oo dib la isku soo noqday aroornimadii maalinimadii Axadii saacadu markay ahayd 09:00 subaxnimo ayaa waxa uu ku bilaabmay qaab siminaar waxaanay ergooyinkii ka qayb galayay isku qaybiyeen saddex kooxood oo si cilmiyeysan uga soo dooda, ugana soo baaraan dega qoddomada kale ah: Horumarinta Bulshada Xuquuqda Aadamaha iyo Saxaaafada Aqoonsi raadinta Doodaasi ka dibna waxa ay kooxaha ka qayb qaadanayay shirweynaha u soo bandhigeen aragtidooda ku aadan sidii wax looga qaban lahaa arrimaha horumarinta, xuquuqda aaadamaha & Saxaafada iyo aqoonsi raadiska, taasi oo ay ku soo ururiyeen warbixin qodobaysan oo nuxurkeedu ahaa sida ay u arkaan in wax looga qaban karo arrimahan dhawrka ah. Kooxdii ka soo dooday Horumarinta Bulshada waxay isla soo qaadeen sidii loo badhi taari laha tacliinta sare ee Jaamacadaha, iyadoo wada shaqayn lala yeelanayo Jaamacadaha Yurub si ay suurtagal ugu noqoto aradayda reer Somaliland in ay helaan Shahaadado caalami ah oo dunida laga aqoonsan yahay. Dhiirigalinta waxbarashada Internetka iyo waliba in lagu baraarujiyo aqoonyahanada reer Somaliland ee qurba jooga ahi in ay xirfadahooda iyo aqoontooda uga soo faa’iideeyaan dadkooda iyo dalkooda. Horumarinta caafimaadka, tayaynta maamulada rugaha caafimaadka iyo cisbitaalada ayaa iyana hoosta laga xariiqay. Waxaanay xuseen sida ay loogu baahan yahay in dad shaqo loo abuuro, taasi oo ay tilaameen ka qayb galayaashu in ay wax weyn ka tari doonto mashaakilaadka bulsho iyo dhaqaale ee dadka reer Somaliland haysa. Qoddobka Xuquuqda Aadamaha iyo saxaafada ayaa isna si aada looga dooday, waxaanay sooo jeediyeen kooxda aqoon isweydaarsiga ka qayb qaatay sida loogu baahan yahay in kor loogu qaado xuquuqda Aadamaha, taasi oo sida ay xuseen ay waajib ay tahay in culeys lagu saaro xukuumada Somaliland sidii ay u ixtiraami lahayd xuquuqda aadamaha. Waxa kale oo ay ugu baaqeen in komishanka qaranka ee xuquuqda aadamahu inuu noqdo mid dhexdhexaada oo ka madax banana xukuumada Somaliland. Sidoo kale waxa dooda ka soo baxday in loo baahan yahay sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa wacyigalinta hayd’aha ay khuseyso xuquuqda aadamuhu iyowaliba in shacbiga reer Somaliland lagu baraarujiyo in ay xuquuqdooda bartaan. Dhinaxa saxaafadana waxay carrabka ku adkeeyeen in ay muhiim tahay in saxaafadu aanay xadka dhaafin oo ay noqoto mid had iyo jeer danta guud difaacda. Sidoo kalen waxay u soo jeediyeen xukuumada Somaliland in ay ixtiraamto xeerka saxaafada ee gollaha wakiiladu ansixiyeen iyo xeerka anshaxa saxaafada. Derder galinta iyo ka shaqaysiinta gudida ixtraaf raadinta ee SSE ayaa iyana si aada loo falanqeeyay waxaana la isla qaatay in la xoojiyo xidhiidhka Jaalliyadaha iyo muadanayaasha baarlamaanka iyo wasaaradaha arrimaha dibada ee dalalka ay degan yihiin xubnaha jaalliyaduhu, iyadoo laga faa’iideysanayana saxaafada kale duwan. Intaasi ka dib waxa shirka warbixin dheer uu ku saabsan waxyaabihii u qabsoomaya guddida fullinta ee SSE iyo kuwa aan u qabsoomi halkaasi ka soo jeeediyay gudoomiyaha SSE Md Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi Jibriil. Gudoomiyuhu waxa uu ku amaanay ururada Jaalliyadaha reer Somaliland ee Yurub dedaalka ay ugu jiraan horumarinta dalkooda iyo mashaariicda wax ku ool ka ah ee ay sannad kasta ka fullinyaan dalkooda hooyo. Waxaanu xusey waxyaabaha sannadkjii tagay u qabsoomay guddi ahaan in ay ka mid yihiin dhaqaajinta webka dallada, siminaaro iyo kullamo ay u sameeyeen ururada reer Somaliland ee London si ay isku xidh u yeeshaan dhexdooda ah, daraasaad kale duwan iyo qiimeyn ilaa shan ah oo gudoomiye xigeenka SSE ay ku soo samaysay qaar ka mid ah hay’addaha dowliga ah iyo kuwa aan dowlaiga ahaynba. Waxaanu intaasi ku daray in wali guddida fullinta ay qorshaha ugu jirto furitaanka xafiiskii Somaliland Support Office ee Brussels si looga faa’iideyso xarunta EU-da ee halkaasi ku taalla, iyadoo laga duuleyo shirkii sannadkii hore ee SSE-da ee lagu qabtay magaalo madaxda dalka Belgium ee Brussels. Gudoomiyuhu waxa kale oo carrabka ku dhuftay in SSE sii xoojin doonto xidhiidhka au la leedahay xukuumada Somaliland, waxaanu ku nuuxnuuxsaday sida loogu baahan yahay in xukuumaduna dhankeeda ay wada shaqayn la timaado. Gudoomiyuhu waxa ugu danbeyntii uga mahadcelin u soojeediyay ka qayb galayaashii shirka, Xildhibaan Maxamed cali oo ka tirsan guddida taakuleynta iyo dibu dhiska gobilada Bari, labada urur ee martigaliyay shirka (Global Society Foundation & Nomad Holland ), saxaafada madaxa banana ee Gebiley Net, Jamhuuriya iyo Radio Hormood, Warbixintaasi ka dibna waxay ergooyinkii shirku si cilmeyaysan uga u lafo gureen sidii derder loo galin lahaa hawlaha dalada SSE isla markaana xoog loo saari laha dhinacyada horumarinta iyo waxqabadka. Gebogabadii shirka waxa ereyo kooban oo dhiirigalin mahadnaqa ka soo jeediyay Xildhibaan Maxamed Cali oo tirsan xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee KULMIYE, isla markaa ka mid ah guddida taakeynta ee dib u dhiska Gobolada bari, waxaanu ku amaanay SSE-da dedaalka ay ugu jiraan horumarinta dadkooda iyo dalkooda. Shirkan oo ku dhamaaday jawi is afgarad iyo walaatinmo badana ka muuqatay waxa ka soo qayb galay ergooyin matalaya jaalliyadaha Belguim, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, UK iyo ururka Aafaraad Internation. Dhamaana waxay dadkii ka qayb galay shirku mahadcelin balaadhan u soo jeediyeen jaalliyada reer Holland oo ay hormood u yihiin Ismaaciil Cawl iyo Maryan gabay sidii sharafta lahayd ee ay ugu