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General Duke

Barack Obama is a phenomenon...he is through to the final

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Hilary will probablt win the nomination!


but Soomaalidan baA ugu daran...waxay ka fakarayaan I.C.U, Abdullahi Yusuf iyo T.F.G. LOL

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Originally posted by Janagale_bi-idnilah:

Lol..Faarax-Brawn,,so Duke is in mpls miyaaa, lookin forward to see him. FB..The facts on the ground in Minnesota is that Barack Obama was our candidate, 99% of the Somalis voted for him...Besides that, 85%-90% of the somali populace here are pro-TFG...remember this is not London mate..and we(pro-TFG) with the help of our fellow democrats took Keith to Congress, and gave Obama all of Minnesota's delegates. Just trying to inform you here saxiib...peace

L0L @ 85-90% of MPLS residents as pro TFG. Yo!,Twin cities is not only Cedar ma ogtahay? But,for the sake of dismantling a D-Dhilif,Lets do some math shall we? You say,85-90% of twin cities somalis are pro TFG,correct? With Somali population being estimated at about 55K, that means, a whopping 48,125 Somalis out of the 55K are ALL PRO TFG. Bal caqligaada ka dhaqee,do you really believe in that? Seriously? You mean to tell me,for every 10 Somalis you meet,8 of them support the TFG. :D Cajaaib!


LST,@ :D Charlie Rangel. Heheh,Omar Jamal is no charlie Rangel,he is the Lieberman of the Somali communitty. And Of course am only teasing Duke,but i am also giving him hints that i am all too familiar with the politics of MPLS DFL party activities.


Duke,I will just wait the day Obama says something negative about Ethiopia or Yusuf or anyone of your clan members L0L.Of course,IA i will be here as usual to dig out your dirt & shamelessly parade you to all and sundry. I will give you 30days from today. Keep nacnacling of course :D

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Obama vehementaly asserts in his speeches two major threats that he said his administration will deal with the most: Terrorism and WMD. The Question is what approach or path will he take as the president of the United States considering his different approach towards Clinton's in terms of the war in Iraq?

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Obama wins Nebraska!

Another big red-state caucus victory for Barack's machine


February 9, 2008 8:20 PM

The networks and the Associated Press called the Democratic party Nebraska caucus for Barack Obama very early - and it turned out that he won by an impressive margin.


With almost all the full caucus results tallied, Obama had a commanding 68%, compared with just 32% for Hillary Clinton.


Nebraska's result underlines Obama's strength in red states, and in caucuses. But given that the population of Nebraska is more than 90% white, and has only a tiny black population (78,000 out of 1.7 million state population) this is further evidence of Obama's reach.


On the crucial pledged delegate count: on a rough estimate this would give Obama perhaps 16 delegates, and Clinton maybe eight delegates, depending on how the chips fall and later counts go. That would mean a net gain of eight pledged delegates for Obama.

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Obama wins Washington state!

The Evergreen State goes heavily to the man from the Land of Lincoln


February 9, 2008 8:40 PM

So it's two out of two so far tonight for Barack Obama, who has now been named the winner of the Democratic party's Washington state caucus.


With 99% of the results in, Obama has 68% to Hillary Clinton's 31%, his second substantial win of the evening following his victory by a similar margin in Nebraska. Washington state, though, is a much bigger fish: it has 78 pledged delegates at stake, and a quick calculation suggests Obama wins around 52 delegates, compared with 26 for Hillary Clinton - a net gain of 26 delegates for Obama.


Local media reports the usual huge turn-out in Washington, double the number who voted in 2004 and bringing out many who had never caucused before - showing again that the contest is generating wide interest among grassroots Democrats.

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Obama wins Louisiana and the USVI!

Women and black voters back Barack over Hillary

February 9, 2008 10:21 PM


Four wins from four primaries on the night for Barack Obama, but it sounds like the Louisiana primary was only a little closer than his other three wins over Hillary Clinton this evening.


Obama's victory in the Democratic primary was powered by women voters, whom he won by 54% according to exit polls, and by black voters, by 80% compared with Clinton's 18%. Clinton won the white vote - by 70% to Obama's 26% - but not by a wide enough margin to overcome Obama's advantages lesewhere.


With 98% of the votes counted, Obama had 57%, followed by Clinton with 36%, a healthy 20 percentage point margin. (A rough calculation suggests around 33 delegates for Obama, compared with 23 for Clinton, and so a margin of perhaps 10 delegates for Obama on the night.)


Elsewhere, Obama also racked up a huge win in the US Virgin Islands, taking nearly 90% of the votes and so winning all three of the pledged delegates available. (You know it's a tight race when everyone reports the Virgin Islands results.)

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The man who they thought had no chance wins, over 20 states... Is ahead in the delegates count and has a large war chest going into the next round.


Todays Main caucus will be difficult, since Clinton does well in New England states.


However Tuesday we have the Potomec primmary, of Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC, all states Obama should do well in.


Clinton's strategy is to win one or two states, Main, Wisconsin and then take the big prizes of Texas & Ohio around March 4th.


its getting real interesting

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^^^^lol. New England states = Is the region which contains some of the oldest states in the US. It includes, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut


Clinton has done well in Massachusetts, and in New Hampshire. Obama did win Connecticut with a slim majority.


Main was supposed to be Clinton country, but alas no more.

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NBC projects Obama will win Maine caucuses

With 59 percent of votes counted, he had 57 percent to Clinton's 42 percent



updated 1 hour, 40 minutes ago

AUGUSTA, Maine - NBC News projected that Barack Obama has defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic Party's Maine caucuses on Sunday, a day after sweeping three other states.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^^lol. New England states = Is the region which contains some of the oldest states in the US. It includes,
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut


You edited your originial post you made. You said it will be defficult for "Mcain"

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^^^lol, did I also edit your quote of my comment? You never heard of New England huh. You are right in a way old Mcain is in trouble if he faces Obama..


Anyhow Obama wins big tonight...


I am witnessing history and Obama is the real deal..

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Sen Obama sweeps Potomac primaries....Big news.

He has won 8 stright contests in a row...


Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC

Barack Obama aims to stay on winning streak after the Potomac primaries


The Illinois senator campaigns in Washington before the three Potomac primaries tonight



Tim Reid and Tom Baldwin in Washington

Barack Obama appears headed for big wins tonight in the latest Democratic primary contests against Hillary Clinton, according to early exit polls.


Mr Obama was heavily favoured to win the contests in the so called "Potomac primaries" in Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC, where black voters account for a big proportion of turnout. But now all eyes are on the scale of his victories and whether he has improved his standing among white and female voters, who until now have been critical to Mrs Clinton's earlier successes.


After his weekend wins in five contests, victory in tonight's three contests will leave Mr Obama slightly ahead in the delegate count for the first time, as fears mount inside the former First Lady's camp that her losing streak is jeopardising her nomination chances.


The day after the removal of Mrs Clinton's campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle prompted claims that panic was setting in, Mrs Clinton was forced to hold a conference call with worried supporters and donors to try to convince them that the election was not slipping away from her.


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