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A Muslim lament for our collective wound.

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….May Allah bless with shahaadah for the brave fighters who perished in the hands of the enemy….



Here I post Abu Baqa’s lament for Andalusia! Arguably ICU’s recent military and political setbacks can hardly be compared to the defeat of Muslims in Andalusia, still I find Abu al-Baqa' al-Rundi’s lament quite fitting and a suitable quote for our current pain. If nothing else, it will remind us other (perhaps forgotten) defeats of historic proportions! No doubt that this defeat is very hard to swallow but if the news that’s coming from the south is something to go by, real victory remains afar from the treacherous ilk! No matter how they (or we for that matter) interpret these invents, the final chapters of this struggle are yet to be written!



Said Abu al-Baqa' al-Rundi.



Everything declines after reaching perfection, therefore let no man be beguiled by the sweetness of a pleasant life.


As you have observed, these are the decrees that are inconstant: he whom a single moment has made happy, has been harmed by many other moments;


And this is the abode that will show pity for no man, nor will any condition remain in its state for it.


Fate irrevocably destroys every ample coat of mail when Mashrifi swords and spears glance off without effect;


It unsheaths each sword only to destroy it even if it be an Ibn Dhi Yazan and the scabbard Ghumdan


Where are the crowned kings of Yemen and where are their jewel-studded diadems and crowns?


Where are [the buildings] Shaddad raised in Iramand where [the empire] the Sassanians ruled in Persia?


Where is the gold Qarunonce possessed; where are `Ad and Shaddad and Qahtan?


An irrevocable decree overcame them all so that they passed away and the people came to be as though they had never existed.


The kingdoms and kings that had been came to be like what a sleeper has told about [his] dream vision.


Fate turned against Darius as well as his slayer, and as for Chosroes,no vaulted palace offered him protection.


It is as if no cause had ever made the hard easy to bear, and as if Solomon had never ruled the world.


The misfortunes brought on by Fate are of many different kinds, while Time has causes of joy and of sorrow.


For the accidents [of fortune] there is a consolation that makes them easy to bear, yet there is no consolation for what has befallen Islam.


An event which cannot be endured has overtaken the peninsula; one such that Uhud has collapsed because of it and Thahlan has crumbled!


The evil eye has struck [the peninsula]in its Islam so that [the land] decreased until whole regions and districts were despoiled of [the faith]


Therefore ask Valencia what is the state of Murcia; and where is Jativa, and where is Jaén?


Where is Cordoba, the home of the sciences, and many a scholar whose rank was once lofty in it?


Where is Seville and the pleasures it contains, as well as its sweet river overflowing and brimming full?


[They are] capitals which were the pillars of the land, yet when the pillars are gone, it may no longer endure!


The tap of the white ablution fount weeps in despair, like a passionate lover weeping at the departure of the beloved,


Over dwellings emptied of Islam that were first vacated and are now inhabited by unbelief;


In which the mosques have become churches wherein only bells and crosses may be found.


Even the mihrabs weep though they are solid; even the pulpits mourn though they are wooden!


0 you who remain heedless though you have a warning in Fate: if you are asleep, Fate is always awake!


And you who walk forth cheerfully while your homeland diverts you [from cares], can a homeland beguile any man after [the loss of] Seville?


This misfortune has caused those that preceded it to be forgotten, nor can it ever be forgotten for the length of all time!


0 you who ride lean, thoroughbred steeds which seem like eagles in the racecourse;


And you who carry slender, Indian blades which seem like fires in the darkness caused by the dust cloud [of war],


And you who are living in luxury beyond the sea enjoying life, you who have strength and power in your homelands,


Have you no news of the people of Andalus, for riders have carried forth what men have said [about them]?


How often have the weak, who were being killed and captured while no man stirred, asked our help?


What means this severing of the bonds of Islam on your behalf, when you, 0 worshipers of God, are [our] brethren?


Are there no heroic souls with lofty ambitions; are there no helpers and defenders of righteousness?


0, who will redress the humiliation of a people who were once powerful, a people whose condition injustice and tyrants have changed?


Yesterday they were kings in their own homes, but today they are slaves in the land of the infidel!


Thus, were you to see them perplexed, with no one to guide them, wearing the cloth of shame in its different shades,


And were you to behold their weeping when they are sold, the matter would strike fear into your heart, and sorrow would seize you.


Alas, many a mother and child have been parted as souls and bodies are separated!


And many a maiden fair as the sun when it rises, as though she were rubies and pearls,


Is led off to abomination by a barbarian against her will, while her eye is in tears and her heart is stunned.


The heart melts with sorrow at such [sights], if there is any Islam or belief in that heart!

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Thanks bro, and not only for the article but for your good character and faith. You are someone when many of his fellow clansmen sold out their souls opted not to and stuck with his faith and with somalis against the odds. I have respect for you saxib and may God strengthen your faith. We need more guys like you from all somali clans.