dedaalaan martigalinta shirka oo ay dejiyeen Hotel ku yaalla duleedka magaalada Utrecht. Nabad iyo Caano Khadar Hassan Ali Milton Keynes (UK) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caano Geel Posted December 25, 2007 Jacaylbaro, please allow me to take you seriously and educate me by answering One Question: Define "Somaliland Society" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacaylbaro Posted December 25, 2007 which part you did not understad coz there is a civil society in every country ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caano Geel Posted December 25, 2007 saaxiib, sometimes and on very many things, i'm just plain dump, and really appreciate being informed. the part i dont understand is this, having looked up several possible definitions of just the word 'society' they tend to imply that it is associated with more than nationhood, but a distinction of culture and custom, not nationhood nor civility. so as i said, i may be wrong, please educate me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacaylbaro Posted December 25, 2007 Civil society is composed of the totality of voluntary civic and social organizations and institutions that form the basis of a functioning society as opposed to the force-backed structures of a state (regardless of that state's political system) and commercial institutions. The term is often traced to Adam Ferguson, who saw the development of a "commercial state" as a way to change the corrupt feudal order and strengthen the liberty of the individual. While Ferguson did not draw a line between the state and the society, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a German philosopher, made this distinction in his Elements of the Philosophy of Right. In this work, civil society (Hegel used the term "buergerliche Gesellschaft" though it is now referred to as Zivilgesellschaft in German to emphasize a more inclusive community) was a stage on the dialectical relationship between Hegel's perceived opposites, the macro-community of the state and the micro-community of the family. Broadly speaking, the term was split, like Hegel's followers, to the political left and right. On the left, it became the foundation for Karl Marx's bourgeois society; to the right it became a description for all non-state aspects of society, expanding out of the economic rigidity of Marxism into culture, society and politics There are myriad definitions of civil society. The London School of Economics Centre for Civil Society working definition is illustrative: Civil society refers to the arena of uncoerced collective action around shared interests, purposes and values. In theory, its institutional forms are distinct from those of the state, family and market, though in practice, the boundaries between state, civil society, family and market are often complex, blurred and negotiated. Civil society commonly embraces a diversity of spaces, actors and institutional forms, varying in their degree of formality, autonomy and power. Civil societies are often populated by organizations such as registered charities, development non-governmental organizations, community groups, women's organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, trade unions, self-help groups, social movements, business associations, coalitions and advocacy groups. Civil society and globalization: Global Civil Society The term civil society is currently often used by critics and activists as a reference to sources of resistance to and the domain of social life which needs to be protected against globalization. This is because it is seen as acting beyond boundaries and across different territories. However, as civil society can, under many definitions, include and be funded and directed by those businesses and institutions (especially donors linked to European and Northern states) who support globalization, this is a contested use [13]. On the other hand, others see globalization as a social phenomenon bringing classical liberal values which inevitably lead to a larger role for civil society at the expense of politically derived state institutions. In developing countries, civil society is very popular with aid donors with left and right leanings. But very often mock civil society organisations exist (including those that support and which are critical of neo-liberalism) that serve only to gain access to development aid or to provide the illusion of popular support for Northern political projects. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caano Geel Posted December 25, 2007 walaal, let me clarify my self. contrary to my earlier stance, i've been converted. I don't care for somali-land. cali-land, dibir-tera, bug-stan nor buurtaas-anaa-leh. if this is the will of the powers that be and people can live peacefully, then let it be so. I'm merely interested in the semantic meaning of the term somali-land society, and this leads us to your definitions you posted on civil society. Sadly they all seem to talk of informal values and shared contexts rather than the formal nation or state (please don't make me but stuff in bold, just re-read the def. you posted. so in short what are these "uncoerced collective action(s) around shared interests, purposes and values." that make the for a *distinct* society. Because if they exist, and i classify myself as somali and you a somali-land(er)/(ian), then we have different "customs, interests, purposes and values" and therefore are no longer of the same culture. or am i just wrong, and if so please explain to me why - thanks in advance Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacaylbaro Posted December 25, 2007 Ok ,,, lemme get back to you when i have more time Insha Allah. Stay tuned ! ! ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caano Geel Posted December 25, 2007 lol, i will and don't mind me if i remind you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacaylbaro Posted December 25, 2007 i would love you to remind me ..... i'm saying that coz i've a lot to say about the issue you mentioned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacaylbaro Posted January 7, 2008 Caano Geel, Here i'm ,, and sorry for being late ,,, i didn't have much time for such serious discussions lately ,,,,,,, Well, during the 1991 just after the fall of Siad Barre everybody knows that Somaliland announced its sovernginity from the rest of Somalia. I mean that was something happened even if don't agree with the idea. Since then the work started on this basis so that everything will be done on the base of something called SOMALILAND. There was nothing ,,, no Military, no Police force, no infrustructure, no government system, nothing at all. Everything should have to start from the bottom (ground Zero). Another fact is that people were suffering from the Qabyaalad disease that was spereading during the war which caused many wars in Burco, Berbera and even Hargeisa. This will exist in the Somali context even if there is a strong and working goverment but there should be some measures to make sure the Qabyaalad is reduced if it can't be eliminated at all. The other thing was that people were not mixed even in the cities. You can see those people living in the certain area coz it is belong to their qabiil and those people are living there coz of the same issue. Sometimes it was even worse that a person from a certain side was not feeling comfortable to cross to the other side. This should be also eliminated at all. The younger generation has to find opportunities within the system so that they can be educated, trained and prepared for a better future. This means they should be busy somewhere away from their clan forums and clan clubs. Some were armed, some were not but being around those areas will affect them so that it will be easy for them to take part of any qabyaalad in the future. Another problem but more political was the system. The people lived under Siad Barre who was representing a Shuuciyad system more than 20 years. That system created almost all the people that are active in the current issues in Somaliland. It was needed that a Democracy plant should be planted in the country to replace the old Shuuci one. Well, that is not even easy but the democracy should have to start from the bottom so that the young generation will grow up with it and the future will be really different according to this. To do all what we've said is where this idea of the Civil Society came from. I can say Igal was the main founder of those societies although some of them were created before him. Hence, based on the above said definitions and the questions you asked the Somaliland Civil Society was created to create, inforce and implement these environments: 1- Democracy to replace the old Socialim so that a new generation with different thinking and believe will be created. 2- Social clubs to replace the Qabyaalad and clan clubs that were very strong at the time so that the level of the problems will be lifted to more civilized ones away from Tollaay Yaa Reer Hebel Aheey . To make sure that will happen then again we had to avoid that such civil society organizations are owned by clans. 3- Governance to give the current leaders an issue because the new generation will be totally different in the coming years. They are experienced in terms of management, administration, finance and understanding. Again they will be more civilized by receiving trainings from Non-Somalis not only in the country but also outside trainings that offered hundreds of the youth an opportunity to see the outside world. I personally know hundreds of young people studying in other countries and the government is paying all the expenses until they finish their studies. It is a strategy that will offer a lot of educated young generation in 5 - 10 years time. 4- Creating different Civil Societies like Sports, Culture, Education, Health, etc so that it will give a space to those who have special interest in each sector itself. In Conclusion: Civil Societies are needed mosly in the post war countries and if there is any working government in Somalia the civil society will play the major role in rehabilitating, reconciliation and peace process. I hope i'm clear enough and sorry if i talked too much. May be i'm not making sense but feel free to ask. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xiinfaniin Posted January 7, 2008 ^^Ma intaas baad la foolanaysay ? Q iyo X iyo X... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xidigo Posted January 9, 2008 ^Aduu maad noo faaneysaa yacni? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ducaysane Posted January 9, 2008 Posted JacaylBro: hope i'm clear enough and sorry if i talked too much. May be i'm not making sense but feel free to ask. Yeah, you right...you really talk too much and never make any sense. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites