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Quraan Is Protected By Allah SWT!

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The Quraan is the everlasting Message that came to us from Allah SWT after all other Divine Revelations were altered to fit nthe whims of mankind. As a Mercy, Allah SWT sent down the Quran, the Final Testament, complete and eternal.


I will start this thread with an old discussion from Somalinet with a brother who asked me about the meaning of an ayah, today, the meaning of that aayah has more significance than ever, so let us share our thoughts on this old discusion:



Salaama Aleikum


Bro Nur, couple days ago while we were praying Fajer prayer Imam recited this verse.

" Waqaala Rasuulo Yaa Rabi ina Qownii Takhaduu Haadal Qur'aana Mahjuuraa" so what that abandon Prophet talking about? May Allaah make for you to explain us.






Dear Brother Ahmed Jama


I pray Allah reward brother JB look the verse up in Ibnu Katheer, I usually rely on Imam Abu Jaafar Al Dabari for Tafseer as he is the oldest, and respects the way people think differently by narrating all that is said then weighs them and selects the explanation that best supports the other ayaats, Tafseer ul Quraan bil Quraan.


The hijraan or abandoning of Quraan takes many forms, I would like to begin with an athar that I lost the line of narration. The gist of this athar is:


Anyone who does not make khatam al Quraan within thirty days has abandoned Quraan, and anyone who makes khatam Al Quraan in less than three days does not get Fiqh or understanding.


Forms of Hijraan abandoning:


1. Not reading Quraan


2. Not accepting its teachings (like a sister who finds unreasonable to wear hijab, a brother who sets his alarm watch to sound past Fajr, A leader who finds applying sharia offensive to christians and so on)


3. Not taking the time for tadabbur by thinking about about its endless treasure of ideas ( Al Imraan, "Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth there are signs for those with clear minds (ulul albaab)"


4. Not struggling to make it the basis of our life and communities.



second post continuation of answer:



Ahmed Jama


The Hijraan of Quraan has too main meanings. In my last posting I only discussed one of the meanings, that narrated by of Ibnu Abbas which is popular in most tafaaseer connoting the meaning of abandonment .

The other meaning in the Arabic language which Brother JB has briefly mentioned by narrating the verse " Do not listen to this Quraan rather make noise to make it hard for others to understand" which was the tactic of Quraish during the arrival of Pagan pilgrims to makkah while the propphet was making dawa. So Quraish resorted to this scheme by making loud noises in order to confuse the pagan pilgrims not to hear the message.


This tactic is still going on, read your daily newspapers Radio and TV.


The meaning of Hajara in suuratul muminoon,

" Mustakbireena bihi Saamiran Tahjuroon" ( while you are too arrogant and proud to follow Quraan, you say bad thigs about quraan. Here TAHJUROON means the root of the word HAJR which means HADAYAAN or when a sleeping person talks unintelligible talk, or a crazy person speaks.


Qureish, were too proud to obey the prophet SAWS, so in their night clubs or gatherings (saamiran) they attacked the Quraan with ****** accusatons similar to the unintelligible talk of a sleepy person .


Now we conclude the meaning, ( My people have taken this Quraan as an object to attack with foolish remarks) is the second meaning.


Both this meaning and the last one are vividly rich in describing what is going on against Quraan and the people who carry Quraan in their hearts today in our surroundings.



Quraan is a book of Barakah, meaning abundant good, overfolowing knowledge and increasing horizons of wisdom, there are secrets to discover, and lofty goals to reach, because every Barakah in this world that one can attained in this life and the next can only be reached by following the guidance of the Quraan. Likewise, every misery, and worry are the result of keeping Quraan out of sight and mind.



What the Quraan says about the Quraan


1. Quraan is a healing and Mercy


" And we reveal (portions) of the Quraan which are a cure and mercy for the believers, (while) it does not add to but more of a loss for those who do injustice" Suurah Israa, 82


2. Quraan is Guidance and light


"Allah guides through (Quraan) those who follow his pleasure, peaceful paths, helping them scape from darkness toward light" Suurah Maaedah, 16


3. Quraan is Good News


" This Quraan does indeed guide towards the rightest (0f every issue), and breaks good news to the believers who are busy doing good deeds, that they have (indeed earned) a great reward" Israa, 9


4. Quraan is Wisdom


" And hence we recite for you some of the verses and the wise reminder" Suurah Aal Imraan, 58


5. Quraan is a counsel


" Counsel (them) with Quraan he who is fearful of my (punishment)promise" Suurah Qaaf, 45


"O people, an advice from your Lord has indeed been delivered to you (which is) healing for your consciuosness, a guidnace and mercy for the believers" Younis 57


6. Quraan is a spirit and Life

"And so forth do we have revealed to you a spirit(revelation) of our concern" Suurat Al Shuuraa, 52



Quraan and the Sunnah on:


The importance of studying Quraan


" Say, (to the unbelievers) Allah and he who has knowledge of the Book should be sufficient as a witness(s) between us" Suurah Al Raad, 43


The Prophet SAWS said, " Best among you is he who studied Quraan and (then) teaches " Reported By Bukhaari



The Importance of the Recitation of Quraan


" Those who recite the Book of Allah, who have established regular prayers, and in private or in public have spent part of the sustenance we have provided for them, these shall (rightfully) hope for a business that will never go bancrupt" suurah Faatir 29


The Prophet SAWS said " Read the Quraan, because (Quraan) will come in the day of judgement as an advocate for his companions" Reported by Muslim


The prophet SAWS also said " the(person who) has no Quran in his inner realm, is like a destroyed home" Reported by Tirmidhi


The prophet SAWS said " Whoever reads a letter of the Book of allah, erns a Hasanah ( unit reward ), and a Hasanah will be multiplied tenfolds, I do not say ALM is a letter, rather Alif, is a letter, Laam is a letter, and Meem is a letter " Reported by Tirmidhi.




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jazakallahu khairan walaal.seconldy nuurow i am trying to find an english translation of the holy quran...which author of the english translaters of the quran will you recommend me.


thanks in advance walaal

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Sareedo sis


There are many, but the translations vary, some have commentary like Yusuf Ali, some are excellent in the translation like Mohamed Marmaduke Pikthall, and yet new ones are coming out from the Haramayn Quran Service with oficially certified translations. I would advice that you get the Yusuf Ali and Pikthall both, they compliment each other.



Devils Prosecutor


You are 100% right sis, now that you are on the Quraans side, can we agree that you become reborn with the screen name I suggested " Devils Prosecutor" with the Quraan?




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