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USC maxaa nabada u diiday....

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Ma fahamsani sababta ay reer muqdisho u diidayaan in magaaladooda nabad loogu soo celiyo.


Dadka dekadaha, eelaboorka...iyo beeraha daroogada maamula oo lacagta ka sameeya mooyee reer muqdisho indho iyo caqli ay dhibaatada lugta kula jiraan ku arkaan ama ay ku fahmaan miyaaysan laheen.


Haddii ay mar-marsinyo noqotay dowlad cadaw nala ah ciidenkeeda yaan la keenin, maxeey reer muqdisho u diideen ciidamada wadamada kale ka socda --IGAD minus Ethiopia?


Dhibaatada ay hub sidatada muqdisho shacbiga ku hayeen ilaa 14 sano mida ka ween maxeey tahay.


Allaha idin siiyo caqli aad ku garataan dadka lagga idinku sidoo aad isku ab tirsitaan.

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Waryaada, Amxaaro maka casunno Xamar cadeey inta kale laakiin waa lasoo dhaweenaa haddey imaanaayaan. Amxaarada waa bias iyo xumaan ka talis, saasaa lagu diidey. They can't be trusted. They have shown their willingness to render any Somali effort useless and unworkable in the past simply because their frontmen had no chance. Now that they are winners by proxy, the reward for them is set to be to let them march to mogadishu under the guise of peacekeeping troops. How dreadful that is runtii. What peace have they ever given to the Somalis who live under their jurisdiction? We are not interested and they are not welcome. Idinkana iyagaa ku heesataan mexey u diidan yihiin Amxaaro, Anigana waxaan ka baqaayaa ineyba oggolaadaan, taas ka waramahee?


I tell you, On one end, there is this disappointing track record of Mogadishu tribal leaders and their past inefficiency to go beyond personal aggrandizing and asurpation of rights, and on the other, the dispicable scenario of a foreign troop marching in Town and disarming Somalis when they couldn't do it themselves.


Reading the history of foreign troop deployments in many countries will serve you better as well. All they do is get entangled in the local politics due to sectarian and devisions that pre-date their deployment. And there, you may have the incendiary, another war is raging before you know it. Do you honestly think with the possible competiton between groups and demagoguery of some, it will be smooth operation in Xamar even if troops from Amxaaro are welcomed with open arms?


One thing is true, Muqdisho had been a disappointing place in the sense that it set back and held hostage any progress on the national front, however, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope they expediate this time the shedding-off of the cloak of degradation and do something worthy other than dispute among themselves and whine about others.


Idinkana, waa la doogaayaaye, waxba ha dacaroonina. You will get your house if you can prove you had a house to begin with in the Town lol.

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You will get your house if you can prove you had a house to begin with in the Town lol



Sxb ma adigaa bixinaya guryaha, mase ileen waa adiga ninka guryaha xooga nooga haysta, waa is fashishayee :D:D


Ofcourse I do have, Well not me but my dad built there as many houses as he could,ten to count and others of my sisters very close relatives such adeero, and I don't know for what? they spent all the resources and many they could get on one place, on where? Sxb I could have enjoyed today if it was somewhere else don't you think? is all dissappointment.


But don't get me wrong bro Xoogsade, I don't single out one case my case, but I share the problems and the pain with all the Somalis including the ones In Mogadishu, to say except such people like Xoogsade :D:D:D

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Qorshel, lol lool, haye, waxaa og tahaaba iska yar. Saxib, hadalkaas waxaa ugu dan lahaa kan kor wax ku qorey, Aw-ilko-firaanfir lol. Inuu cariish xataa magaalada kuleheenaa laga yaabaa laakiin uu iska camiranaayo LOL. Btw, anigabo waa kaa istaahilaa inaa dhibkeyga ila qeybsato. Hadalkeygaa kistoo kulul miyaa?


Saxib, guryahaaga lagaama inkiraayo. Adaa iska leh. Nowadays people go to Xamar and claim their property if they have some connections over there. It is easier than it used to be. My neighbour from Garowe originally has done it. I was even pleasantly surprised when I was told. Dowladaanna waa noo hagaageesaaye waxba muranka ha u qaadan wax ween. Meeshaan dadka fikradooda qaldan tahay lee la saxooyaa.


PS: Arrimo badanaan qorey ka bacdina waan tirtirey. Too much info LOOL. Take Care bro.

