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Interview With ONLF Captives

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Ninka Cabdi Iley ah ee Admiral Maxamed Cumar Cismaan diiday inuu Cismaan'ka ugu yeero, inuu ciyaal intuu soo ururiyo wareysto waxba lama aha!. :D

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The captives are indeed from the ONLF group that arrived. Hassan Bossaso led the group that didn't manage to pass safely. All they got is this four men. We have confirmed 6 others were killed. We will update as we get more clarity on the situation.


Actually, a second day fighting started around Arabi, not far from where the original fighting took place. It may be the case that the rest of the 100+ men may be trapped in the Golis mountains. But in terms of casualties, all we heard is 6 so far. Reinforcements have moved to the area to help the guys. We hope we will hear good news soon.




Ninka dhaawaca waraysanya waa Bashe Cabdi Mubaarag, waa bareer-ibrahim. Nin iska caadi aha ayuu ahaan jiray, waan yaabanahay waxa heerkaa gaadhsiiyey. Shirkii rer-I.s.a.q na isakaa ka nagnag lahaa. Mar ayuu jabhada raacay early in 1994-5 oo qaybta saadka ahaan jiray, laakin wuu xamili waayey oo wuu soo laabtay withing months.


Midda kale, miyaan kuu sheegay in the editor of Cakaaranews, Guled Casowe (isaguna waa jilibkeena, waa bah-i.i.door) Ina-iley uu gacantiisa ku garaacay last week oo uu dharbaaxo kala daalay. Website ayuu password'giisa keen ku yidhi ka dib markii uu shaqadii warfaafinta ka eryey, dabadeena wuu isku adkeeyey, sidaa ayaa markaa keentay in la garaaco.

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Ina-iley uu gacantiisa ku garaacay last week oo uu dharbaaxo kala daalay. Website ayuu password'giisa keen ku yidhi ka dib markii uu shaqadii warfaafinta ka eryey, dabadeena wuu isku adkeeyey, sidaa ayaa markaa keentay in la garaaco.

That says it all!!

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^Lol, yaa wax garaacay ma ina-ilay ayaa lagaraacay mase isagaa wax garaacay.


Meesha kaa laandheeri miyaa kasocota.


This Iley guy, as A&T puts it, is truely clanist and big time dhabaqoodhi.

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Kuunka, Ileyga waa madax ku sheega gobolka, so waxa wax garaacayo waa un isaga, CakaaraNewsna waa the mouth-piece of his maamul ku sheeg, so nothing to expect there!

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^Seen, cakaaranews website more like dayniile, is Iley's website who claims the Madaxwaynaha of the Somali region. What a laugh!


The webiste is full of vulgar, bad graphics, lies and anti-journalistic stunts and what not... utter rubish, but sadly that has become the lifeline of our secessionist residents in SOL. Shameful!

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:D One of the captured ****** says "policeka markaan isu dhiibnay baan nidhi kuwan afkii ******KA ku hadli maayaane". Dameerka xun marka la interview gareeyo waa la dilaa isna ****** iyo waxaan loo dirsan buu ka sheekayni

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Abtigiis, bah-idoorka markaad tiri, waxaan u qaatey kuweena Xiingalool dega.


Sheikh Atam iyo Golis Mountain-kiisa could be the "contagion effect" though a big political boost for the ONLF, methinks.


At least there's link since the Monitoring Group had long accused him of supplying arms and munitions to the ONLF. And thus Ethiopia soon jumped on the puppet admin of Puntland to do something immediately.. I even posted that 2008 report

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Originally posted by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa:

^Seen, cakaaranews website more like dayniile, is Iley's website who claims the Madaxwaynaha of the Somali region. What a laugh!


The webiste is full of vulgar, bad graphics, lies and anti-journalistic stunts and what not... utter rubish, but sadly that has become the lifeline of our secessionist residents in SOL. Shameful!

It aint different from GaroweOnline and AllPuntland. Mouthpieces of Puppet administrations. Both Iley and Faroole report to their lord, Meles.

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Originally posted by Siciid1986:

One of the captured ****** says "policeka markaan isu dhiibnay baan nidhi kuwan afkii ******KA ku hadli maayaane". Dameerka xun marka la interview gareeyo waa la dilaa isna ****** iyo waxaan loo dirsan buu ka sheekayni

Miskiin. You think the guy is giving interview without being given advice on what to say. Iley is shrewd. Two things in his head. One, ninkani waa reerka oo in la dilo ma rabo. Not when he is a cpative. If that puts Iley in good face, so be it. But I know Iley enough. Two, the emphasis on the "I.doo.r" word is strategic.


Iley wants to get the sympathy of O' clan by branding himslef as anti "I". I can't say it is entirely foolish, given that it has given him some dividends at Jigjiga level.


That prisnoer might just escape death by doing what he was told to do and uttering the "I" word, repeatedly. The other one said something along that line too.

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