Fyr Posted October 1, 2005 Somaliland Parliamentary Elections: International Election Observers -1 Let me apologize for my remiss in informing you about what transpired the past few weeks. It was those moments when I wished days were longer and had the energy to write down and reflect on the challenges we had to deal with. Let me walk you through some of the events that took place in the past days. The International Cooperation for Development (ICD) was given the task by the National Electoral Commission (NEC) to invite, arrange and deploy international election observers during Somaliland’s parliamentary elections. An initial list of 20 who expressed interest to observe grew to 74 foreigners from more than 16 countries (UK, Finland, Canada, Italy, USA, Germany, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, South Africa, New Zealand, Kenya and Zimbabwe to name a few). A total of 31 international election observers team were organized and dispersed to 13 areas, Borama and Baki (Awdal), Gabiley, Baligubadle, Salaxhaley and Hargeisa City (Galbeed), Berbera and Sheekh (Sahil) Burao and Odweyne (Togdheer) Aynabo (Sool), Garadag and Erigavo (Sanaag). Briefings were held by both foreign and local experts on the Somaliland context, orientation on Somaliland’s Electoral laws and procedures were conducted, meetings with the NEC, political parties, elders and civil society groups were arranged to get a glimpse of the local scene. On top of this, logistical and security arrangements were organized. It might be simple to most people in the outside world, but in a place where the security situation is fragile; where basic requirements such as communication and transportation are limited, where hospitals and medical care are almost close to none, ensuring the safety and access of 74 foreigners who were tasked to go to both rural and urban areas to observe the elections cannot in any way be classified as simple. It was a gargantuan task we ever faced. In a country with almost nothing, we had to rely on maximizing what is present and making the most of what we have. Organizers and observers alike had to rely on one another to contribute knowledge and expertise to help organize the observation mission better; it took a lot of guts from everyone involved. Sometimes, when things get rough, we try to remember that we are here to witness this country’s huge stride towards democratization. We are indebted to international organizations in Somaliland that shared their resources when we were faced with logistical nightmare. Kudos to individuals who tried their level best to contribute and make this international election observation happen, to the international election observers who despite the security risks and logistical limitations bravely confronted their task of witnessing and experiencing Somaliland as it put its foot forward in taking a historical leap. My personal thanks to friends who secretly expressed their solidarity in various forms even if it meant taking risks to give their share. Sept. 25 '05: NEC consultant Peder Pederson briefing the IEO's on the electoral process. Sept. 25 '05: Somaliland Media with IEO's Sept. 25 '05: CIIR's Steve Kibble introduces IEOs to Somaliland Press. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fyr Posted October 1, 2005 Somaliland Parliamentary Elections: Sanaag-1 The conduct of elections in Sanaag region is highly controversial, it has areas firmly within Somaliland and areas contested by Puntland. The question whether Sanaag will be able to take part in Somaliland’s electoral exercise is awaited by everyone interested in Somali issues. Our team was assigned to Erigavo, the region's capital, way before departing from Hargeisa we were well informed of the security risks involved in the mission. After all the security briefings and preparations like other observation teams, we were left on our own. As expected we were welcomed by our Special Protection Unit police officers who demonstrated exemplary discipline and rigor during our whole stay. Courtesy Call Electoral Monitoring Board member Saadia Muse, Vice Governor Abdiasis Hasaan Siid in a meeting upon our arrival. Distribution of Election Paraphernalia Electoral Commission office filled with polling station commissioners receive election paraphernalia to be used during election day. Election Paraphernalia Boxes ready for distribution Waiting for their turn... Trucks assigned to carry boxes to designated areas. Shukir Haji Ismail the lone woman in Somaliland's National Electoral Commission was assigned in Sanaag to oversee the conduct of elections. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fyr Posted October 1, 2005 Somaliland Parliamentary Elections: Sanaag- 2 Having witnessed the last presidential elections in Somaliland, I am not surprised to see women in qeue, eager to cast their votes. Taken minutes before the 6am opening of the polling station. Inside the polling station, officials prepare for a long day ahead. Party Agents, two each from UDUB, UCID and Kulmiye. Ballot bag The ballot with names of candidates and symbols. The polling booth. Indelible ink being applied as domestic observer looks on. What seems to be invisible can be seen under this light. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fyr Posted October 1, 2005 Somaliland Parliamentary Elections: Sanaag-3 Somaliland Vice Minister of Justice, seasoned politician and former liberation fighter "Talabo" casts his vote. Erigavo Mayor Ismail Haji Nuur Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AYOUB Posted October 1, 2005 If these elections don't show the will and determination of the people of Somaliland, I don't know what is! Here are some more wonderful images from the heart and capital of Sanaag, Ceerigaabo. Ceergaabo Iyo Sidii Ay Uga Dhacday Doorashadda Golaha Wakiilada. Somaliland.Org — Erigabo, Somaliland — 29 September, 2005 Ceerigaabo(Somaliland.org) Magaaladda Ceerigaabo ee xarunta Gobolka Sanaag ayaa saaka abaaro 7:30 subaxnimo ay ka bilaabmatay codbixinta doorashada Golaha wakiilada oo guud ahaan ka dhacday dhamaan goboladda J. Somaliland. Dadweyne saf ugu jira codeyn Dadweynaha magaalada Ceerigaabo ayaa waxa ay safaf dhaadheer ugu jireen 14ka goobood ee cod bixintu ay ka dhacaysay, laga bilaabo habeen badhkii xalay ilaa 6dii iyo dheeraad makhribnimo ee maanta, kuwaasoo u badnaa haween isla markaana ay ka mid ahaayeen dhallinyaro iyo waayeel rag iyo dumarba isugu jira. Islaan 83 jir ah oo Codeynaysa marki ugu horeysay nolosheda Inkastoo codbixintu ku dhammaatay si nabad gelyo ah, haddana waxa jiray kooxo dhallinyaro ah oo gaadhaya ilaa kontoneeyo oo isugu jira wiilal iyo gabdho oo ay ciidamadda amnigu qab qabteen kuwaasoo la sheegay in ay wadeen laba coddeyn iyo rabshado kale. Waxa sidoo kale jiray goobo codbixineed oo hawsha codbixinta la bilaabey 8:00dii subaxnimo taas oo keentay in ay ka gadoodaan dadweynihii codkooda dhiibanayey ee safafkaasi soo galay hiirtii ama 4tii habeenimo oo ay aheyd in hawsha codbixinta la bilaabo 6:00 subxnimo. Sawirka guud iyo codeynta magaaladda Ceerigaabo, hase yeeshe, waxa uu ahaa mid aad u fiican, waxaana jiray in goobaha cod bixinta badankoodu ay aad u nidaamsanaayen, isla mar ahaantaana ay hawl xawli ahi ka socotay. Dhinaca kale lix ka mid ah 96ka goobood ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa Sanaaduuqdoodii lagu soo celiyey galabta abaara 4tii galabnimo magaalada Ceerigaabo, ka dib markii sida lasheegay ay hawlwadeenada Komishaka ka socday ay ku eedeeyeen goobahaas in ay ka jirto nabad gelyo darro. Lixdaa goobood oo ku yaala koonfurta Gobolka Sanaag waxa ay kala yihiin deegaamada Xabaalo Camaareed, Awr Boogeys, Ceel-weyn, Ciid-cas, Kulaal iyo Dheriyo. Degaamadas oo ah degaamo la sheegay in uu Xisbiga KULMIYE taageerayaal badan ku leeyahay, isla mar ahaantaana uu deegaamadaa uga sharaxan yahay Xisbigaa Murashax Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Talyanle oo aqlabiyad badan ku leh deegaanka. Sidaa darteedna waxa jira warar aan si rasmi ah daboolka looga qaadin oo sheegaya in Xukuumadda iyo Xisbigeeda UDUB ay lug ku leeyihiin in aaney codbixini ka dhicin deegaamadaa. Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska gobolka Sanaag oo marlabaad aan wax ka weydiiyey sanaaduuqdaa la soo celiyey ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan sanaaduuqdaasi, isla markaana aanu weli xaqiijin sababta loo soo celiyey, hase yeeshee, ay ku jiraan baadhistooda, waxana uu yidhi, “Wey jiraan sanaaduuqdaa la soo celiyey welina warbixintooda nalooma soo gudbin iyo sababta loo soo celiyeyâ€, ayuu yidhi taliyuhu. Sidoo kale Shukri X. Ismaaciil Boondare oo ka socota Komiishanka dhexe ee qaranka iyo guddoomiyaha komiishanka ee gobolka Sanaag Cabdisalaan Kaahin oo aan wax ka weydiiyey sababta keentay in sanaaduuqdaa dib loo soo celiyo ayaa ka gaabsaday in ay wax jawaab ah ka bixiyaan arrintaa, (imminka waqtigan ka hadli meyno arrintan, markaanu helo warbixinta komiishankii la socday sanaaduuqda iyo dhinacyadii kale baanu ka hadli doonaa), sidaa waxa tidhi Shukri X. Boondare mar wax laga weydiiyey sababta loo soo celiyey sanaaduuqda. Xisbiga mucaardka ah ee KULMIYE iyo Murashax Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Talyale ayaan wax war ah ka soo saarin arrinta sanaaduuqdaas. Libaan Maweel Shire, Somaliland.Org Ceerigabo, Somaliland source Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites