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PL troops to disarm Moqdisho

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Ciidamo Tiradoodu kor u dhaafeyso dhowr kun oo Dowladda federaalaka oo jowhar soo gaaray


Wararka naga soo gaarayo magaalada Jowhar ee gobolka Sh/Dhexe ayaa sheegaya in ay halkaasi soo gaareen ciidamo fara badan oo taabacsan dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo ujeedadoodu tahay sidii ay ugu qeyb qaadan lahaayeen howlgal ay shaacisay dowladda Federaalka iney kula dagaalameyso hubka sharci darada ee gudaha magaalada Muqdisho yaala.


Ciidamadan faraha badan ayaa la sheegayaa in iney ka yimaadeen gobolada Puntland, waana kuwo si weyn u tababaran oo isugu jira noocyada ciidamada , waxayna wataan dhamaan qalabkii ciidamada ay ku howlgeli lahaayeen.


Wararku waxay sheegayaan in ciidamadaas ay aroornimada soo geli doonaan magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo haatan bilaabay iney u soo dhaqaaqaan dhinaca magaalada Muqdisho, laguna wado in caawanimada soo istaagaan irida hore ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay iyadu in berito oo sabti ah ay dooneyso in howlgal hub ka dhigis ah ka bilowdo magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo adegsaneysa awoodeeda.


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Somalia: Puntland forces to assist in Mogadishu disarmament

MOGADISHU, Somalia Jan 5 (Garowe Online) - Hundreds of soldiers from the northern Somali regional autonomy of Puntland reached the town of Jowhar, 90km northwest of the Somali capital Mogadishu, residents reported.


The forces are estimated to number upto 1,000 strong and are heading for Mogadishu, according to reliable military sources.


The sources said the Puntland troops would partake in the interim Somali government’s efforts to pacify Mogadishu and disarm the public, after Prime Minister Ali Gedi’s 3-day ultimatum ended without any resident voluntarily surrendering his or her weapons.


Puntland is the home region of Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf, who had previously deployed a 3,000-strong Puntland force to protect the southwestern Somali city of Baidoa where the government is temporarily based.




Premier Gedi met with ex-members of Somalia’s armed forces Friday and pledged to include them in the government’s security forces.


Gedi’s pledge comes a day before the government’s plan to forcibly disarm the Mogadishu public, after the retreating Islamic Courts militia returned weapons to the hands of the public and clan militias.


Salad Ali Jeele, deputy defense minister, also spoke to the ex-soldiers, highlighting their past activities and said that they’re all part of the Somali defense ministry as of today.


Ex-soldiers who spoke at the meet said they were encouraged by the government’s efforts to return peace to Somalia and promised to cooperate with the government.


Tomorrow (Saturday) is the day the government has said it will search Mogadishu, house-by-house, for weapons and collect them by force if necessary.


Garowe Online News

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Forget about Puntland Troops who are somalis but how will amxaaro infected troops going to disarm mogadishu residents. We ruther have our roots instead of Amxaaro lets kick amxaaro out and wellcome our brothers from all the parts of the country. Wellcoming Ethios and allowing them to disarm us is like giving up to our enemies. Somalia is under occupation for our mistakes of not knowing our real enemy.

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Ironically these northerners are walking side by side with the Ethiopians.


Why can’t they have 1,000 strong men from Mogadishu to disarm the residents of Xamar?


Or at least talk to these so called elders and tribal leaders to ask their fellow kinsmen to disarm, or maybe the talks didn’t go as planned.


This will defiantly be seen as one tribe trying to enforce their power on another tribe. We know how well those northerners hate the southerners. They have some serious grudge.

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^^^Thats nothing more than mere, propoganda. Puntland troops will not disarm Mogadishu, the TFG troops will do complete that difficult task.


We must not lie to ourselves, as for Garoweonline, they are part of the losing side.

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Ameeroow, Agreed. The task is better left for Somalis regardless the clan or political affiliation. Amxaar is no friend of ours. It's time for them to butt out of our affairs.


Something tells me that the task can effectively be carried out if Moqdisho were invited and honored to take part without unrealistic threats and deadline. PL troop’s priority should be to disarm PL region as Geedi hinted few days ago. Unless PL troops are in Moqdisho to safeguard Ina Yusuf’s interest, it ain't a friendly environment to undertake such a difficult yet deadly task. The invitation of PL troops to Moqdisho is a recipe for warfare between militias of opposing warlords.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Thats nothing more than mere, propoganda. Puntland troops will not disarm Mogadishu, the TFG troops will do complete that difficult task.


We must not lie to ourselves, as for Garoweonline, they are part of the losing side.

Tell me Duke what have you the winning side gained so far?


Other than riding on Ethiopian tanks and trucks and killing Somalis as you went on to capture and weaken Somalia for their true enemies.


Have you established peace?

Kicked out the warlords or welcomed them?



Winning, yes, i could see it now you surely are the winning delirious side. :D

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^^^The Somali people of the south are liberated, thats enough for me. The governent is in Mogadishu, the world has now turned to our plight. I see a clear window of hope.

