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Saylada burco oo ay buux dhaafiyeen xoolaha ka imanaya 5ta somaliyeed.

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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

Afar waxaan u dhaxay tuuladii awrta loo raraye

Albaabkii Burcaan tegey anoo aaladii sida e

Amminkiiba lay yimid sidii eegta lay yahaye

Ooggii horey nagu kaceen adhi dillaalkiiye

Dad iimaanka laga qaaday baa noo aloogsadaye

Amakaagay goortay wankii adhaxda tuujeene

Intaa weeye iyo ma'ahadii la is ilaaqaayey


Amakaagyay Odaygii markay adhigii boobeen dheh


Burco is the legendary saylad for all Somalis. Amazing pictures. It is great to see Burco gaining back its old glory.

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Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS:


Well the Somaliland government needs some coffers so as to continue to provide more provisions for its citizens. If its left to the people, there will be capital flight from somaliland and foreign nations will get rich at the expense of Somaliland. The Somaliland govt has very proficient in allocating resources, despite the harsh economic realities that come from the lack of recogniton. if corruption is what your implying IBZ, the govt has proven itself to be transparent and accountable.

I agree 100%..Ibti is just not thinking wiseley here.

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^^We all know Riyaale is getting his cake. You're just bitter and unable to stack money like he does....Step your game up son.


The snm boys ran you out from London to dwell in the twin cities with your cousins :D . Had a snow storm yet?

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It tells you, Soomaali xad malaha, no?


Xoolaha look healthy, considering abaarta dabadheeraatay dalka heysto.


I also hope xoolahaan la iibgeynaayo in over-export lagu sameyn maadaama dowlad maamusho ka jirin meesha, sida geedaha loo jaray oo dhuxul loogu dhigayna noqon. One major positive effect the Sacuudi ban on the last nine years had on xoolaha was over-export ma jirin oo xoolihii dalka ku raagay, una badbaaday, kuwaasna wax sii dhaleen inkastoo abaarta qaarkood dhameysay.

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Good news, and Masha Allah, prosperity for Nomads for years to come.


Muday xanibnaayeen Xoolada Soomaalidu, Insha Allah ,no more sanctions.

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indeed manshala


the only positive effect the ban has had on burco is that they have learned new ways of making business and they has become leaders in small factories in somaliland aimed at local market.

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