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What does ICU want for Somalia - lets put aside Ethiopia 4 moment

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Yemen was asked by ICU to intervene in Negotiations with TFG.

Yemen asked the following:


What is ICU intention for Somalia?

Are you a parallel government for all of somalia that want to share 50/50, 75/25..or whatever with TFG?


Are you a regional government for the south and you want more power than Puntland or Bay and Bakool in the federation?


ICU answer was:

We are willing to recognize the president and the speaker, but everything else ICU has to choose.


Yemen told them it cannot even put a phone call to TFG on this let alone to broker some arrangement.


Then ICU came back and asked for Yemen to help them talk with Ethiopia and ICU is willing to recognize the border and ethiopians to stay in their country.

Yemen asked again that ICU has no power to talk about border now, you can give it to the ethiopians on the internet or radio as good will, but we cannot call the Ethiopians for talk over nothing.


Here is Yemen Ambassador to Ethiopia spilling the beans so to speak:


Addis Ababa, December 13, 2006 (WIC) – Yemen's Ambassador to Ethiopia, Gazem A.K Alaghbari, said if the Somali Islamic Courts have declared jihad on Ethiopia, it is morally, religiously and politically wrong and his country condemns it.


Ambassador Alaghbari told WIC yesterday that jihad has nothing to do with what jihadists are presently doing in Afghanistan, Somalia or Iraq. Jihad means to discipline oneself, he added.


"It is unfortunate for the Islamists to declare jihad on Ethiopia or any other country for that matter. They give a bad name to Islam; we will see another Taliban in the region if this is true," the ambassador stated.


He said Yemen is a Muslim country, but a responsible Muslim country. “We don’t mind what the Somalis have for themselves, it is their problem. But they do not have to export their problems to other countries”, he underscored.


“Even today you will find division among the members of the Islamic Courts after claiming to control 80 or 85 percent of the country. But nobody still knows what exactly they want, “Ambassador Alaghbari noted.


The Union of Islamic Courts should listen to reason and enter into dialogue with the transitional government as well as respect the wishes of the Somali people, he said, adding that it is also his country’s wish to find ways and means to find channel of dialogue between Ethiopia and the UIC.


The ambassador, however, has stressed that Ethiopia has the right to defend itself if it comes under attack.


He stated that his country has exerted lots of efforts for the restoration of peace in that country and would like to see a responsible government which adheres to international laws and have respect for its neighbors.


Yemen has suffered a lot due to the instability in that country, according to Alaghbari, who added that it is hosting half a million refugees most of whom are Somalis.


He expressed hope that all governments will make efforts to avoid another war in the region. The major problems in the region are rather poverty and illiteracy, not war, he underlined.

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