Thats enough for me, its not about Puntland, or any otehr region, but about the return of the republic.


I tell you there will be no Ethiopian occupation and no need for this emotional out bursts and naked lies on behalf of the lost groups.

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You sound so western duke, liberated by Ethiopians lool.


That is like the wolf safe guarding the goats.


Apparently duke the people who you claim to have been liberated don’t trust their so called liberators nor do they feel safe with them.


The world doesn’t and won’t care about you or Somalia. They are ignoring the poor people in Darfur, who are in a poorer satiation than the Somalis today. Those people were crying out loud for help and peace-keeping troops for how long duke, each and everyone ignored them because they do not serve their interest or are of any interest to them.


Last time you said there were on Ethiopian troops in Somalia at all, only some few trainers. You do remember that don’t you? Ooh how false it turned out to be. Now you want to tell me there won’t be any occupation nay, No way, not this time sxb. You and your kind are fooling no one this time.


Again wake up and smell the coffee

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^^ You sound like Yusuf IndaCade sister,

you ignore all the signs, the TFG used what ever resources avaialable to it and the support of its neighbours to get in the advantage point.

Thus a governmetn will have many options while factions have very few.


Again the coffee smells, nice, the days are great and my nation is coming back step by step, what warlords, fake wadaads or scarpmerchants say matters not.

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You sound worse than a western. I shouldn’t have mistaken the ignorance the westerners hold against Islam for the ignorance you dwell in.


We know the resource they used, a bunch of xabash scavengers to kill Somalis. Power, foreign power for that matter. Puppets can be used and it can only operate the way the master wants it to. It was used they didn’t use anything.


You even ignore the warlords that are pouring into Mogadishu. Living in lalaland aren’t you. There is no hope left to save your sanity.


Yawn do you have something new to say?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

you ignore all the signs,

Yeah, that seems to be chronic problem of yours. Here is a quote that encapsulates the gist of this thread's message: Hundreds of soldiers from the northern Somali regional autonomy of Puntland reached the town of Jowhar, 90km northwest of the Somali capital Mogadishu, residents reported..


Now, like it or lump it, in the clan colored politics of Somalia this will be seen in clanish terms. In truth, there might not be any clanism involved but perception, more often than not, is reality. C/Yuusef's former dogs of war are coming to his rescue.


Please address the relevant issue raised here. Why are Puntland soldiers in Jowhar? Who ideated this sophomoric deployment?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The Somali people of the south are liberated, thats enough for me. The governent is in Mogadishu, the world has now turned to our plight. I see a clear window of hope.

Thats enough for me, its not about Puntland, or any otehr region, but about the return of the republic.


I tell you there will be no Ethiopian occupation and no need for this emotional out bursts and naked lies on behalf of the lost groups.

Liberated from whom,the ICU,who literally brought stablity,hope back to what was once warlord ruined cities of Xamar,Jawhar,Beledwayne...etc.The Ethiopians have literally taken that away and brought back ever thug,warlord and installed them to their original posts.I don't see how that is liberation from anything.You know it and every sane person knows it,but you time again have chosen to blind yourselves or are you this arogant,you can't really be that off of everything,are you?

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Waryaahe, Duke, malaguu magacaabin miyaa safirka dawladda ee UK?


Waxaad u qabatay oo dhan ma sac bacaad lagu lisaa?

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Originally posted by Halgan:

Waryaahe, Duke, malaguu magacaabin miyaa safirka dawladda ee UK?


Waxaad u qabatay oo dhan ma sac bacaad lagu lisaa?

Soori. Cabdillaahi Seed nin la yiraahdo ayaa meeshaas loo magacaabay [ama ismagacaabay, as the xaalada seems like that now], though dowlada Ingiriiska do not recognize this dowlad ku sheeg.


Ask yourself, what do these following men have in common.


Yuusuf Baribari of Midowga Yurub [EU], the danjiraha to Brussels.


Cabdillaahi Seed, danjire ku sheega Soomaaliyeed ee Boqortooyada Ingiriiska.


Kooshin Max'ed isku magacaabay danjiraha Soomaaliya u fadhiya ee Mareykanka.


Cumar Jamaal -- xoghayaha guud ee siyaasadda u fadhiyo Qaramada Midooway [whatever it means, though I assume to spy officially the real danjire u fadhiyo meesha].


Ciid Bedel Max'ed, danjire ku xigeenka Qaramada Midooway. [He could have been the real danjire, laakiin banooniga ayaa la barayaa, until then ha sugo...]



:D:D:D Dowlad ku sheeg aan tabar lahayn ayaa saan u dhaqmeyso ka waran mid awood buuxda leh?


Even the most corrupt-prone, masuqmaasuq countries oo awood ku leh dalalkooda, iskaba dhaaf Soomaaliya, saan uma dhaqmaan oo waa xishoodaan the leaders ka taliyo meelahaas.

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