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Bossaso:UN donates 11 police vehicles to Bossaso city admin

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UNDP oo Gaadiid ugu Deeqday Booliska Boosaaso

Thursday, May 28th, 2009 at 1:24 pm

Horseed Media



Hay’ada Horumarinta Qaramada Midoobay UNDP ayaa gudoonsiisay ciidamada booliska Puntland 11 gaari oo ay adeegsan doonaan ciidamada booliska.


Munaasabad lagu qabtey gudaha dekeda magaalada Boosaaso ayaa lagu wareejiyey masuuliyiin ka socotey maamulka gawaaridaasi oo isugu jire 10 gaari oo nooca Pick-up ah (ama xaajiyadaha dusha bannaan) iyo hal gaari oo shabaqle ah kaasi oo ah nooca lagu qaado maxaabiista.


Wasiirka amniga Puntland Gen C/laahi Siciid Samatar oo ka hadlay munaasabada laguna wareejiyey furayaasha gawaarida ayaa uga mahad celiyey hay’ada UNDP deeqda gawaarida ee la siiyey, waxaana uu wasiirku sheegay in ay aad uga yar yihiin baahida ay qabaan laakiin ay wax badan u tari doonaan booliska.


Wasiirka amniga waxa uu sheegay in gawaarida 11 ah ee lagu wareejiyey ay u qeybin doonaan saldhigyada booliska ee magaalada Boosaaso, si ay ugu qabsadaan hawlaha ay ciidamada qabtaan.


C/laahi Siciid Samatar, wasiirka amniga Puntland waxa uu sheegay in deeqda noocan oo kale ah ay horumarin karto adeegyada amaan ee ay wadaan booliska.


Gudoomiyaha gobolka Bari Xaaji Muuse Geelle Yuusuf oo isaguna goob joog ka ahaa munaasabada gawaarida lagu gudoonsiinayey booliska ayaa kula dardaarmay saraakiisha booliska inay sare u qaadaan hawsha ay dadka u hayaan ee amaanka.


Waxaa munaasabada sidoo kale ka qeybgaley taliyaha booliska Puntland, masuuliyiin ka socotey hay’ada UNDP xafiiskeeda Puntland.


Waxaa deeqdan ay qeyb ka noqoneysaa deeqo hore oo booliska ay siiyeen hay’adaha Qaramada Midoobay, kuwaasi oo ku hawlan hawlaha horumarinta.


Waxaana deeqda ay ku soo beegmeysaa iyadoo booliska Boosaaso ay waayadan wadeen hawlgallo amaan sugid oo ay ku beegsanayaan kooxaha ku lugta leh falalka amaan darida.



Source: HR Media

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These vehicles are wired!


They're tracking faroole's envolvement with the piracy and human traficking.

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^^^Nothing to worry about, since our President Faroole is an honest devout religious man, who does not smoke or chew Qad and has an MBA. Unlike some in NW Somalia. :D

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^^^Whats Riyaale's educational background, Aside from selling Qad & being and NSS spy? :D


I know you envy the Pirate money, and hate the way the ladies love them but thats a small issue to us.


Our President is a religious man, who is working hard to transform the state.

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Why do you have to bring our LADIES into the discussion? That isn't so manly.


Is that the only way you can make a point, pirate boy?


Macna yare malay xadhig ku dabe murama...waan kaa daynayaa... :D


P.S. I have no idea what Rayaale's educational back ground is. I don't come here a defend him like you defend your so called leaders blindly.


I beleive in concept not individuals.

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"Your ladies" dont be so paranoid, maybe thats why you hate the Pirates so much, money is quite an attraction these days, and the boys Eyl got plenty of money. :D


As for not defending Riyaale, how can you he is an uneducated man who used to arrest and bully the SNM clan folk. Oops he still bullies and arrests the SNM groups and now they sing he is the man, much like they used to sing for Siyad Barre.


Our leaders are once we belive in and we can always change them come election time.


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I didn't say my ladies. I said our ladies as Somali ladies.


You sound very girly man, telling how certain man has more manhood than other. get off your knees...and man up for once.


Like I said I believe in concept.


How far did you go in school? I just wonder.

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^^^No certian man adeer our lads got more moneyb then yours. Any how you need to stop hating on the Pirates :D this topic was about the Police getting new vehicles who mentioned the "Pirates" you did. Anyhow go get a boat and get that Nugaal jive the girls might like you. :D

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How come Dahabshiil is doing a handout in your filty rich state? I'm just saying since you brought you guys being rich and all. :D


Pirate money = xaaraan

Printimg Fake money = xaaraan

Human traficking = xaaraan


I wonder why you guys need our charity money? :D

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^^^Now whats with all this anger and insults? :D

Dahabshil is a money transfer company they need to be where the money is right, Eyl got $150 million in 2008. Thats more than all the begging by the secessionsits.


Now pretending to be the Queen of England children = biggest Xaran of all time :D

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waad cadhootee...


You got 150 mill granted...why do u still need my hand out


Did you get your food basket from Dahabshiil this morning or not? :D

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^^^Adeer you are insulting poor [obviusly there are none in Hargaysa] people and down playing alms giving. That shows how this whole issue has got to you. Think before you make jokes or before you claim the Queen of England is your mother. :D

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