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Spain cathedral shuns Muslim plea



Cordoba's cathedral was once a mosque

The Roman Catholic bishop of Cordoba in southern Spain has rejected an appeal from Muslims for the right to pray in the city's cathedral, a former mosque.

Juan Jose Asenjo rejected the request made by Spain's Islamic Board in a letter to the Pope.


It had asked that the cathedral become an ecumenical temple where believers from all faiths could worship.


The bishop said such a move would not contribute to the peaceful co-existence between people of different religions.


On the contrary, he said in a statement late on Wednesday, the joint use of temples and places of worship would only generate confusion amongst the faithful.


Shared use of places of worship could make sense in airports or an Olympic village, said the bishop, but not in a consecrated Catholic cathedral.


Spain's Islamic Board, which represents a community of some 800,000 in a traditional Catholic country of 44 million, argued in its plea to the Pope that such a move in Cordoba could serve to "awake the conscience" of followers of both faiths and help bury past confrontations.


"What we wanted was not to take over that holy place, but to create in it, together with you and other faiths, an ecumenical space unique in the world which would have been of great significance in bringing peace to humanity," the letter said.


World renown


The board's general secretary, Mansur Escudero, said Muslims came from around the world to see Cordoba's cathedral.


But security guards often stopped Muslim worshippers from praying inside the old mosque, he added.


The Cordoba mosque was turned into a Catholic cathedral in the 13th Century after the city was conquered by King Ferdinand III in the war to drive the Moors from the Iberian peninsula.


It is now a Unesco world heritage site.

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Indeed, Xoogsadow. Xiin is rare among all Somalis let alone any one clan. If there were more of him, we wouldn't be nose deep in this shit. :(

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Thanks for your kind words Castriyo Xoogsadow! Adeer waa la gumoobay Wallaahi! Kuwa manta nagu diganayya ee u qaba inay guulaysteen kama foga raggii Sayid Maxamed ku digtay markii gaalku jabiyey. History will be harsh on this ilk!



I don’t know how long it will take but I am certain that Ethiopia and its subordinates will be utterly defeated! Ethiopia cad hungirigeeda ka weyn bay damacday inay laqdo wayna ku go’i wallee!

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Granada’s ruler, Muhammad XII Abu ‘Abd Allah, known in the West as Boabdil, secretly agreed to hand over the city to the Christians in return for his safe passage out of Spain. As he left the city, Boabdil paused to look back at the Alhambra palace, the Generalife gardens and the rest of Granada. Stanley Lane-Poole relates Boabdil’s reaction in his classic 1887 work The Moors in Spain:


“Allahu akbar!” he said, “God is most great,” as he burst into tears. His mother Ayesha stood beside him: “You may well weep like a woman,” she said, “for what you could not defend like a man.” The spot whence Boabdil took his sad farewell look at his city from which he was banished for ever, bears to this day the name of el ultimo sospiro del Moro, “the last sigh of the Moor.”


Thus, on January 2, 1492, Muslim political sovereignty in Spain came to an end.

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Todays champions of christindom[bush and co.]are still using an old tactic of divide and rule against the Muslim masses.

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Xiin, Qof sharaf lahaa qof kale ku digto. I would have felt defeated if the characters smiling were worthy of emulation. Ilaahaan ka magan galay inaan iyagoo kale noqdo. Nothing but contempt is what they get from me.

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Kuwan wey ka daran yihiin boqoradii dadkooda iib geyn jiray.


Bal aan aragno sida loola dhaqmo ayagaa cadow shisheeye ka doorbiday mid ay isku diin, dad, dhiig iyo dhaqanba yihiin.

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May Allah bless with shahaadah for the brave fighters who perished in the hands of the enemy

Waxaa jirta nolo geeri dhaanto.....taasina waa taan maanta kujiro. Ragga maanta dhintey inagga ayaa ka xanuun badan waayo dulinimada inaggu habsatey warba kama hayaan oo way kashahiideen xaqoodiina way guteen.....ilaahay barya ineydaa dhiman idinkoonxaqiina gudan



Nin oday ah oon aqaan ayaa luggu dhahay wiilkaagii dhimey oo xabashida dagaalkeedii ayuu ku dhintey. Wuxuu yidhi, waa sidaa rabo dagaalkii 1964 kii balse maysan noqo waa alle qadartiis.

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Br. Xiin,


This event has made my faith more stronger. Because victory is not always defined on the basis of our own desire, that is, defeating those transgrasser Ethiopia)who occupied our land. On the contrary, we are winners because our hearts are with those who fought a just war in order to defend their diin and country. May Allah give thawab our Muslim brothers and sisters for sacrificing their life and wealth for His sake.

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