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Crackdown in Ethiopia condemned

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Crackdown in Ethiopia condemned




Ethiopia's government has been accused of forcing thousands of civilians from their homes in a campaign against separatist rebels in the south-east.

US-based Human Rights Watch says troops had burned homes, seized livestock and carried out arbitrary arrests.


The group also accused the rebels of targeting officials and clan leaders who failed to support its insurgency.


Security was stepped up in April in the remote Somalia region after a deadly rebel raid on a Chinese-run oil field.


The ethnic Somali rebels - the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) - have been fighting for secession for the Somali region, also known as the ******, since the 1990s.




"The Ethiopian government appears to be pursuing an illegal strategy of collective punishment of the civilian population, and the ONLF has targeted civilians for attack," Human Rights Watch's Africa director Peter Takirambudde said.


"Whatever the military strategy behind them, these abuses violate the laws of war," his statement continued.


But Bereket Simon, special adviser to Ethiopia's prime minister, denied the accusations.


"The facts on the ground are absolutely different from what they say," AP news agency quotes Mr Bereket as saying.


HRW's Tom Porteous told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that the report was based on evidence collected from people fleeing the region, mainly to neighbouring Somaliland.


"Whatever the sympathies of those civilians in the Somali region, it is quite clear under international humanitarian law that targeting these civilians is illegal and acceptable," he said.


"In the long run it's counter-productive; it's likely to lead to an escalation of the conflict rather than a de-escalation of it. This conflict has serious regional implications."


Meanwhile, about 100 Somalis are reported to be stranded on the border after being deported from Ethiopia, but refused permission to enter Somaliland.

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Good piece, however, the simple formula of divide and rule has been applied, too harshly and too long, on Somalis irrespective of their locations therefore only one group of us has no the capacity of removing the shackles of the Ethiopians. When one looks at what is happening in Mogadishu and elsewhere, these incidences boiled down to one thing. The way forward is having common front.

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Freedom has never been free and it never will. I agree with JB, in some other instances of history teach us that the combination of the two, political wing and the resistance, will accelerate the achievement of whatever the oppressed people are after. Case in point the efforts of Malcom X and Martin Luther King were complimentary to one another, they had one vision yet they wanted to achieve it in different ways.

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Hargeysa ( – Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa bilowday hawlgal aan daboolka laga qaadin oo ay ku baabi'inayso waxa ay ugu yeedho "ururada argagixisada" ah ee ka jira kilinka shanaad ee gobolka Soomaalida kaas oo loola jeedo dhaqdhaqaaqa ONLF.


Ururka xuquuqda aadahama u dooda ee Human Rights Watch ee xaruntiisu tahay Maraykan ayaa ku eedeeyay dawladda Itoobiya inay cagta marisay degaano ku yaalla gobolka kilinka shanaad iyada oo ciidamadeedu ay gubeen guryihii lana wareegeen xoolihii ay lahaayeen dadkaasi. Weeraradan ayay ururka xuquuqda insaanku ku tilmaamtay in ciidamada Itoobiyaanku ku qafaasheen tiro kale oo dad ah.


Dadka degaanka ka soo barakacay ayaa ku eedeeyay dawladda Itoobiya inay bilowday weeraro ay ku hayso dhamaanba dadka degaanka iyada oo aan loo kala aabo dayaynin inay dadkaasi ka mid yihiin dhaqdhaqaaqa ONLF iyo in kale.


Nin u hadlay Human Rights Watch oo magaciisa la yidhaahdo Tom Porteous ayaa sheegay inay xogtooda ka kala heleen dad ka soo barakacay goobaha ay Itoobiyaanku ka fulinayeen weeraradaas oo qaarkood ay kula kulmeen dalka Somaliland gudihiisa.


Itoobiya ayaa xoog saartay amaanka gobolka kuna soo kordhisay ciidamo dheeraad ah tan iyo intii weerarka lagu qaaday shirkadda baadhista batroolka ee dalka Shiinaha laga lahaa.


Dhinaca kale booqashadii kediska ahayd ee Wasiiru Dawlaha Itoobiya ku yimid dalka Somaliland ayaan ka madhnayn oo la tuhmayaa inay ka mid ahayd waxyaabaha uu u kala hadlay Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Kaahin inay ku jirto hawlgalkan Itoobiya ka bilowday kiliinka shanaad oo ay Somaliland leeyihiin xuduud dheer isla markaana laga yaabo in Itoobiya ka cadhaysantahay dadka ka soo barakacay ee soo galay Somaliland. Iyada oo xogo kale tilmaamayaan in galbeedka Somaliland la keeni doono ciidamo Itoobiyan ah, hase yeeshee ay dawladda Somaliland dafirtay warsaxaafadeedkeedii ay soo saartay 4 bisha July.


Magaalada xuduudda ku taalla ee wajaale ayaa iyadana waxa ku xaniban dad ka badan 150 qof oo ah ka soo jeeda qowmiyadda Soomaalida, isla markaana ah marinka socotada labada dal isaga tallaabaan, kadib markii dowladda Somaliland diiddey in dadkaas oo Itoobiya laga soo masaafuriyey ay galaan gudaha Somaliland.


Dadkaas ayaa la sheegay in ciidamada dowladda Itoobiya ay sababo la xidhiidha sharciga dal ku galka darteed uga soo ururiyeen magaalooyin ay ka mid tahay Caasimadda dalkaas ee Addis Ababa, isla markaana ay keeneen xuduudka Somaliland ee Wajaale oo ay u arkaan xuduudka dalkii ay ka yimaaddeen ee Soomaaliya.


Hase yeeshee, Taliyaha Booliska Somaliland, Maxamed Saqadhi Dubbad, ayaa sheegay in ay is hortaageen in dadkaasi ka soo gudbaan xuduudka, isaga oo sheegay in sharciga Somaliland aanu ogolayn in dad aan u dhalan Somaliland oo laga soo musaafuriyey dal kale la keeno Somaliland, iyadoo aanu jirin ayuu yidhi heshiis arrintaas ku saabsan oo Somaliland la gashay dalka dadkaas laga soo masaafuriyey.


Taliyaha Boolisku waxa uu sheegay in dadkaas ay ku jireen 15 qof oo u dhashay Somaliland, kuwaas oo uu sheegay inay u ogolaadeen inay soo galaan Somaliland.


Lama garanayo halka ay ku dambeeyeen dadkaasi.

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We have not moved once inch forward in 120 years. The same BS that was happening 120 years ago is happening today and its worse. Only one Somali front can stop this, but as long as people are too willing to entertain the divide and rule tactics of the enemy we will stay in our current hopeless situation.

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This just shows the desperate situation facing Meles Zenawi. In time he will be the man that stoked the flames of Somali nationalism. I am sure his army can't broke the resolve and courage of those people. May Allah grant them Sabr and victory.

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Meles has put all that End Poverty Now money into his army. Thank you very much Missurs Geldof and Bono!

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