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the economic sphere of anti camelisaton mode and peace

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ASWRB. Peace and victory to all the Somali people of pure moorish and berber descent. As to what follows:


1. The bedouin Somali bLACK arabians typically fit iBN khalduns theory of civilization. We do not have the time to discuss the sociological theories of Ibn Khaldun; however, we can make a number of logical hpothesis' regarding the why SOmalis have failed to live in peace for a great deal of their existence:


1. Somali bedouin culture is prone to a winner takes all mentality. Therefore, compromise and strategic thinking ahead is always looked down upon.


b. As a consequence of B, we can say that Somali leaders and movements often go thorough periods of rebellion, extreme power and then a relative decline. I've also seen this form other studies which I have done on the Masai and Fulani people.


c. Somali movements and regimes are popular to being with. But power, zealousness and arrogances gets the better of them, leading them to be at conflict with their own people.


d. A number of Somali leaders and groups can be said to fit the hypothesis above:


1. Imam Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Al Ghazzali defeated the Ethiopian state, amassed a great deal of territory and largely realised his goals. However, he made one of the most strategic and military blunders of African history by attempting to take over Ethiopian territory as far as Axum. He should have settled for his relative gains. The Mad Mullah can also be said to have made the same error. So did the ICU in 2006 when they threatened neighbouring countries. So did the Marxist regime. 2010 Islamists?


All in all, the Somali folks in the diaspora should practice fishing, meditation, avoid argumentation over politics, take anger management classes, stay off benefits,avoid bad diets and try to bring Somalis at home into the economic sphere of anti camelisaton mode. The meaning of this is that the Somali culture is extremely prejudiced, and many groups such as fishermen, hunters, unarmed people, women,children and labourers. All of the aformentioned groups are looked down upon and instead the alpaha somali male, the camel herders, who have been politically and economically stagnate for centuries are promoted as the vanguards of Somali culture.Such a phenomoena can be seen from the name of this forum and imagery which used to symbolise somalis.




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