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General Duke

General Duke's advice to Sharif Ahmed

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1. Lead the troops, let them hear your voice and give them courage. Let the population rise up against these fanatics and their foreign terror criminal groups.


2. Let proven comanders lead the troops in every area and dont micormanage the battles. Use all your resources to give advantage to the troops.


3. Purge your office of anyone linked to IndaCade, Goobanle, Xanad Dahir and those who brought the wasteful negotiations with Yusuf.


4. Sideline, Abdulkadir Ali Omar, Omar Hashi, Ghandi.


5. Create a central command with Qaybdeed, Janagowm Saciid Dheere and yourself.


6. Use the media to attack Xasan Dahir highlight that he an old blood thirsty terrorist who was defeated in Bossaso, In Gedo and will be defeated in Mogadishu. Are the people of Mogadishu weaker than those in Bossaso?


You have lost a battle, but you have a war to win Mr President..

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Adeer my advice to the Legend and father of Puntland was in no way equal to the advice and consul you gave to illeterate Sharif Xasan to sell the sea to Kenya.. ;)

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^^ Hear, Hear.


All hail the future(Once we clear out all the qashin and zabaalah) President of Somalia: Abu Mansoor Al-Soomaali:




Gacmaha feeri, sida

camal :D

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Now compare that portrait of Somali Honour and this illustration of the lowest Gun'nimo possible:






Those are the competing visions in Somalia today. And the pictures need no commentary. They are self-explanatory speaking a thousand words all by themseleves.

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