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Asmara Conference Attracts World Attention...Wonder Why?

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Ever wondered why the TFG's clan meeting in Mogadishu has been paid no attention at's basically been dubbed as a failed gathering of thugs and their the world editorials..


On the same token though ever wondered why this on-going Asmara conference is attracting the attention of the world and seems and sounds more serious and agenda driven than the just-ended Habashi conference in Mogadishu...


shows you Darajada iyo mustawaha labada shir aay kala leeyihiin....

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Well, caalamka is not fooled. Even hadduu natiijo weyn kasoo bixin shirkaan -- and natiijo muhiim kasoo bixi doonto, Eebbe willing -- it has a legitimacy. The xoreynta group will also have one political voice this time.


Neither one political group iskugu yimid meesha; they are diverse political groups. Shan groups isku yimid: Maxkamadaha, Baarlamaanka Xorta ah, Bulshadda Rayidka, Dibadjooga iyo Salaadiinta [the traditional clan leaders].

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Good observation. I'm surprised at the attention given to the Asmara Conference. We all the conference in Xamar was pushed through for PR purposes more than anything else. This one in Asmara seam a bit more 'solid' for want of a better word.


Lets hope they play their cards right.

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The dignitiries at this Asmara meeting are from more than 39 countries...including the US and the EU. There must b some back channel talks going on...and that scares the heckk out of everybody closely associated with the recent genocide in Somalia

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