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Somalia Military Commanders to USA

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QM ayaa sheegtay in Saraakiil sar sare oo ka tirsan military-gii hore ee Soomaaliya ay asbuucan dhamaadkiisa ay kulan ku yeelanayaan wadanka Mareykanka.


Kulankani oo uu soo agaasimay xafiiska siyaasada QM ee arimaha Soomaaliya isla markaana taageero ka helaya wasaaradda Gaashaandhiga ee Soomaaliya ayaa saraakiishani sar sare ee Military-gii Soomaaliya uu ka furmayaa magaalada Washington ee wadanka Mareykanka.


War ka soo baxay xafiiska QM ee arimaha Soomaaliya ee magaalada Nairobi ayaa lagu sheegay in kulankani u 4-ilaa 5-ta bishan June uu ka furmi doono magaalada Washington ee wadanka Mareykanka kaasi oo u shaqeyn doona kulan kale oo isna dhici doona isla markaana taageero iyo talo lagu siin doono saraakiil sar sare oo ka tirsna Military-ga Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo kulmi doona bishani dhamaadkeeda.


“Waxaan ka fileynaa kulankani in uu noqdo kii ugu horeeyay ee nuuciisa ah ee dhaca isla markaana guul laga gaaro ” ayuu yiri ergayga Gaarka ah ee Qm ee Arimaha Soomaaliya Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah.


Saraakiishani hore ee Soomaalida ah waxaa lagu qiimeeynayaa Waaya aragnimadooda xiligii lagu gudo jiray taariiqda Soomaaliya iyo xiliyadii ay ka qeyb qaadanayeen tababarida ciidamada African-ka ah ee ka socday wadamada Kale ee qaarada Africa.


Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah Waxaa uu intaasi ku daray iyadoo isha lagu heynayo heshiiskii Jabuuti iyo dowlada oo sheegtay in ay ka go’antahay in ay dhisto ciidamadeeda ammaanka in kulankani uu dib u eegi doono qaab dhismeedka ciidamadii military-ga Soomaaliya intii aysan burburin dowladii dhexe,waxaana uu sheegay in la fiirinayo xaalada mustaqbalka Soomaaliya iyo baahida loo qabo Aminiga lagu falan qeyn doono kulamadaasi.


Inta uu socodo kulankani ayaa waxaa lagu gorfeyn doonaa habka ugu wanaagsan ee lagu dhisi karo ama horumar loogu gaari karo xagga ciidamada Ammniga.


“Tani waxaa ay xal u tahay Soomaaliya iyo in ay dib u eegaan Xaaladooda ammaan” ayuu Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah hadalkiisa sii raaciyay.


Kulankani ay saraakiishii hore ee Military-ga Soomaaliya ku yeelanayaan magaalada Washington ee wadanka Mareykanka ayaa waxaa uu ku soo aadayaa xili dagaalo xoogan ay magaalada Muqdisho ku dhex marayaan ciidamada dowlada iyo xoogaga ka soo hor jeeda.

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some khatheads might claim they used to be "commanders in SOmalia" back in the days. lol



ps. Fabregas= Al Zeylac. change my name cus............

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Originally posted by Fabregas:

some khatheads might claim they used to be "commanders in SOmalia" back in the days. lol

And they were. The irony is we had none better than them since.

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Originally posted by Fabregas:

some khatheads might claim they used to be "commanders in SOmalia" back in the days. lol



ps. Fabregas= Al Zeylac. change my name cus............

the worst thing is due to corruption in previous government there were a lot of speedy promotions in the Somali Army, believe me I have met a former Army Colonel who cannot read or write, the worst case was the post he used to hold which I would rather not mention here and I am sure there are

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If they are genuine military people, national officers, without much regional support or special interest, their leadership can bring the much needed change of ways of running things in that part of the world.

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After 20 years of wars and famine,I don't think they remember anything, and they will not make difference, they were the masterminds of the civil war....I don't buy it.

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Originally posted by Caagane:

After 20 years of wars and famine,I don't think they remember anything, and they will not make difference, they were the masterminds of the civil war....I don't buy it.

I agree that they are either old and out of touch or majority of them had something to do with the chaos in Somalia.

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