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Mogadishu 14, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Islamist fighters in Bandradley, a village near Mudug provincial town of Galkayo in central Somalia, said they have released seven prisoners of war, handing them to the regional government of Puntland.


The seven prisoners who were seized in the fight in Bandiradley on sunday have been taken to Puntland as the Union of Islamic Courts spokesperson Mohomood Mohammed Jimale Agoweyne for Somalia’s central provinces has told Shabelle Radio in Mogadishu.


Agoweyne said large numbers of Ethiopian and Puntland forces were fighting along Abdi Qeybdid’s militias whom he said escaped to a village near Ethiopian border, adding that another 5 POW would also be freed.



Abdi Qeybdid was the last warlord who was evicted from the capital Mogadishu after deadly skirmishes that claimed the lives of hundreds by Somalia’s powerful Islamists.



Agoweyne has blamed the semi-autonomous government of Puntland in northeast Somalia for backing warlord Qeybdid and organizing another war with Islamists, alleging that there was an ongoing talk between them and administrators in the recently formed Gal-Mudug State which is south Gakayo.


He said talks would facilitate the formation of Islamic Courts in south Galkayo.

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Wow, if that isn’t proof that they didn’t capture anyone, I don’t know what is. Who in the world releases prisoners a few days after a battle? Have you ever heard of that, so quickly? I guess it was hard for them to keep lying about their claim to have them, so they just made this statement saying they had released them. So let’s say that they did release these guys, what do you think they will do? Umm, i'm pretty sure they'll go back to fighting.

These guys and their unbelievable lies, and then they call themselves Wadaads.

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^^^lol. Somalipride head the nail on the head, the faction that murdered four injured prsioners in Buaale has done such a thing?


There were no prisoners taken from the state, the troops who fought were Qaybdeeds and even they did not lose that many men.


Puntland troops are in BANDIRADLAY RIGHT NOW..

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Somalipride,I thought you would like it.Yep,I know,the ICU is so kind and caring aren't they?


They trully know that those folks which they held as POWs were merely used a tool by corrupt political so called leaders,hence they released them rather quickly.Hopefully those former POWs will come to understand who the real enemies of the state are and what they are fighting for.


Once again,I know it's hard to believe that one you considered as your worst enemy would deal with one so gently when they are in their custody,their weakest time.

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^^^^I doubt it is about being gentle and kind, it is mostly for PR , and the simple fact that POWS have to be feed and clothed, something the courts wouldn't wanna burden themselves with.

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^^^Red Sea, why would the clan courts treat these supposed POWS to the ones they killed in Buaale? Maybe the 3000 troops amasing has had some effect on their phsycke?

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Che,let us say that was even teh case,why would they want to let go though,when they can just starve to death? you see their kindness comes in.


Duke,did you say 3,000 30,000,you may stand a chance with 30,000 heavily armed back by Ethios,but would ultimately flee,however,3,000 don't stand a chance at all.

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^^^Oh my you do talk allot, the clan courts claimed to be 20km of Galkacyu two days ago and now are fleeing back to Galinsoor.


Saxib, there were no Puntland prisoners and if they had them they would have their photos splashed all over, and Shabbele.


Cade Muse has scored a victory without even attacking..

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Maxaabiis lagu wareejiyay PL

14 Nov 14, 2006, 10:43





Midowga Maxaakiimta ayaa sii daayey 7 Maxbuus oo ay maamulka Puntland kaga qabteen dagaaladii ka dhacey agagaarka Bandiiradley.


Afhayeenka u hadley Maxaakiimta ayaa sheegay in ay maxaabiistan ku wareejiyeen Puntland isla markaana ay 5 kale oo ka tirsanaa Malishiyaadka Cabdi Qaybdiid ay wareejin doonan maanta.


Sii daynta Maxabiistan ayaa sida wararka ay shegayaan waxa ka qayb qaatey wadaada iyo ganacsatada reer Puntland kuwaas oo xiriiro la sameeyay xubnaha sar-sare ee Midowga Maxaakiimta.


Dhinaca kala Wasiirka dowladaha Hooose Cali Cabdi Awaare ayaa horay u beeniyay in maamulkiisa uusan wax lug ah ku laheyn dagaalada Bandiiradley ka dhacdey.


Gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug Cabdi rashiid Cali Dhuubane oo saxaafada la hadley wasiirka kadib ayaa qiray in dagaalka ka dhacey Bandiiradley ay Puntland ku lug lahayd isla markaana looga qabsadey Maxaabiis.Ka dhagayso Warysi laga qaadey Maxaabiista wabashadooda kadib


Cali Muxayadiin Cali, Garowe Online

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^Duke, the news for the dictator is very bad..

More and more Puntlanders who are marginalized politically and socially are demanding accountability and change on the top-level....and the dicator is feeling threatened..And this time ICU will not be the scapegoat atheer...


Read SomaliTalk... @

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They are releasing the prisoners just to proof three things:


They Captured the place

Puntland was involved (not only Qaybdiid)

They defeated both and captured some militias



is not about being kind and stuff ,,,, is a political agenda ,,,,


they also wanna show the puntland ppl that they can release prisoners coz their attention is not to harm the punlanders ,,,,,,, :D

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Everyone knows the have control of the place, so that can't be a reason. You can prove you have prisoners without releasing them and most of all, those same so called prisoners are just gonna go back and fight against them again. Believe what you want, but no army in the world releases prisoner’s 2 days after a battle.

Honestly, I can't believe i'm having this argument.

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Who are the foot soldiers of maxaakimta? aren't they the ruthless remnants of defeated Mogadishu warlords that were given red cimaamad and AK47 and sent away to cause instability in everywhere they not welcome and confusion amongst citizens and much eager for more killlings. For me, they are another warmongers. Do you think these remnants of defeated warlords and the foot soldiers of maxaakimta really care about anything or treat any PoW accordingly? I believe not. They never spared lifes of any captured PoWs let alone a wounded one!

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^They could have capture criminal Col.Cabdi Qaybdiid,they intentionally let him scape,which to this day,I can't grasp the reason why.I believed they should have put his butt behind bars in the first place.they didn't take that route,so they are dealing with his headache today,not much,but enough to have his name around news.


Jacaylbaro:Yes,as you said they want to show the people of Puntland that they are not there to harm them,hence releasing POWs from Pland, well there you go my friend,that is kindness isn't it...else they could have blown their brain out of their skull.



Alamagon,not exactly buddy,the foot soldiers are mosty new,the former militia men are mostly still in school being thought basic human dignity,you see they are not ready as of yet,like Gen.Morgan or col.Cumar Jess..

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