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I bought this book myself after a bit of a search, I enjoyed it greatly.


Muhammad : His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings. I found his writing style very easy to follow and well detailed, the kind of book you need to read twice.


I think Tariq Ramadan's latest book "In the footsteps of the prophet" is also a nice follow up

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Johnny B   

Read Ibn Ishaq,an Arab Muslim historian.

He collected oral traditions that formed the basis of first biography of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

Read Ibn Ishaq,an Arab Muslim historian.

He collected oral traditions that formed the basis of first biography of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

How ironic - Johnny Boy giving advice on reading about the Prophet who's sayings and teachings he rejects?

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Kheyr bro.


Allah guides his slaves in different ways, some of the best Muslims in history are known to have been Islam's enemies, one of the them even rose to become the Second Calif of Islam, Omar Ibnul Khattab. Dont give up on JB, I have made a sincere prayer that Allah guides him to the straight path.




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Johnny B   

Originally posted by Khayr:

How ironic - Johnny Boy giving advice on reading about the Prophet who's sayings and teachings he rejects?

Not so fast Khayr, actually the irony is your meager attemp at beeing rational human-beeing by trying to point out an alleged irony.


I can advice you to read Ibn Ishaq, no, i actually DO advice you to read Ibn Ishaq, and i don't have to necessarily agree with your stances.


Disagreeing the validity of what Mohammed( pbuh ) is claimed to have said is one thing, reading about which (historian)writer best biographically depicts Mohammed is another. DUH.


Brother Nur,

You're right about giving up on people, i too wish and work hard to hopefully help you fight the enemy that made posts on your head (probably through child-indoctrination ),namely Superstition.

Getting you realize that,

  • no angel is occupying your shoulders.
  • no woman can get pregnant without human-male sperms.
  • no God (if exists)can be both omnicient , omnipotent and has the will to inform humanity about his/her presence yet can't do that.

is not an easy task but not impossible. :D

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