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Saxib, guryahaaga lagaama inkiraayo. Adaa iska leh

Waa Mahadsantahay Sxb, rajo lee nagalinaysaa, Laakiin goormaa nasiinee :D:D , Waaba shakiyay aniga adi lee kufadhidaa umaleenaa gurigeena :D


Dadkaas aa sheegtay inta badan fikradahooda qalad ha u arkin, take it as constructive critisisms. I hope most of them are critising the bad and the ugly of Mogadisho out of love but not hate, they(we) love it so much, after all is the common factor that unites us, and thats why is the most discussed city of all Somalia(whether good or bad), and I hope this gives you the impression that "we"(critisisers) actully love but not hate, aright even thou some poeple's responses may be seen as hate but this hate might have many reasons other than the single tribal one that you always suspect.


However, again im not pointing out any one, Im sure when I say the whole nation is at stake and Mogadisho is the head, and that's the basic fundemental reasons as why to is getting the most blame, not only that but with many other complicated problems.


Sxb, is only fair to blame the Manager/Supervisor not the employees if a company loses some or goes bankrupcy even if the employees have contributed to the loss.


Exactly that's where im coming from, all we can do is praise the work of Hargeisa, Bosaso and Baidoa and applaud for them but blame blame blame, Mogadishu is just a horrible place, lose faith in it, we are expecting much much much much more that its doing now, Much much much more that than not only any Somali city is doing but compete with rest of African capitals - All I see is bad bad bad coming from it, and to say I see to blame no where else but Xamar Cadeey and none other than my good friend Mr Xoogsade. OK now you have it sxb, do you want to take this as constructive critisims or destructive one and overeact?



Inuu cariish xataa magaalada kuleheenaa laga yaabaa

:D , camirasho yaah! waa ujeeda


Laakiin ninka wixiisi waaba inkirtayee, xalaalaysi reer magalnimo yah lol, Alhamdulilahi markoo lee hadii aniga aadan iga inkirin :D


Sxb kaqalee hee yarka 3 bilood lee xataa hasoo joogo gurigooda, kadib hadaa rabtid fisadi waa kadhacday kulaabo Hargeysa iyo Bosaso meeshi uu ka imaaday kudheh.

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USC and the people of Mogadishu are not against peace, lets not generalise its not healthy.


Like any clan or area there are contradictions and of course there are a few who are against change and a number who are afriad they will lose out.

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Bro Qorsheel, runtaa waaye, sida badan dadka wey ka shakinaayaan daacadnimadaada haddaa qolo kale ka dhalatey oo aa wax ka sheegtid arrin dadka dhan wada quseyso. Si goonniyaa laga yaabaa in laguu eego. I may have been guilty myself of doubting other people's honesty and care.


Anyway bro, it bothers me when I sometimes think, if tomorrow nothing goes right and everything goes wrong again, that I gave the impression I was against our common interests as somalis when my intensions are not to be antagonistic to something good. Dadka qaarkiisaa iska hadlo oo reer hebel iska dul saaran. They assume the worst and accuse others of evil intensions when there may be a legitimate concern others expressed for whatever reason. Why not give the benefit of the doubt is what I am thinking.


Magaalada Xamarna Qof lagama xigo. You might or might not know, there are many people in Xamar who hail from different regions of Somalia and are not related to the locals. Beneath the surface, Soomaalida waxba kuma kala maqno. Dhib ween ma jiro saaxib, haddu jirana maamul la'aanta xamar lee waaye. Iyadana waa loo talinaa.



Abdullaahi Yusuf teleefoon u dira adiga iyo Duke lol, Xamar imoow dhaha meelahaa wareegeysid dan kuma jirtee. I would be most happy if he goes there. He gave the impression that he can't come to Xamar without escort from Ethiopia. That fuels and gives credence to other people's thoughts about him. So shekada wexey noqotey, Amxaaruu noo soo wataa. Wax kale oo aa dadka ka dhaadhicin kartidna ma lahan saaxiib. marka waxaa fiicnaan leheed, somehow intuu yaasiinka soo Aqristo waaba hadduu quraanka aqrin yaqaannee, inuu isa soo biimeeyo lool.


Btw, siinta guryaha imaasho la imaado magaaladaa ka horeeso maahinoo? Geesinimadaa ku imaan leheed yeelo nooh marka hore, ka bacdi waxaaga gacantaa lagaa saaraa. hadii kale, magaalada bahalo galeen waayee, iska illoow doqoshkaa xaafadda hodan ama cabdicasiis ku leheedeen. Ama mukulaalahaa ku nool, ama waa la dul dhistey, ama waraaqaa loo sameystey hehehehe. Adaa cirka roob ku'og.

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