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Volcanoe In Sool

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Deegaan ka mid ah Gobolka Sool oo uu Volcane xoogan ka qarxa


Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa sheegaya in Volcano uu ka qarxay tuulo hoostagta gobolka Sool oo lagu magacaabo Bali Dhalaama cune .


Waxaa sida uu xaqiijiyay wariyahayaga SBC International ee Buuhoodle oo goobta ay wax ka dheceen safaro ku tagay waxaa volcano-haasi meesha uu ka dhay hoos u dumay dhul qiyaastii 15mtr square waxaana uu dhaliyay qaraxyo waaweyn oo jugtooda laga maqlay deegaano badan oo agdhowaa meesha uu ka dhacay.


Waxaan la aqoon hadii ay jiraan cid wax ku noqotay inkastoo ay halkaasi ka agdhowaayeen dad iyagu deegaan u aheyd meesha uu ka dhacay waxaana xaqiiqo ah in ay halkaasi ku nafwaayeen xoolo aad u badan oo ay lahaayeen dadka deegaanadasi.


Sida ay sheegeen dad ku sugan deegaano ka agdhow Baliga uu Volcanuhuka dhacay waxaa ay mar qura maqleen dareemeena gariir iyo guux iswata taas oo ay sheegeen in markii hore ay la yaabeen una maleeyeen dhul gariir balse daqiiqado ka hor ay dareemeen in uu wuxu ahaa Volcane qarxay.


"Waxaan mar qura meel ku beegan dhinaca Bali Dhalaamecune ka aragnay qiiq iyo Uro xoogan oo uu dhaliyay Volcanuhu, mana dareen saneyn inago markii hore waxaana moodnay Dhul gariir" waxaa sidaasi yiri mid ka mid ah dadka degen deegaan ka agdhow halka uu volcanuhu ka qarxay.


Waxay sheegeen dadka waxgaradka ah ee ku dhaqan deegaanadaas in tani aysan dhicin hada ka hor islamarkaana uu noqonayo wax ay dadka badi la fajacaan oo naxdin iyo anfariir ku ah.



Xafiiska Wararka Bosaomedia ee Garowe:-



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Maye waa Pro-SSC iyo hogaanka cusub ee Nairobi lagu soo dhisay, xitaa dhulkii baaba taageersan isbasalka siyaasadeed ee jira SSC

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The only volcano activity that is going on now in that region is shown here:




Large red triangles show volcanoes with known or inferred Holocene eruptions; small red triangles mark volcanoes with possible, but uncertain Holocene eruptions or Pleistocene volcanoes with major thermal activity. Yellow triangles distinguish volcanoes of other regions

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This picture is rubbish. Just because no western vulcanologist has mustered the guts to go to Somalia to study volcano activity does not mean this news from Sool can't be true-- which, in my opinion, is what you are inferring at, nuune.

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No, not that way, Mr Somalia, in advanced technology this century, it is in your doorstep to find out if an earthquak or volcano eruption took place.


Just neighboring Ethiopia had few volcanoes this month, and were picked up by the volcanic systems only designed to monitor at the time of the incident!


All of course, with the help of Satelites, and satelites are well positioned and orbiting within proximity close of Somalia.

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Well that maybe feasible, but quite unlikely that some satellite is roaming above Somalia solely looking for volcano activity. No one would invest such funds, to monitor natural phenomena in a country like ours.

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^^^ :D Mr Somalia, You missed the whole points of volcanic watch sxb, or me mentioning the satelites above Somalia.



The hundredhs of satelites orbiting above the earth are not only used for communication, defence and meteorology only, but for other scientific purposes too, so when I say satelites are positioned well above Somalia, I was referencing in terms of the equator sxb, the clearer, the better!



You got me now smile.gif

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Originally posted by J11:

Volcano-da ha nala hubiyo nimanyow. Ma Somaliland beey la jirtaa mise Puntland mise waa kacaanka cusubee Northland.

Armay intaba ka soo hor jeedaa ,,, :D

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