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Guriceel (Hassan Dahir's home town) falls to TFG forces!

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Guriceel: Ciidanka dawladda federaalka oo la wareegay degmada Guriceel.


Talaado, December 26, 2006



Guriceel(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada dawaladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa goor dhow la wareegay gacan ku haynta magaalada Guriceel ee gobolka Galguduud.


Sida uu AllPuntland u xaqiijiyay wariyaha AllPuntland oo kusugan safka hore ee dagaalka waxaa ciidanka dawladda federaalka si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay degmada Guriceel.


Waxgaradka iyo cuqaasha Guriceel ayaa ciidanka dawladda Soomaaliya uga horyimid duleedka Guriceel, waxayna ku qanciyeen in cudud ka hor imaanaysa aysan halkaasi ka jirin.


Wariyaha AllPuntland ee jiidda hore kusugan wuxuu sheegay inaan wax ciidan ah laga soo wareejin degmada Guriceel, ayadoo wax garadka deegaankuna ay ku qanciyeen ciidanka in malleeshiyaadkii joogay Guriceel ay xilli hore isaga bexeen Guriceel.


Ciidankan hadda la wareegay Guriceel ayaa wararku sheegayaan inay ku wajahan yihiin magaalada Baladwayne ee gobolka Hiiraan , halkaasi oo ay kusugan yihiin ciidamo ka tirsan dawladda Soomaaliya.


Ciidanka dawladdu waxay maanta sidoo kale soo mareen magaalada Dhuusamareeb , halkaasi oo ayana aysan wax iska caabbin ah kala kulmin.


Degmada Guriceel waa halka asal ahaan uu kasoo jeedo Xasan Daahir Uways oo madax u ah maxkamadaha, waxayna kamid ahayd degmooyinka uu taageerada kulahaa.


CCC Farayaamo


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The people of Somalia in towns liberated from the control of fundamentalists have been expressing their support through rallies to the TFG, the statement said.

Particularly, the public in Adede locality have taken arms to rally behind the Ethiopian Defense forces and the forces of the TFG to fight against the fundamentalist group.


From the news release by the Defence Minstry in Ethiopia.

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

Particularly, the public in Adede locality have taken arms to rally behind the Ethiopian Defense forces and the forces of the TFG to fight against the fundamentalist group.


From the news release by the Defence Minstry in Ethiopia.

You cannot be serious. How on earth are you going to post a direct link from the Ethiopian Defence Minstry and present it as fact. With every post you make the more credibility you lose.

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Originally posted by GoldCoast:

quote:Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

Particularly, the public in Adede locality have taken arms to rally behind the Ethiopian Defense forces and the forces of the TFG to fight against the fundamentalist group.


From the news release by the Defence Minstry in Ethiopia.

You cannot be serious. How on earth are you going to post a direct link from the Ethiopian Defence Minstry and present it as fact. With every post you make the more credibility you lose.
They are on the ground and can report what they observe how the people recieve their government.


do you want me to quote then aweye and indaCadde are in Addis Ababa or the Fartaag or the Helicopter lies?

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^^^Saxib, remmeber when I told you the other side will reply in kind to the clan courts agression?


Well they have, the TFG troops are in lower shabbele liberating it from Xasan dahir, while the old wardens own local area has fallen to Col Qaybdeed.

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General Duke, you have lost all credibility with me, biliis hadalka iga yaree.


Dabadhilifka iyo kuu u shaqeeyo hadii aan kala dooran lahaa mid aan lahadlo, kuu u shaqeeyo ayaan la hadli lahaa.

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Confused person :D


I know how much it hurts General Duke, I know it hurts to be a man of no honour, to be a man that history will judge. This war has already been won by the ICU whether you are willing to acknowledge it or not, the spirit of Somalinimo has been awaken. Try to beat that, no ammount ofqabyaalad will stop us. No one can divide us today. WE ARE ONE.


And for a man that said yesterday that your outlook on the world is a clannish one, I know how much you hate anything Somali and how narrow minded your world must be in order for you to be standing here allongside people like science fiction. To be justifying the killings of Somalis.


For everyone like you from your clan there are 10 from your clan that are willing to defend Somalia against the invaders. Watch out for your own cousins,watch out for your brothers, they will deal with you, watch out for your wife.


You might justfy your actions by saying you are doing it or your clan, but we all know you are a born dabadhilif, ka amar qaata xabash.

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^^Where are these people you speak of, are you on something, there is no one fighting for the clan courts even in the areas they control let alone Puntland/ Bay and bakool.


Sxaib you have been proven wrong, if the Somali people wher against the TFG they would not hav egained an inch, thus all this shouting is doing you no good, no one is listening to the fake sermons and new bursts of nationalisam from those whp burned the flag.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Brown, the elders must have welcomed the Xabashi..

Exactly! Ragnimo iyo xiniyo lasoo tabal caarestay lee iga dheh. Where is the "Win" in that for Somalinimo iyo Muslinimo?


In any case,They are traitors and they are answerable to the SOMALI nation. Men who have no principle,who have no sense of nationalism out to grab power and rule the innocent and to bring back the warlords kicked out yesterday. They couldnt do it themselves so they use the Enemy to kill & conquer their Brothers. Brilliant idea.

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^^^Saxib, you are either ignorant or pretending to be, if there are Xabashi being welcomed in Guriceel by elders, [which is not the case] then you have no leg to stand on as you are no more nationalist than the elders of Guriceel, Dhusa-Mareb, Cadaado.

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