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Fiilo pollution

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There is an air pollution, water pollution, light pollution, noise pollution -- and then there is visual pollution.


Look at that leaning power line in the second picture, which is a recent post-war picture from Suuqa Bakaaraha. The other one too is from Bakaaraha. It is almost collapsing. Only Eebbe knows goortii la suray, probably 30 years ago, qof dib u fiiriyina maleh ka ahayn inay kor suraan anything.


They [waa ganacsatada kuwa ah] put it on anything -- electricity lines, phone lines, internet lines...


Those power lines are not only an eyesore to look at how ugly they are, it is also be very dangerous during rainy season, when a heavy downpours occur, some of those fiilooyin maasooyin iyagoo wato dhulka kusoo dhacaan because the power line is not that strong enough to hold. Maasooyinkaas dad badan ayee baabisay.


Yea, yea, you are probably wondering this is the current Soomaaliya and its reality, so what do you expect?


Those pictures tell us how the afarjeeble fat bellies do not care about their business, only u daran the short term profits. Soon or later, those power lines will give up and completely fall.

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