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Somali gov't names Qaeda leader as fighting rages

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MOGADISHU, March 22 (Reuters) - The Somali government said on Thursday that al Qaeda had made a young militant Islamist commander its leader in Mogadishu as fighting raged for a second day in the coastal capital.


Deputy Defence Minister Salad Ali Jelle told a news conference Aden Hashi Ayro -- an Afghanistan-trained commander in his 30s who runs the Islamists' feared Shabab, or military wing -- was personally directing a growing insurgency.


"The government is being targeted by those who used to work with terrorists, the so-called Islamic Courts," Jelle said. "And after they had a long consultation with al Qaeda, they named Aden Hashi Ayro as head of (al Qaeda) operations in Mogadishu."


The United States and the Somali government have long accused Ayro, and other Islamist leaders, of links to al Qaeda. But some critics say the government paints its political rivals as terrorists to secure more backing from Washington.


Thursday's accusation came as insurgents again battled Somali government forces and their Ethiopian military allies, forcing hundreds of families to flee.


After heavy clashes on Wednesday that killed at least 16 and saw soldiers' bodies dragged through the streets and burnt, fighting reignited in the city when Ethiopian tanks guarding a Somali government base opened fire on unidentified attackers.


Witnesses said the cannons thundered repeatedly over a 10-minute period, followed by the clatter of machine guns around the base, situated in a former defence department headquarters.




A separate gun battle also raged in the northern Ramadhan neighbourhood, witnesses said. And a huge explosion was heard in the government-controlled Kilometer Four area mid-afternoon.


It was not clear if there were any fresh casualties from Thursday's clashes. But hundreds of residents -- mainly women and children -- fled the fighting with their belongings on donkey carts, minibuses and trucks.


"The fighting is still going on. It is the remnants of the Islamists and the government fighting," said a Ramadhan resident who declined to be identified for fear of reprisal.


The defence department base has been a favourite target of gunmen who launch almost daily hit-and-run attacks on the government and its allies, including about 1,200 African Union (AU) peacekeepers from Uganda who arrived this month.


It and the Ramadhan neighbourhood were strongholds of the Islamist movement that ruled Mogadishu and its environs for the last half of 2006, until the government and Ethiopian soldiers defeated them and took the capital just before the New Year.


Wednesday was one of the bloodiest days in Mogadishu since the government took the city from the Islamists.


The grisly scenes recalled the aftermath of the 1993 downing of two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters by Somali militiamen during a failed American operation to capture a warlord.


The images of dead American troops being dragged through the streets helped prompt the pullout of U.S., and later, U.N. peacekeepers who were battered by militia attacks.


Though many believe the insurgents are defeated Islamists, analysts say criminals, warlord fighters and clan militiamen have also joined a loose coalition opposed to a government they believe is a tool of foreign interests.


The former leader of the Islamists, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, surfaced in public for the first time since the war calling on Somalis to remove their foreign "occupiers."


In a telephone interview, Aweys told the BBC's Somali language radio section that he was still inside the country.


"Somalia is under occupation and people have the right to remove occupiers," he said. "The Islamic Courts should have been commended for returning law and order, but the international community failed to do so."

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

MOGADISHU, March 22 (Reuters) -
The Somali government said on Thursday that al Qaeda had made a young militant Islamist commander its leader in Mogadishu..."And after they had a long consultation with al Qaeda, they named Aden Hashi Ayro as head of (al Qaeda) operations in Mogadishu

Another bad attempt by an illegitimate government to project the resistance as terrorists. This resistance is aimed at ending the Ethiopian occupation. The TFG are trying to brush it off as just another Al-Qaeda outfit. They may fool 'terrotist watchers' in the international community, but they will not fool the Somali public with these false accusations. The US would have jumped at such information if it was at all credible. Nairobi based Ambassador Michael Ranneberger was recently quoted by Reuters as saying that the "the daily attacks were not likely to be the work of al Qaeda".

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